Resident Evil 6 Demo

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jiηx, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Well anyone who owns Dragons Dogma can play the demo, and I know it's been about a week since it's release but I'm slow so shut up.

    I think the demo does a good job showing off different aspects of the game whilst allowing you to play as all 3 parties.

    Leon and Helena get the setting part, showing off the atmosphere of the more destroyed and infected parts of town, the horror of the whole outbreak.

    Chris and Piers get the action, hordes of infected to fight off whilst traversing through their level, partner assisting and all.

    And Jake and Sherry get a boss fight, which really is to test you've got the controls down and to let you polish your dodging.

    I'm with the part of the fanbase who agrees RE4 and RE5 are bad RE games, but good action survival and co-op in RE5's case, and I think RE6 will be a welcome addition to the new direction the series has taken, but I understand how the classic die hards will still hate on it due to not being what they grew up on.

    Anyone else play it?