OOC Thread for Nytheya: Every Contract Has Its Price

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, Aug 6, 2011.

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Nytheya OOC Thread

    This thread is where we all can discuss the Story for the Nytheya RP. All Characters will be posted at the bottom of this post after they are approved by me. My assistant mod will be mrsbaggins. If you have any questions as to whether something is ok, feel free to ask either her or me. Final say, however, rests with me.

    Before you read any further, be sure to check out the actual RP Thread. You can access it via the link below:


    NOTE: This RP is for people in their late teens and above. Below I have a lot of information to look over. It may be tedious, but I believe that it will be worth it. I went all out with this RP, so I have little doubt that it will be Epic. This is a semi-serious RP. So at least skim through this please.



    1. Age 16 and up only please!

    2. Characters may switch sides if the reason makes sense.

    3. Writings should add to the RP in some way.

    4. Grammar and spelling should always be checked. If what you right is always impossible to read. You will be banned!

    5. God Modding is not allowed however major villains will be godly. There is a reason behind their multiple powers. It will be explained later. Team work is advised when facing them.

    6. No Metagaming. However some characters may end up obtaining certain knowledge of the world around them upon forming a contract with certain spirits.

    7. No Powerplaying.

    8. No Autohitting, However nobody is invincible. Expect to have your character get knocked around from time to time when facing someone new and when against major villains.

    9. No cursing, however one may come up with sayings that are considered curse words in Nytheya. They must be alright with me though. Feel free to try coming up with something to add to the sayings list.

    10. Romance is allowed however adult content is not allowed due to the site’s restrictions. Although the quick summary, explaining the cause of the Cerlin Rebellion, breaks this rule by briefly mentioning an indecent behavior, there should be nothing mentioning it nor any other content like it. It’s only there to give the world some history. Nothing else.

    11. If you are held up by a character for more than 5 days, permission is given to control that player’s character only long enough to get them out of the way. Killing is not allowed unless told otherwise. Same goes for wounding. If not in a fight, but action is crucial, permission is granted for prolong control after consulting me (just stay in character). Remember, no killing, but you are allowed to put them away in a little safe box until their true owner returns XD. If you have a reason for not posting then you may also move your character to a little safe box so as to not disturb other RPers.

    12. A Max of Four Characters (not including spirits, temporary characters, and important characters who will be more involved later). If I feel you can handle it, I will make an exception to this rule.

    13. Don’t be surprised if from time to time I throw in a new plot element into the fray. It would either be for leveling the playing field, adding a little more chaos, story progression and/or to make things a little more interesting.

    14. If you consistently violate the rules or annoy other RPers, then I will kill your characters off in whatever way I find the most amusing.

    15. PM new characters to me first so I can look through them. Only after I give you the okay, may you post them.

    16. If you are designing your first character, then make sure you’ve skimmed through the essentials (prologue, races, powers).

    17. To be allowed to play, you PM me the reason why Thayen could not harm the false king at first.

    18. I reserve the right to edit the rules allow people to break the rules if I deem it to be necessary.

    19. Have fun... or else!​


    Character Sheet

    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal. Add wraith to the end if Spirit Wraith):
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year):
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none):
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with):​



    NOTE: Any race can play as a Spirit Wraith. The Spirit Wraith Class is acts as a secondary class when creating a Character. That means you can make an Efferian human that is also a Wraith. For more details on the Wraith Class, see corresponding topic below.


    Efferians (Barbarians/Savages)-

    Many believe that the Efferians have no culture and are unintelligent. This, of course, is not true. Their culture just happens to be…. Well…. More crude than most. Known for their tall and muscular physique, the Efferians have a darkish tan skin and sport hair ranging from brown to jet black.

    Efferians believe that neither man nor woman can enter adulthood until after they survived 15 Droughts and have received their first scar in combat. Should they succeed, then they are sent to the Hellborn Caverns to vanquish a Hellfiend. After bringing back its corpse, the corpse is used to make a weapon of their choosing. That weapon will be what defines them for the rest of their life.

    If an Efferian has not achieved the above after 18 Droughts, then they are to be exiled from the Effery Mountains with an “X” branded on the back of their most used hand.

