Pokémon Generation 5: Games Revealed!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kyubi the Keyblade Master, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Kyubi the Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 11, 2008
    Well, the wait is over. The game titles have been revealed. The next games of the Pokémon Saga are...
    Note: These are not the real logos but they look amazing!
    Image source: http://azurathefox.deviantart.com/

    I'm definitely excited about this. The games are due to be released in Japan in...
    Fall 2010, which means the USA and Europe will most likely get it in Spring 2011.
    More info: http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/

    Any thoughts on this new development?
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Well, to be honest, I hated Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
    Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald were decent (though I didn't play Emerald.)
    Gold, Silver, and Crystal were my favorites and I wasn't disappointed with any of the remakes.

    The simple color names kind of give me hope, but I'm worried they're using them for complicated meanings (lack of color and full spectrum of color), but I still hope it's something good.

    I can't wait to see the legendaries. I hope they don't seem as mecha as Dalkia and Palgia or whatever their names were.
    Speaking of which, I hope that there's not a long ass list of legendaries. I mean, we started out with two huge ones (Mew/Mewtwo and Ho oh/Lugia) and a trio. But they started adding more and more. I've honestly started to lose track of who the legendaries are.

    I want a more sinister team. Galactic wasn't that bad, but I want a team where all members and their plots could be compared to leaders like Giovanni and Galactic's leader, whose name I forget. No silly grunts.

    A new HM system wouldn't be too bad.

    I really don't want new types to be added to the list of Pokemon. And I hope the pokemon aren't too simple (like a certain Beaver) or overly complicated. Zorouark or whatever seems like a cool one.

    Ah I'll have more thoughts later.

    Oh and a translation from their site said "every aspect will be innovated" or something.
    And serebii or whatever that site is claims Black and White are supposed to bring a revolution to Pokemon.

    It seems pretty big.
  3. K u r o g a n e Traverse Town Homebody

    May 14, 2009
    Malfoy Manor
    Awesome 5th Gen! 8D
    Yeah I agree with you LilBueno, it be pretty nice if it had a change with the HM system and who knows maybe voice command? XD I've been playing the remake of Silver [Soul Silver] and I'm am really impressed as to how it turned out. I have high hopes for these new versions.
  4. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Agreed. Except for Diamond and Pearl. I'm working on Diamond, and it's not so bad.
  5. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    This basically summed up what I have to say. I have to disagree with you on Diamond and Pearl since I liked both of them but Gold and Silver are still my favorite overall.

    I'm pretty sure that most DS emulators support a mic so you would be able to do voice commands. The battle system shouldn't be changed too much in my opinion. It should be improved upon but changing it completely wouldn't make it a Pokemon game anymore. It would feel weird in my opinion.
  6. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I think they'll go for a yin-yang theme to be honest.

    Anywho, I hope they don't have more than five legendaries this time. They had too many in the third gen and it's piled up with the four gens together. Though, they won't change much other than the layout and extra features I would assume. They probably won't change most of the HMs either, Cut, Fly, Surf and Strength will definitely still be there hopefully they'll come up with some new HMs instead of using stuff like Defog. I get the feeling that they'll still use the same stuff so trading from the fourth gen won't be too difficult, like what they did with Gold/Silver/Crystal when trading with Red/Blue/Yellow.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Those logo's are mock-ups. Not the real thing I'm pretty sure. Plus the artwork is too sloppy and not cartoony enough to be real. :/

    But yeh I suppose I'm looking forward to this. Still keeping my old games though in case these suck. lawl

    Here's the official Japanese logo in case anyone is interested. It's very sharp looking, which makes me EXTREMELY happy.

  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Hmm, seems their running out of colours to use. It'll be maroon next!

    Well I like the duality of the two games. I do like the idea of a yin-yang concept to it.
    And if it's true that the whole the thing will be innovated i'm liking the idea of more interaction with your pokemon, like petting them with the stylus, playing games with them and such, I found that really lacking in making me care for my pokemon.

    And true HM are lacking in creativity. Waterfall? Come on I have Surf, I should be able to get up them anyway. I think Dig should be a HM, that seems a little pratical. Or maybe Glide or Leap, something that makes you go far in the environment something, this is what the developers should think of.

    Hey, you know how they have Ruby and Sapphire and then released Emerald, are they really gonna cal it Grey version?
  9. Kyubi the Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 11, 2008
    I pointed that out in the Spoiler tag, silly. XD
    I put them in there because they're awesome.

