Senator Craig controversy continues.

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by newman, Oct 15, 2007.

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  1. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    IS he guilty of being gay or not?This controversy continues to be in the headlines.What he did in the bathroom would make anybody wonder about his intentions.Pleading guilty,and turning around saying that he wants to change his plea to not guilty also brings suspicion.Statements about resigning,then turning around and refusing to do so doesn't help his character either.Several other statements go back and forth as well.I don't know if he is really guilty or not of being gay.Actually I really don't care about that as much as my concern about senators being wishy-washy.I could go on and on about all this but you can surely surmise the rest. I might take a quess that Senator Craig is actually guilty of being gay.I would appreciate your thoughts concerning this matter.Do you ever think our U.S. senators will ever get their act together,and take their jobs seriously? Just being honest and trustworthy would matter alot more than this issue.Yet Craig himself says repeadly he isn't guilty.
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think that the wording of this is inherently wrong. How can someone be guilty of being gay? I am assuming you mean lewd acts in a public toilet. That is illegal, but the genders of those involved is irrelevant. Homosexuality has been legal for quite a while.
  3. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    umm...i don't like how people are saying "guilty". Your not guilty for being GAY! Its like comparing homosexuality to MURDER. gosh...

    I don't really care, he should just fess up. I doubt it was for toilet paper. Its called a simple gesture and ASKING.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Well, the problem with fessing up means he's lied to everyone including his own home life and all.

    There's no crime with being gay. However, there is a crime with misleading and getting married, faking out that you are something you are not etc and also being a hypocrite who advocates things against gays while being gay. I find it disgusting. It's the same thing this preacher named Ted Haggard did and it'd be nice if people would just fess up from the beginning to not be a faker and a liar. That is what makes people mad...

    except those that vote for people based on marriage, heterosexuality, and religion. There are too many people that consider these an important staple so that those in office 'reflect' who they are while others could give a crap less. You won't get the old people's votes to be in any office if you are gay barely. A politician in Florida had a sex change and they removed him (who became a her) from office because they said they did not vote on the person now there.

    In the end, I could care less if the guy is gay or straight, but he should just come clean about it. If people want more 'gays' in office etc, we need to start showing it is acceptable for them to be there and vote because the next generation is what is going to matter sometime. The sad thing is the old people well outnumber us so we are going to have fights to make it so the same white bread, family man, Christian person isn't the only way we are represented. Others do get in there but they are the vast minority. We need people that will just be 'real' and have the qualifications for the job and we as regular voting people need to start voting for them as any show up. That way we get true representation of who we are, and we also stop senators etc from feeling they have to -lie- to do a job they want to. It's the only way I see to fix these messes as they happen.
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