    Many Efferians fear the power of the spirits. For that reason, they don’t take kindly to Contractors that wander into Efferian territory. And by don’t take kindly I mean chop off their heads. Efferian Contractors are not unheard of, just very rare.

    Efferians have a knack for surviving in the wild and are vicious fighters. It is said that, “Efferian fistfights never start with punching. First they grab your head, slam it against a wall, and then they start pummeling your face with their fists.” ​

    Asani Riders-

    An Asani is an intelligent horse like creature that is covered in a soft feathery-furlike coat. An Asani Rider is a being who has managed to “tame” an Asani, or rather they have been chosen by one. Although any human can become an Asani Rider, the Asani feel more comfortable around females. This typically make females better riders than men.

    The best Asani Riders live in the grasslands of Desari. There, the people make a point of “taming” wild Asani. More than a third, of the Desari human population, is an Asani Rider. Asani Riders have an advantage over horse riders in that Asani are quieter, faster, smarter and fearless creatures. However, if there is one thing that Asani can’t do, it would be jumping. Horses are much better at that. In addition, horses are also stronger.​



    There’s nothing wrong with being a normal human. In fact, in some ways, it can be better. People are more likely to consider you to be less of a threat if you appear to be normal. Also, just because you are normal doesn’t mean you can’t have abilities.

    See being “normal” has its advantages. People who have never met you won’t expect for you to suddenly apply fire magic to your whip or summon a spirit beast to finish your opponent off. Best of all I’ll be more likely to approve your character since he/she will most likely not be as overpowered as non-normal characters (unless your character is a Major Villian of course). Yes being normal definitely has its perks. ​

    Fairrels (Enter the Furries – Humanlike beings with animal ears and tails):

    NOTE: Fairrels are not into using swords. They may use daggers but never swords.

    Cat Clan-

    The Cat Clan (CC) Enjoy living in the trees as well as lounging around grand cities. Besides having cat ears and tails the CC looks exactly like humans. They tend to be elegant in the way they move and are outstanding in judging distances. Like normal cats, Cat Fairrels are known for accurately leaping great distances, and they excel at climbing.

    Cat Fairrels never sit. Sitting makes them feel on edge and defenseless. Instead they like to crouch, thus making it easy for them to quickly get back on their feet when danger is near. The CC specializes in a form of martial arts that mainly utilizes kicking. Even as they fight, their movements are graceful.​

    Wolf Clan-

    The Wolf Clan (WC) is the Fairrels’ heavy hitters. They enjoy living in packs while in the wild however they have been known to live peacefully alone in towns as well. A good bunch of them co-exist with the Efferians in the Effery Mountians. For this reason, most Wolf Fairrels make a habit of not becoming a contractor. Wolfs don’t mind getting their hands dirty in a fight. They will do whatever it takes to win. Wolves are fast runners and have a good sense of hearing and smell. Similar to the CC, the WC all have Wolf ears and tails . Their teeth tend to be a tad sharper than a human’s teeth.

    The WC don’t mind mingling with humans however they don’t typically make a habit of befriending them. The biggest reason for this is that some humans make a sport of hunting the WC down. The WC's Martial arts involves more punching than kicking. When in a fight things tend to get messy. ​

    Ferret Clan-

    The Ferret Clan (FC) is a very energetic group of Fairrels. They enjoy living with all beings although they tend to be wary of the Wolf Clan. Out of all the beings of the land, Ferrets love living with humans the most. Ferrets are shorter than most beings. Just like the other clans, Ferrets look like humans except for their Ferret like ears and tails . Their life spans are shorter than humans, and very few get taller than 5’3”. However they make up for their size by being quick on their feet, flexible and clever.

    The Ferret Clan make superb thieves. They have a knack for finding hidden places and for keeping quiet when necessary. Besides being good at it, they actually enjoy it. Sometimes they steal things just for the fun of it. Due to their small size, Ferrets specialize in martial arts that utilizes quick elbow jabs and knee jabs. Because they don’t have to put extra energy into bending their elbows and knees, this makes their blows all the more powerful.​

    Cerlins (Loyal, Honorable and Suppressed):

    Due to their deep instinctual sense of loyalty and honor, for thousands of Droughts the Cerlins have been taken advantage of by Humans. Treated as slaves and given very little money for their work, Cerlins became a cheap source of manually labor all over Nytheya. This was before the Cerlin Revolution broke out over one-hundred Droughts ago.

