Question Time Question Time with Calxiyn!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Plums, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Question Time with...


    A couple of guidelines before you begin..

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still KHV, which means that you must not use this thread as an excuse to berate or harass the Question Time participant. That being said...

    2 - ...The Question Time participant does not have to answer all of the questions.

    3 - The Question Time participant must maintain some level of activity within this thread. Don't leave all of your questions unanswered. You're in the spotlight, baby, so shine!

    4 - Give the Question Time participant some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Remember that they are in the spotlight for at least one week, so do not feel the need to barrage him/her with a lengthy list of questions all at once.

    And now that you have read the rules, you may ask away!~

  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    1. First and current impressions?

    2. How did you come across Hamilton?

    3. Something that you like that's related to something you don't like (ex. "I don't like anime but I like Naruto")?
  3. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Impressions on Impressionism?
    Can you do an impression of your favorite character?
    Impress some wisdom on us?
    Most impressive impression you've ever seen?
    when will square do hunchback right?
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    : O
    1. The furthest in time first impression I can remember is when you were on the Podcast ( I think it's this one, but I was sort of like "Eh, this guys cool" and when you were talking about Sweeney Todd that turned into "This guy's my new best friend, I knew someone in this site liked musicals!"

    2. My Dance Director and Vocal Director at my acting school played 15 seconds of 'Satisfied', and based on those 15 seconds I bought the whole track with no knowledge about it at all.

    3. I don't like Riot but I like League of Legends I don't like Pop Music but I like Taylor Swift

    1. PLUMS you're like the silent but funny character-type and you should talk more when we have you on the podcast. Also best staffie, but don't tell the others they'll get jealous : P

    2. I can draw stick people and Kingdom Hearts related things but that's about it tbh so I have no right to judge any kind of art.

    (I'll come back to three later when I have my microphone at home).

    4. If you have a lot of stuff going on and want to vent or you're having a lot of trouble, don't be prideful and just go to your guidance councilor. One day when you're looking for your entire semester notes for your exam and realize you threw them all out because you decided you're going to shave your head and live with the Amish, you're going to thank me. Don't let it come to that (Obviously I'm exaggerating a bit lol: Cal's life lesson: Go to guidance, don't be scared.)

    5. I think it was @Ars Nova I saw do a Mickey Mouse impression? I've seen lots of people on KHV do Mickey Mouses'. @Krowley does good impressions too.

    6. Ikr. Petition to make a world based on the Hunchback Musical. Or how about a whole game. A Life Is Strange sort of deal, but with Hunchback.

  5. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    1. First and current impressions?
    2. Favorite new track in the Hunchback musical?
    3. Favorite non-musical Disney animated film?
    4. Favorite superhero?
    5. First starter Pokemon? (If not applicable, what's your favorite starter Pokemon?)
    6. Favorite musical you've seen in-person?
  6. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    1. This is pretty much the same for everyone on KHV but at first I was like "WOow all these people are so funny and cool *_*", so basically star stuck, I think I mostly saw you in the spam zone and knew you as Highlander more then Tale Wind and I thought you were two different people. I also remember seeing your staff application, I think.

    You need to join us on the podcast though so we can talk (I'm much less awkward on the podcast that's all lol).

    2. I like Rest and Recreation even though they changed it a bit. I like that the soldiers are haunting Phoebus now, since it gives room to talk about how all 3 main male characters are haunted by voices, Esmeralda's and the Soldiers for Phoebus, literately everything for Quasimodo and then the saints and the people of the church with Frollo. I also like Thai Mol Piylas even though it's a bit changed from when I remember it, I've always liked the fact they're speaking Romani.

    3. SHREK. (... I don't know why I thought of that first), also, any Barbie Animated movie and Anastasia

    4. ...I don't really like superheros but I mean, Spiderman seems aiight.

    5. Any fire Pokemon ever. Charmander was my first I think. I killed the legendary Pokemon when I first saw it, I'm not a Pokemon Master

    6. WICKED. I've also seen Aladdin in person but Wicked was my first and honestly it was really a heavenly experience for 11 year old Cal because I love Elphaba with all my heart.

    I feel like this is a good time to say I don't have my glasses on and thus I may be spelling some stuff wrong
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    1. Of the two new confirmed KH3 worlds (Tangled & Big Hero 6), which are you more excited to explore?

    2. iPhone or Android?

    3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
  8. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    ...Now what's your favorite Disney animated film that isn't a musical? xD
  9. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female

    Tangled! Nomura wanted to use her hair as a weapon and stuff, but the ending of Tangled is her hair getting cut. I wonder if they're going to cut that out and if they do how they'll do it you know? I've always liked the idea of Tangled since I saw it. I also haven't watched BH6, so I can't talk much about it. I do like that it's an original story though that goes past the movie timeline. I'm glad they're thinking outside the box.

    I like my IPhone because it's fast and it hasn't been broken, but you can't put music or video on it as easily as you can for an Andriod. Andriod's also have an external chip.

