Role Play Idol [Season One] Challenge #5 VOTING.

Discussion in 'RP Idol Archive' started by Jayn, Sep 24, 2011.


Who stays?

  1. Marushi

  2. Tummer

  3. Chesterfield

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    And the winner is...

    Congratulations to the amazing Bushy! He was able to win the judges' vote for immunity. You are immune from this voting session.

    Go to the challenge thread for your critiques--eventually, as they are being written.


    You guys were awesome. It was nice to see how you all ended it with only five posts each, and you all did generally well. Two people will be voted off this time, so vote carefully. At this point, I would like to ask that only people in the competition vote. No handicaps.

    What is this?

    While we have a winner (who is immune from this poll), we also need to eliminate someone. In this voting session, we'll be voting off TWO people. You're voting for who you think should stay, and you MUST post in this thread with a valid, detailed critique/reason WHY. There is no voting for yourself. I'll restate my original rule which is be fair about it. Please do not vote for your friends because they're your friends. Please refer to the sign ups thread for more information on voting. (Though, you should have read it already.)

    You are REQUIRED to vote. You are REQUIRED to read ALL of the other contestants posts. You are REQUIRED to give a reason why.

    If you're in the bottom (least amounts of votes), the judges and I will decide who stays and who goes. TWO will be leaving this time around.

    If you need extra help, the judges will be critiquing each role player in the main challenge thread.

    If you're just following the competition, but you've not entered in it as a contestant, you can vote too. But you're still required to follow the same rules and give a valid reason. If I feel your (or anyone elses) reason is not detailed enough, I will call you out on it. c: (You guys can do the same to me if I seem vague)

    Members who have yet to vote...

    Bushy Brow - Izzy Kumo [m] + Ilia Kumo [f]

    Marushi - Lance [m] + Kara [f]

    theonly9one - Heather [f] + Brad [m]

    Tummer - Hannah [f] + Luis [m]

    Happy role playing. :]
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I vote for Chesty again.

    Her posts were just incredible (well, so were the others) but she had to adapt to so much that I did and vice versa, and being able to adapt like that is good.
    I love how Brad was in particular during this piece, and his reactions to the demoniacal Izzy were pretty incredible. Also the mentions of our secondary characters in this just felt very personal so it was a great partnership.
    It was always easy and fun to respond to her. We just seemed to find that we could read each others ideas and intentions in our posts without even talking to each other about it prior (which I was surprised to learn after said posts lol)
    Anyway, those were my reasons. But again, this was another tough choice for me.
  3. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    I voted for Chester because even though Tummer did AMAZING, I really liked Chester's posts just a little better. I can't say why, it's hard to tell. Like I said, you both did great.
    lol, honestly, I don't expect to get through this round. I tried, but I just couldn't get into it. Oh well. I made it to the top four, and I'll definately try again another time.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Aww, crap, looks like I'm not going to make it to the next round. Oh well; I wish the best of luck to Bushy and whoever his opponent is going to be (most likely Chester).

    My vote goes to Marushi. She really gave me a lot to work off of for my posts. I didn't expect her to lean me into the direction that we were going for, but she left a lot of stuff open to aid me.
  5. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Oh wow, you judges don't make this easy for us, do you? Always picking the one I would've voted for...

    This was an incredibly hard decision, but I ended up with Marushi. Overall, her posts have been consistently good, and this time they were so much fun to read, and her character was great (what can I say, I'm partial to complete psychopaths!)

    Tummer, I just wanted to say that your posts have been really great too, and I've really enjoyed everything you've done (especially the last challenge 8D). But my guts telling me to go with Marushi, so that's what I'm gonna do.
  6. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    No hard feelings dude; trust me. I'm surprised that I made it this far to begin with, and it's always been fun. Great job everyone! I hope to see you all in the next go around.
  7. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Oh, wow, I actually have a chance of moving on? :=D:Talk about unexpected! I'm glad you all liked my posts, I personally thought everyone else's were so much better!
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It was a really tough decision. You've all done amazingly and you've made it this far, yay.
    Unfortunately, only one of you is moving onto the next--and final round.

    The judges have discussed it and decided the Chesterfield will be the one to progress onto the final round. Congratulations to her, and to all of you who made it this far. Thank you for being so patient and understanding, and I hope to see you guys in Season Two!
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