    Back then, the King of Cidara had secretly raped and killed several of his female Cerlin servants. When the Queen found out about this, she ordered the execution of all female Cerlins above the age of 15 Droughts. Of course this dishonorable act didn’t bode well with the Cerlin population. For the first time, the Cerlins rebelled against the nations.

    Many of the nations decided to just give the Cerlins what they wanted and be done with it. Cidara, however fought until the Cerlins held the castle under siege. The Cerlins demanded the heads of both the King and Queen along with equal rights. So after 3 Cycles, the Royal Advisor wrote up a document with the Cerlins “rights”, cut off the both the King’s and Queen’s head and placed them on a pike for all the world to see. With that, the Cerlin Revolution came to a quick, happy ending and the Royal Advisor now proclaimed himself as the new king of Cidara only to be assassinated five Droughts later (Cidara has never been able to keep a king or queen for more than ten Droughts, with the exception of the previous one. He lasted twenty-eight Droughts and was loved by all the land).

    Cerlins have an undying sense of loyalty and honor. Though sometimes their honor may be twisted to a degree, they will never do what they believe to be unethical. In recent days, the racism against Cerlins has lightened a little, however it’s still there. Cerlins typically get the worst of all the jobs. Cerlins look near identical to humans save their furry pointed ears as can be seen in the depiction below.​


    The Suppressed Folk (Things are fine just the way they are)-

    Although Cerlins have move up from where they used to be, the majority of the population is still treated as lesser beings. The Suppressed folk make up the greater portion of the population. They make just enough money to feed themselves and they get only the crummy jobs, with perhaps a few minor exceptions.

    Despite this lousy life style, the suppressed folk do not complain about their treatment, at least not aloud. There is currently a Black Market which raises and beats young Cerlins until the Cerlins become completely obedient. Once the brainwashing process is complete, they sell the Cerlins to the wealthier and more corrupt beings of the land.

    Occasionally successful raids have been led to free the Cerlins in the Black Market. Unfortunately the damage caused to those that are freed never completely goes away. Some have even been brainwashed to the point that they believe they have no right to freedom. Those that believe such a thing will proceed to viciously attack their rescuers out of fear that not doing so would mean that they are forsaking their honor.​

    The Rebels (There is no honor in servitude)-

    Ever since the Cerlin Revolution, there have been those whom believe that nothing has changed since the war. Sure wages have slightly increased and racism has lessened somewhat but the suppression is still there. These Rebels are against the injustice that is shown to the Cerlin population and have found ways to remove their selves from the norms of the suppressed Cerlin society.

    Rebels show their rebellious ways through mainly underworld professions. Some pretend to be obedient workers by day, while robbing the wealthy and corrupt at night. Others have abandoned society and work as mercenaries for hire or sometimes even assassins. And then there are those that are active members Cerlin Rebel Fighters guild (CRF) whom have secret headquarters throughout all the major cities of the land.

    Although not all rebels are active members of the CRF, the majority of rebels have at least some at least some access to the guild. The Guild provides many perks to its members, including information, weapons training, and a group of acquaintances that a rebel can trust. The CRF is responsible for the majority of attacks against the Black Markets. Their main base of operations is said to lie hidden on one of the feral islands to the northeast.​

    The Upper Class (We are better than those Rebels)-

    The Upper Class’s beliefs are similar to the Rebels, however they do not agree with how the Rebels do things. They believe there are better ways for Cerlins to fight against suppression and that is by being a productive and active member of society. Many have worked their way up to more prestigious ranks such as becoming well know scholars, honorable merchants and sometimes even part of the King’s guard.

    One such Cerlin has even managed to work her way up to being Royal Advisor and lifelong friend of the King of Desari. She is known by most for her beauty, intellect, goodwill, and her love of travel. Others know her for her deadly skills in combat. All that aside, she, along with most other Upper Class Cerlins, believes that the rebels are hindering the rest of the Cerlin population from progressing further.

