Alrighty, so I am in a relationship, and no there is nothing wrong within the relationship I just have a simple question. And I guess it mainly goes out to the guys but yeah. Alright so, when my boyfriend and I are together, I normally wait for him to extend his hand for me to come sit with him or hold hands, etc. Although while waiting, I normally contemplate in my head just going to sit etc. without him reaching out. Now the question is, should I act or wait to be invited? Do guys prefer when girls do that kind of stuff? I know this may sound like a strange question, it's just something I would like advice on.
It's really a matter of opinion on this one. Like with me, I'm as dense as they come. If the girl doesn't really act first, I won't catch on to anything and I'll let it blow by. But if he really likes you, this shouldn't be such a big deal. I'm sure he'd love all that stuff even more if you did it without waiting for his permission. But don't do it every single time. Just if you feel like you want to be next to him, be next to him.
The two of us have actually expressed the love feeling to each other already, so I would hope he does like me, ha. I always really have the feeling of wanting to be beside him because I do love him. Thank you for your advice, I will try to play things up a bit.
Try talking to him about this. See what he thinks. You don't want to end up making him feel uncomfortable(although I don't see how that would happen, but still). It's good to seek advice from others, but the best advice you can get is from him, so long as he doesn't try to exploit you(not in that way, dirty girl. :lolface:)
I will talk to him about it. Thanks for your advice, it has been bugging for the last few times that we have seen each other. And we don't get to see each other that often so I like to take adventage of it (not in that way). And of course I did think of it in that way.
hero is right the best thing to do is talk to him for one if you talk to him it will make him think that you trust him more with your feelings which will make you closer and two talking to him will always get the right answer he wants other people can help but we can never get the perfect answer only you and him can together, but in a persanal opinoin i would say move forwould your self this will make him feel that you don't need to be asked for you to be close