As I said on YT, it's plain AWESOME =3. I can't really critique anything... ...Though (if I must XDD...Ima end up contradicting myself here...) you might want to try putting in more effects or flashes to match the beat rather than just scene changes ;D. You did some of both, but it was mostly scene changes (I really shouldn't be saying this since I do that so much XDD)... It's up to you though, the finished product will look awesome either way! Looking forward to it =D. Btw, I really think it's fine the way it is, I just can't find anything to CnC XDD...-Stunned by the awesomness-
Thanks Stardust... again, 8D I was thinking of adding in more flashes aswell, but when I tried it, I almost had a sezieur, XD. Well, that and it really made Windows Movie Maker really lag... which totally sucks. >_> Thanks for the critique though! ^^