Scientology Protests from the Perspective of the Church

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Advent, Mar 17, 2008.

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  1. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
  2. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Wait, are you saying Scientology is evil, or Anonymous?

    Anonymous is the evil one here, because they're not letting people have their beliefs and live the way they want. Scientology isn't evil, just messed up and scammy.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Anonymous being evil is completely arbitrary and entirely based on opinion. Neither side is evil or good. They're just attacking back and forth between truth and untruth, that's it.And I really laugh when people say they aren't "letting people have their beliefs." You know, that is great. You can absolutely have your belief. But Scientology claims it's a religion, but it MAKES you pay thousands of dollars for courses that aren't even remotely legit. After all...Religion is free, knowledge is free. This is basically all anonymous is exposing. If you really knew anonymous you'd understand it isn't about what or who you believe in. Just, you shouldn't have to pay to believe in something, which is the general subjective action scientology constantly engages.
  4. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    You know, there are probably people who think that Scientology is good for you, and that the money is being spent wisely. It is not your place or Anonymous' place to insult people in this way.
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I never said that anyone at all disliked Scientology; of course there are individuals who think it is worth it. But that is not the point. It is the principal of the thing: why should anyone have to--by no choice in the matter--pay money just to be a part of the religion?Of course they might think, "Hey, that money was so worth it!" But that's only because it worked for them. Just like how people think that religions such as Christianity work for them: because it gives them results; whereas not everyone feels the same way. I only said "aren't legit" because the majority (I mean a LOT more) of the people who coursed in this have been pretty disappointed. And for a funny story, my parents were part of it once. My mom had to escape from there because they had her on camera's and monitored her almost every hour of every day. I agree that attacking them is wrong, but what has to be understood is they are attacking primarily because Scientology has caused many individuals to go bankrupt, become depressed, and in some cases, to die. You can wiki that or google it and you'll find out a lot about it. And who said I was insulting people? I wasn't patronizing anyone. I was merely speaking about the reality of this particular topic going on between anon and Scientology.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    As much as I don't want to stir the kettle here, I have to say any zealot organization is a threat regardless of the 'religion'. I don't mean to refute you here but Scientology, though it takes a ton of money from people, is not the only religion that does it. Just about every religion does. I'm sure those priests, fathers and all deserve those super nice cars and houses at the same time as poor Christians donate money on plates which they assume are going to help others less fortunate and fix the church. Good people waste tons of money that goes into pockets of televangelists and religious organizations all of the time and people make money off of religion, period. People of any religion go bankrupt. And all of them can be cultish as well when you have zealots running around. Should we forget about the people who refuse to teach evolution in school, have their kids walk out of school for any infraction they believe is against God while at the same time telling other kids they are going to Hell for not believing as they do? Should we forget about all the problems some zealous groups have against gays, females, ethnicities, etc and all sorts of other issues that just don't matter to the -logical- minded person? Scientologists are weird, and I have yet to really meet one that does not act with a superiority complex, but I've met plenty of people who are of any 'religious' background that are the same way.

    I do not know if I mind so much what Anonymous does, even though going extreme is wrong. I do think that Scientology is very wrong for making people -pay- for stupid information and keeping a conspiracy going. They made themselves a victim by having such policies. In the end, any zealot organization deserves to be exploited and investigated fully. I also don't sympathize much when people of Scientology whine that they 'can't believe in what they want'. Of course they can. What Anonymous did was give people a deeper look into it that are wanting to know what is going on. So, I do blame Scientology for putting themselves in the scene in the first place. I do think though that people are being harsh on Scientology as well though in saying it's so wretched and worse than anything else out there. Fundamentalists of any religious group make it look very bad and no one is trying to abolish other religions for such actions. I am rather torn on whether Scientology should not have the same respect or be torn asunder because it seems unfair one religious fanatical group is attacked while others continuously dodge the law often and are making money off others and brainwashing too.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Hmm, I can see what you're saying. I suppose that most religions to require you to pay money regardless, not just Scientology. I mean, I knew that from the start, I only single out Scientology on this issue because it's completely mandatory you pay in order for assistance for anything in almost every aspect of the theism.

    I was just separating it from most others, because, like with Christianity for example, you can pray and be saved and not spend a dime. Which is the idea of being free about your religion. This could be interchangable with Scientology...but I doubt anyone freely lives every day seriously thinking they're a Thetan.

    And I wasn't really trying to reference other problems outside the economic circle with religion here. I guess I can't see how that is completely relevant to this...but meh. lol

    I should probably look into this more. I was going to post a rebuttal but now I think it's just a little better to look into it more.