    Anyway,more has been revealed about the game today, including a peek at the gameplay and battle system. Let me tell you, it looks absolutely stunning.
  10. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I actually like the idea of petting or scolding your Pokemon like how it was in Digimon World on the PS1. I wonder if they'd do that, cause there'd be that one kid who punches an Abra to death xD

    And they could use a HM that lets you hop over fences from the side you can't usually hop over, but have that as the dead last one. Though, it'd make the game too easy then xD

    They probably will have it be Grey, or if it is a yin-yang theme they might have some sort of word for the inbetween of good and evil but not the word neutral itself.
  11. Shadow55551 Destiny Islands Resident

    Can't wait for how great they can actually make the 3D in this game look.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    As long as I can punch a Psyduck in the head count me in. And yeah something along those lines would be great, but using the stylus as much as possible. Maybe make it like Nintendogs? Hear me out, I mean like takin your pokemon out for excersise, washing it, brushing it, feeding it and the such letting your pokemon have boosted stats depending on what you did with it.

    HMs like Gust to boost up your character to better heights, or Thunderbolt to charge up power stations that move certain doors or platforms or even use Agility to do Quick Time Events that your Pokemon has to pass in order to open up a new pathway by pulling a lever. Anything just not Rock smash!

    Has to be a colour I guess so yes Grey is likely, or add a word beforeit like Harmony Grey or Middle Grey.
  13. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I think they've realised that they need to use the stylus as much as possible, there where some things that HG/SS could use the stylus for that weren't included so if they include those and something like a care system with praise and scold things then that would probably raise the sales and fun of the game.

    I think they would use new moves if they where to change the HMs, but I like the idea of opening doors with electricity and stuff. But yeah, Rock Smash should of stayed a TM like Headbutt. To be honest in HG/SS Headbutt would of been a better HM as I think you can headbutt near enough any tree xD

    If Game Freak can program this stuff or come up with better things they'd be onto a supreme winner, they seem to love their mini-games though, no doubt we're gonna get even more mini-games this time around xD
  14. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    I like Platinum. I don't understand why there is such a big amount of D/P/PLT haters. They are good games. Better than Ruby and Sapphire. Anyway, next big news on Thursday, Pokemon Sunday was a failure today -__-
  15. demonchick25 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 22, 2007
    The place with the things and stuff
    well, it's just that they could have been done so much better. I was disappointed at the lack of touchscreen use.

    Heart Gold/Soul Silver did it better.
  16. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    I am confused as to whether I should support these games' radical overthrow of Pokemon in favour of a Communist Dictatorship or not.

    It has annoyed me immensely how people already believe the titles to be controversial through "racism"; a friend of mine has already claimed the titles to be very racist as such. They are simply a shade and a colour respectively - if society turns uneasy over such trivialities like these then I honestly hold no hope for present media.

    And one would wonder what the types for the legendaries would be, perhaps. Black is most assumed to be a Dark-type legendary, but what of White? I have seen debate on other Pokemon forums as to the creation of a Light-type; personally I would think of that as slightly ridiculous.

    The amount of Something Awful and general internet references in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum was immensely amusing.
  17. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Well, the games will have new Pokemon, so they shouldn't be THAT compatible with D/P/Pt & HG/SS. At the most, they could probably do a Time Capsule thing like they did in the original Gold and Silver. You could trade with Red, Blue, and Yellow, but you could only bring Pokemon that are from R/B/Y that only had moves from R/B/Y.

    That way, they very well could have a Light-type.
  18. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    Well, it's Pokemon, you can't expect much with the touch screen. At least the only thing i can think of, is a way to incorporate the touch screen while battling.Like in Okami, draw a line on the touch screen to use cut. I'm not saying that this would be good or bad, but you never know.

    I haven't purchased HG yet so i can't judge.

    I'm slightly disappointed with the battle screen.

    You should visit Serebii << That place has gone nuts with the racist comments. And i agree regarding the light type Pokemon. Hopefully they won't do it.

    Eeer..., you got me lost there. Care to explain...?
  19. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    DPPt were better than RSE, but they still sucked. They were just plain boring.

    Was pokemon sunday already on today?
  20. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    That would be quite fine, yes, but it is moreover the fact that there would be as much point for a "Light-type" as there would for, say, a "Sound-type". Both examples hold current moves and even Pokemon that would be compatible with such a type (i.e. Solrock and the Whismur family) but in this point I would not think of there being a need for such types.

    I have lurked Serebii and indeed, although they appear to be dying down, thankfully.

    The references? Two of the most blatant ones are certain quotes used by Team Galactic members in general internet references and the artist near Hearthome City stating "My Pokemon Is Fight" as a Something Awful reference. This is most likely due to the translator of the game being a member of said forums.

    There are a handful of other, more obscure references that I would point out in depth if this was a thread on Generation IV and not Generation V.