    The Upper Class makes a point of not mingling with rebels. If anything, they try to hinder any of the CRF’s efforts to terrorize the populace. Some Upper Class dedicate their lives to weeding out the CRF’s members and headquarters. They will not rest until they put a stop to the CRF.​

    Spirit Wraith (Any race can be a Wraith):

    Soul devouring contractors whose own soul has been lost. Despite previously being a contractor, when a new Spirit Wraith is born, they no longer have a spirit power. Instead they are able to steal other contractor's abilities via soul devouring. Wraiths may only have one power at a time. Each time they devour a contractor's soul, the wraith's current power is replaced by the contractor's own power. Because their power is stolen, wraiths do not have a spirit they are contracted to.

    When a Wraith devours a contractor's soul a second wraith is born. This breeding ability was how the first coming of the Wraiths began. Believed to have been wiped out by the general population, that is not the case. A small group survived, patiently awaiting the right opportunity to bring about a second coming.

    In recent times, a new Wraith population has been bred via the strategic methods of the False King of Cidara. Spirit Wraiths follow the lead of the King and his minions (The Kelkar a.k.a. Major Villains). In order to effectively bring about a second coming of the Wraiths, all Wraiths have been commanded to avoid creating new wraiths so as to not attract attention. Instead their current goal is to seek out the Spirit Gods, wielded by the heroes of old, and obtain them for their selves. However, they have been commanded to keep away from Thayen (as far as soul devouring goes).

    Spirit Wraiths are the Villains of this RP. When making a wraith character, they should never be marked as good. This is because upon birth, a Spirit Wraith's mind becomes twisted and corrupt. Your spirit wraith should never start with a Spirit God power unless I say otherwise.​


    "Evil" Organizations

    Black Market

    An organization made of mostly humans. This organization is against giving Cerlins equal rights. This is because a good portion of their profits is made off of illegally selling young, brainwashed Cerlins into slavery.
    Before the Cerlin Rebellion, the Black Market use to be a legit business that was even partially owned by some nobles. As more and more new laws have fallen into place, this has become less and less the case. There are still many nobles that are a part of the Market, but they do their business in the shadows.
    Whenever there is an attempt to give Cerlins more freedom, the proceedings are usually slowed and/or halted via nobles that play a hand in the Market. More often than once has the Market sent in there own set of assassins to do away with Cerlin supporters. This has especially been true for Desari's Royal Adviser. Although all attempts to kill her have ended miserably by her own hands.​

    Cerlin Freedom Fighters

    Though the Cerlin Freedom Fighters are not exactly evil, their ideologies are in the wrong place. The Cerlin Freedom Fighters are an extremist band of Cerlin Rebels who seek the downfall of all human empires. In the past, they have been scattered and unorganized, but lately it seems that someone has been gathering them into one large organized group. War is coming.....​


    Spirit Powers

    A spirit power is granted to anyone how makes a contract with a spirit. Whether it be is going blind, losing your memory or whatever, every contract has a price to be paid and there is no way of know what it will be beforehand.

    All spirits reside in normal looking objects. When the contract is formed, that object becomes a part of you, thus making a tattoo upon your body. Contracts may be formed during any time in the game with my permission. Your character may also start out without a contract. You must negotiate the price you’ll pay with me. Try to make it something that will add to your character. Prices with a death penalty (like Thayen's) are reserved for spirit god powers only

    Those whom seek power make a gamble. Those that gain power form a bond. Once the contract is formed, the contractor and spirit end up having their own kind of private chat line. When talking to one’s spirit, square brackets [] should be placed around what you say. Same goes for when the spirit responds. Additionally, the spirits voice and thoughts should be made bold to help distinguish the difference. You may only have one spirit power.​

    Types of Spirit Powers:

    Perception Manipulation-

    Manipulation of the mind’s perception allows for many interesting powers. I’ll say this right now. NO mind control. NO control over people’s bodies. NO lingering powers when you aren’t around. Illusions are ok, however be warned that proximity enchantments have been designed to ward off such powers in order to prevent theft and cheating during gambling games such as Doubles (a dice game commonly played at inns, bars, etc). If your character is not a major villain, and I feel that his/her Perception power is too powerful, then I may have to ask you to come up with restrictions.​

    Energy Alteration-

    A spirit power that allows one to take energy from a source around them (Heat, electricity, friction, whatever is available), and release it, from the palm of your hand, as something else. For example, The False King of Cidara can use energy to create pressure on whatever he touches. The reason why Thayen shot across the room was because the king used a stored up quantity of energy, to create widespread pressure on Thayen’s chest.