    I agree. I think that the only reason Scientology is fundamentally different from most other religions is because it has almost 0 to do with astrology (like some other major religions). That probably has to do with the dude who made it was a total sci-fi writer, though. lol
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Scientology is just odd. I do find it funny it came around totally from a sci-fi writer. I do agree that it is wrong to charge people for every little thing of the theology and did get what you meant. I just had to point out that it seems any religion sucks away money from people and fundies in it always cause problems for anyone else. I do not buy into Scientology at all and find the little conspiracies crap they have going on are lame. What I suppose bothers me is that people actually -do- spend the money on it and back it enough to do such odd things and it is merely a created thing from the mind of one man and a few books. It makes me wonder, but then all religions do. I do think though Scientology is going to continue to be challenged because of the way it does business and likes to give secrets out in the way they do. I keep waiting for the day when some ex-Scientologists step out of the religion and come forward to tell us finally what the heck they are paying for. I want in on these alien conspiracy things!
  9. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Well I meant Scientology is an evil organization. I have no problem with them believing what they want, however the money they charge and the fair game policy are restricting basic human rights.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Okay but how? People -choose- to believe in this crap and donate money. That's their personal choice. It's like someone spending money on gambling. They are doing it to themselves. I'm not trying to say I like Scientology here but maybe even if it sounds cold here...people do not have to grow up to be Scientologists. It is not a dominating religion in the world. These people give their money and all to learn secrets that a sci-fi writer made up. It's their choice. Absolutely the only people I feel sorry for in any of this is the children who get stuck and don't want in this crap. Of course, I feel the same way about any children forced into a belief they don't want.

    I am also not seeing how it is restricting basic human rights except by dominating parents who might try to force the junk on kids. For others, they choose to do this to themselves. It's no different than people that would whip themselves to bleed over religion and repentance they thought. Some people, you just have to figure, are kind of masochistic or really not using their heads if they decide to give up their basic human rights.

    If you want to talk about giving up basic human rights...There are girls ages 10 to 16 at least that get sold like crazy on a black market for sex places in India. The police also tend to cover it up because prostitution is a huge seller there and mostly girls are taken from the small villages. The reason this is gotten away with is because the way people think there, which is also brought on by some sides of Hinduism and also the fact that poor people are on the low end of the totem poll...and girls are worse because they owe dowries before they can be wed. Sometimes girls are sent away to work and they get kidnapped from these jobs and sold into slavery for sex. They also never see anything of what they 'earn' from being raped continuously and held in small rooms to make sure no one knows but the well paying customers who want girls instead of woman prostitutes at madam's houses. Hinduism and the culture demands women must marry with a dowry so girls are screwed and not as valued as boys. Another thing about talking about losing human rights...some women marry men in India and there have been cases of men killing off their wives by throwing them in the stove. Then they will remarry to get another dowry. This is of course murder, but because of the view of women and girls, these hideous crimes happen and these girls have little hope except for some activist groups that try.

    That to me is losing basic human rights so I am a bit confused why you say this. Can you explain? Scientology is voluntary for the most part. These people live in a culture like this. I could give at least 15 other examples of people that live very poorly and I feel they have nothing just because they were born into where they were.
  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    One of the basic under-lying policies of Scientology is the destruction of democracy. Hence why in Germany it is under surveillance by the secret service because it is considered to be a terrorist organisation.

    Most of Europe doesn't even recognise it as a religion. It's much more of an business than anything else. A business that exploits peoples search for truth and meaning in life in order to make large sums of money off of them.

    Lol, one of my friends told me recently that him and a few other people had thought that my parents were Scientologists for quite a while xD Needless to say, I was thoroughly insulted >_>
  12. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Well I can't argue with that. You are 100% correct that they completely and willingly joined the Church, however the fair game policy is what I was mainly trying to stress. For anyone who doesn't know, the main controversy of Scientology isn't the questionable beliefs or the high "donations" they pay, but the fair game policy. If you leave the church, the higher-ups will initiate fair game against you. This can lead to a number of things, I'll explain the more common ones. They will usually use any records on you they can find to expose your dirty laundry to the world. They'll put up posters in public areas and spread rumors that aren't even in the records and completely ruin your life. As I said, there are other things that happen, but this is the most common example, and one of the worst. Also, some people are born into Scientology because their parents were members of the Church. If they want to leave, this could be their fate. It's the parents' fault for joinging in this case, not the child. Like you said, it would be just because they were born into what they were.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Ah, now I get what you mean. I do think Scientology is very bad with this. In other religions of areas if you leave you face ostracizing and belittlement but it is from family and/or peers. In Scientology, you are right, higher ups do interfere and mess with them. I would believe the major reason for this is probably to keep the conspiracy going because if it doesn't and someone who invested a lot into the classes 'knows too much' and it would take away their whole money scheme. I do see now where you are coming from and I would agree with you that is very wrong.
  14. ConfusionGrenade Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 1, 2007
    There's more to scientology than just scamming. Or, there's a lot more to the scam then meets the eye.

    Google Lisa Mcpherson, Operation Snow White, Operation Freakout, Rehabilitation Project Force(RPF) and fairgame policy.

    Educate yourselves, or no one else will.
  15. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Well I beleive in teh church and at teh same time I beleive in Science but it's just that the church has like impossible beliefs about many things like Jesus ressurrected or jesus healing 5,000 or feeding 5,000. Scientists think it's just fake and thinks it's all lies. Just wished that it would settle soon.
  16. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Scientology doesn't necessarily involve scientists. It actually has little scientific support xD. But anyways, its a religion that scams people, it's not a scientist organization.
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