    I would love to have instant memorization as a superpower. Maybe I'm just saying that because of my exams lol. If not that then maybe like, transforming. Then I could transform into a mermaid, and a fairy, or a dinosaur or something.

    There are Disney Animated films that aren't musicals? ._____. Atlantis is nice. It ****ed me up though after I watched it like: "Oh my god all of these people (fake, fake animated not real people, Cal), DIED in the persute of KNOWLEDGE. My poor heart.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  10. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    What is one song in a musical you enjoy (stage or film) do you think should be cut out? Like, it's a lull in the action and the show could do without it.

    Top 3 characters you'd like to play.

    Worst movie you've seen directed at your demographic.
  11. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town

    How was your day?

    Do anything fun recently?
  12. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    1. Impressions?
    2. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life what would it be and why? sims incoming?
    3. Worst game you ever WANTED to play (that way this actually has meaning instead of just looking up "x" terrible game and trying it out of strict curiosity)
  13. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    1. Raincoat of Love from Fun Home. It just felt kind of out of place and I think that it's better gone then included lol.

    2. Elphaba, literately any Disney Princess, and Jekyll from Jekyll and Hyde.

    3. I don't really watch movies lol, but I have seen trailers for this:
    I just, I don't understand the appeal but I'm assuming this is directed at teens? I don't know lol.

    1. I see you in the Spamzone a lot when I lurk in there and I think you're really funny.

    2. Well, there wasn't any question that I didn't know on my Bio Exam, which either means I studied the wrong answers or I got mostly everything right. I'm pretty sure it's the second. I'm happy because that's the hardest one and even if I failed all my other classes exams I'd still pass ^_^. Now I can stay home and play League all day- I mean, do... housework...

    3. I got back our KHV Seahorse from my Bio Teacher. Sheldon-Jeffery (The Voidling) Augustus Hamilton is safe at home. But I think he's tired (run out of battery) because he isn't moving :c

    1. I'm pretty sure I'm lowkey you're biggest fan lol.

    2. Kingdom Hearts 3. I think I'd die if I couldn't play that lol. But if that doesn't count cause it doesn't really exist yet, then it would probably either be League or Sims. I don't see League dying any time soon but then again there's always that worry that something that's multiplayer one day won't have enough people to support it existing anymore, so Sims is safer. Sims never dies, and there are tons of challenges for it, even though I haven't played Sims in like, a year lol.

    3. I hope I understood this right. So, apparently the Game of Thrones Telltale is one of like, the worse game of 2015 or something or at least on the list, but I love the idea and I love Telltale games .__. I don't know how it can be that bad.
  14. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    But dude, Rhythm of the Tambourine...
  15. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Um impressions?

    How is your day going so far today?

    What colour hair do you have, would you dye it and if so which colour to?

    Bananas or apples?

    If you were a fictional character, what sort of universe would you be in and what would your role be in the story?

    Do you know how to build a raft?

    Why are you so awesome?

    One word to describe yourself?

    I hope these questions are satisfactory~
  16. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    what is your real name

    do you like me
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    1. I think I first saw you in the roleplaying section and KHV Idol, if I'm not mistaken. You always seemed pretty cool but I don't see you much anymore :C
    2. I just woke up, and I bought Slime Rancher on Steam. WHICH IS SO CUTE. I'm going to record it with Al and since my exams are over there is no more stress, so it's going to be smooth sailing today.
    3. Some people say brownish blonde, some people just say blonde. That's me (On the left). I'm going to dye it blue (funnily enough with my friend Hunter, who's on the right in this picture lol) ^52A62166447ED81DD1D8464265BCEDA8DE53BF450C35AF3352^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg
    4. Apples.
    5. I would want to be in the Kingdom Hearts universe, and in place of Sora. I also want to say Life is Strange universe because TIME CONTROL, I guess, but I don't know how it ends yet so maybe I shouldn't say that...
    6. Log, Cloth, Rope, apparently.
    7. ^~^ It's because of you guys on KHV of course
    8. Passionate

    1. Cailyn, at least I think so.
    2. Yes. There isn't anyone on the site that I dislike, you guys are all great people
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    1- Impressions tho
    2- What color lightsaber would you have if you had one?
    3- Senator or Jedi?
    4- Rebel or Imperial?
    5- Are you sick of the Star Wars questions?
    6- will we ever see CALoud again?
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    1. Eyyyyyyyyyy You were probably my first friend on the site but you keep changing your username so I have no clue who you are half the time.
    2. I took a quiz, and apparently: You have a green lightsaber. You are calm and collective, always trying to find a solution instead of resulting to violence. You prefer to use the power of the force over any weapon because that is what makes you special. You chose to prepare yourself to make sure you are truly ready.
    3. Jedi
    4. I'm not really sure what this means tbh I'm not that into Star Wars... yeah... my friends hate me too it's okay.

    5. Yes ._.
    6. It's up to the brilliance @Cat~
  20. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    LE GASP I had no idea I was your first friend oh my goodness <3
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