    The effects of releasing energy do not have to be immediate. You are allowed to store it in an object momentarily, sort of like a ticking time bomb. This can allow you to create explosive rocks or whatever. You may not do that to a living object. I don’t want to see any human time bombs walking around. Depending on what your power is, I may allow you to create mines instead of time bombs.

    I may not allow certain abilities to allow the user to store energy for later. Remember to try to make what you do believable. I don’t want to see people catching a dagger in midair and using the kinetic energy to create an atomic bomb. Also keep in mind that absorbing heat energy, happens faster when there is more heat to absorb. Place a limit on how fast you absorb energy. If you take energy from a fire by shoving your hand in it, then you should be harmed to at least some degree.​

    Self Enhancement-

    The ability to enhance part of your bodies properties or its abilities. This ability can be directed toward things like strength, speed, sight, Skin toughness, whatever. You may have this ability in one of two forms. You can either make it something that works 24/7, or you can make it so you have to mentally apply the ability to a part of your body. Depending on what the ability is, I may ask you to do one or the other. Best part about this kind of spirit power is that I may be more likely to allow you to have a non-spirit ability as well.​

    Spirit Summoning-

    Last on the list, we have spirit summoning. As the name implies, this allows you to summon a physical form of your spirit from the Spiritual Plane. Your spirit can be in the form of whatever you like so long as it is not something ridiculous, like a dragon. Some people use their spirit to ride from place to place while others solely use it for combat purposes.

    By summoning your spirit and giving it a physical form you are also exposing it to the possibility of fatigue, physical wounds, and death. Should your spirit die in battle, then you will die as well. Your spirit can not go away unless you dismiss it. Spirits don’t go down easy, but you should be sure to keep an eye on it, during battle, nonetheless. Should your spirit take damage, then it will need time in the Spirit Plane to recover. Also keep in mind that the long you have your spirit out, the more fatigued it will get.

    When a Spirit Wraith steals a Spirit Summoning ability, the summoned spirit becomes monstrous and undead looking.​

    Spirit God Powers-

    Wielded by the Heroes of old, if it weren't for the spirit gods, then Nytheya would have fallen to the Spirit Wraiths. Spirit Gods are named as such do to their power to defy/bend the logic that rules the universe. Thayen has an example of a spirit god. With Lyn's power he can slightly alter how and where a moving non living object (non living not including himself) lands. Another example could be the reversal of movement, seemingly impossible flexibility, and gravity modification. Although not omnipotent, it is said if all these powers were to be used by contractors working together, then you would have an unbeatable team of Contractors.

    Despite it's seemingly godly power Spirit Gods grant, the price that comes with it is more like a rule that can be broken. Should a contractor break this rule, then his/her life will become forfeit. A prime example of this is how Thayen is never allowed to love.​


    Non-Spirit Powers

    Anybody is allowed to have access to ONE non-spirit power. Even Contractors may have a one. However, if you are a Contractor and should I feel that the two powers that you requested are too much, then I will ask you to rethink one or the other. If you become a Contractor midgame, then you may even ask to make your price be your powers.​


    Warping is the ability to warp the shape of certain objects that you touch with your bare skin. The idea behind warping is as follows. Physical contact allows Warpers to stretch, bend and/or mold objects forth dimensionally. To put things simply, just because you can alter the shape of an object, that doesn’t alter any of its physical properties. For example, if one were to take a thick tree branch and stretch it to the point that becomes as thin as a pencil, snapping the branch in two will be no easier than it would have been in its normal state. The same rule applies to making a thin piece of glass thicker. That piece of glass with shatter just as easily as it would have were it still thin.

    There is a limit to what materials a Warper can Warp. Only wood, stone and glass is capable of being Warped. Each material has its own uses. An example could be: glass for cutting, stone for protecting, and wood for light weight weaponry. It’s up to you to figure out how to make the best use of each material. There are proximity enchantments specifically designed to ward off Warping. There is one proximity enchantments for each material. These are used to prevent stealing.

    There are a few rules to Warping. First, if more than one Warper tries to warp the same thing, then it will go back to normal. If a Warper releases his touch on a said Warped object, it goes back to normal. Appling a directional force to an object, while Warping it, can allow you to stretch it in that direction indefinitely. The longer you let an object stretch, using such a method, the slower it will stretch. Other than the stretch method, an objects surface may only be Warped while in contact with the Warper’s skin. Warping is performed via mental thought. Gemstones may be used to Warp stone. You may mold an object, as though it were clay, while Warping it. And finally, Warping does not give “life” to the object you are Warping. If you have any questions, then feel free to ask me.​


    A Sorcerer/Sorceress is a magician who can apply any kind of elemental magic to anything that they are using as a weapon (with the exception of their own body). Once an elemental spell is applied to a weapon, the weapon stores it away for later use. At any point in time a caster may release the stored elemental power onto any object that their weapon comes into contact with (with the exception of projectiles. Projectile elemental power is released on impact). Doing so returns their weapon to normal. Also, if the caster so desires, the elemental spell may be canceled, thus removing it from the weapon. This can be useful since only one spell can be stored at a time.

    The use of any spell requires stamina. Since spells are used simultaneously with actual combat maneuvers, Sorcery is best used sparingly and when least expected. All magicians have the ability to sense when another nearby magician has cast a spell, the problem is that they have no way of know what that spell is. They can, however, sense the general direction that the spell was cast.

    There are four magical elements: Ice, Wind, Electricity, Fire. Each of them have their own uses such as: Ice can cool things; Wind can knock enemies off their feet; Electricity can well.... electrocute enemies; Fire can burn things. It is up to you to find the best way to use these.​


    Shaping is a technique that grants a user the ability to “shape” a physical form out of a unique form of energy which flows throughout the world. The Inhabitants of Nytheya refer to this energy as Lineve and it is comprises all that is life. Due to the world being abundant with this energy there is always an excess of Lineve that floating around within the air.

    Very few have the power to shape this energy. Those that do are known as Shapers. Shapers spend their entire youth learning how to weaponize Lineve. The most skilled humans will use it to create platforms, shields, weapons, etc. When Lineve is Shaped, it distorts light thus making everything behind it appear to ripple. This is the only time that Lineve can be seen by the naked eye.

    To many, shaping is considered an art. Mastering shaping takes around a good 15 to 18 years for most. Even when mastered it is very tiring to continuously maintain a simple wall of Lineve. Not only is it tiring, but it is also quite dangerous. Using an excess amount of this energy, has been known to kill the user. For this reason, the first thing that is ever thought to a shaper is to never shape something until the last possible moment. The next thing they learn is to quit shaping the moment whatever you shaped has served its purpose. The third big rule is that unless you are shaping a weapon, you should never attempt to move something that you have shaped. You waste more energy moving it rather than shaping something completely new. And the last rule that is taught is that the farther away you Shape something, the more energy it requires.

    Note in advance, one Shaper cannot Shape something that a second Shaper is currently Shaping. Also, Shapers don’t technically need to have actual weapons for protection since they are capable of Shaping their own. Shapers usually tend to lean towards a Shaping their favored form of weapon. For those of you who have played in my RPs before, there will be no tearing lineve from its flows in this game. If you have any questions then feel free to ask.​


    Characters That Need Taking!!

    Desari's Royal Adviser - Cerlin Female Upper Class
    Lifelong friend of the King of Desari. She is known by most for her beauty, intellect, goodwill, and her love of travel. Others know her for her deadly skills in combat. All that aside, she believes that the rebels are hindering the rest of the Cerlin population from progressing further.

    The King of Desari was badly wounded by two assassins, on her watch. One managed to escape the other not so lucky. After prolong questioning she learned that the assassin worked for a powerful man who was scheming to cause more trouble in the town of Attal. Her birth place. In secret, she set out to stop this man and whatever it was that he was scheming.​


    Map of Nytheya and Oribit of Aluna






    Characters Accepted

    Played By Pezz

    Name: Thayen
    Gender: Male
    Race and Class: Human, Normal
    Age In Droughts: 22 Droughts
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
    Contractor Powers: (Type = Spirit God) He can slightly adjust how and where moving non-living objects (other than himself) land.
    Ability: Warping
    Background: At the age of 7 Thayen hid away as he witnessed his entire family get slain by a by a group of lurkers hiding out in the capitol of Desari. Since then he has been on his own, wandering from town to town, stealing food whenever he could. He discovered his warping abilities at the age of nine and quickly picked up ways to fight and steal using his abilities.

    As the Droughts came and went, Thayen quickly became well known in the underworld, and he picked up contacts within many cities and towns. One day, while robbing a human merchant's house, he ran across a female thief called Felien. The surprise encounter led Felien to believe she had been caught, and without a word she went on the offensive in an attempt to kill him. In the end the ruckus alerted the guards, and the two were forced to work together in order to escape.

    That was the couple's first encounter. Three more were to follow, all three occurred during an attempted robbery. All three foiled again from their surprise meeting. After the forth encounter, they decided probably just be better were they to work together.

    Personaility: Thayen considers himself to be an honorable thief. Mischievous, sly and adventurous, Thayen enjoys when plans do not execute exactly as planned. Although he enjoys having company, ever since Felien died he has mainly decided to keep to himself. For never again did he want to lose a friend, or worst yet, someone he loved.

    like that without the hood. He wraps his right forearms in bandages so he can cover the tattoo on his right forearm and carries around a pouch of small stones. tied to his waist are two a thick wooden rods the length of two arrows. He uses tends to warp them into Quarterstaffs. Instead of the leather armor, he wears a coat concealing knifes. In addition to the knives in his coat, he hides some in the confines of his sleeves. Hidden within his boots are two carefully placed glass shards.​

    Played By Twilight_Nobody13

    Name: Kaliek
    Gender: male
    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal): Fairrel, FC
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year): 13
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none): none
    Ability: Shaping
    Background: Kaliek’s parents died when he was a young boy. Being still just a child, he’s only 4 feet tall. He takes his role as the last of his family very seriously and yet seems to have ADHD. Being young and naïve has aided him through his journey to do…honestly, he has no idea. His only knowledge of outside his own little fantasy world include, don’t eat something that smells bad and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Kaliek inherited his name from his father. Despite growing up in town as a “street rat”, he rather enjoys being around everyone, including going so far as saying they’re his friends.
    Personaility: Kaliek is frighteningly optimistic and friendly. Being of the Ferret Clan and still a child, his amount of energy seems limitless and thus makes him either fun to be around or a severe pain. He loves to talk, even when on a job and attempting to steal something.
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with): Mostly hand-to-hand combat but he does have a small three set of knives with a red ribbon attached to the ends. http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms...y/animeboy.jpg

    Name: Saria
    Gender: female
    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal): Fairrel, CC
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year): 19
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none): none
    Ability: Warping
    Background: Saria has lived a little of everywhere and nowhere for too long. She prefers to keep on the move and yet will stay for a while in a town or a forest she finds amusing or comfortable. Saria can’t remember her parents or her childhood due to getting into a fight with an Efferrian a year ago.
    Personaility: Saria tends to keep to herself and likes it that way. Probing into her thoughts or anything else personal tends to lead to a fight or worse…her leaving entirely without a word. Her bite is much worse than her bark.
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with): Her martial arts and a short dagger she keeps at her hip.

    Played By Marushi

    Name: Keiko
    Gender: Female
    Race and Class (Ex. Human, Normal): Human, normal.
    Age In Droughts (1 Drought is approximately 1 year): 17
    Good/Evil/Neutral: Good
    Contractor Powers (Put none if you have none): None yet; if she gets some, then Spirit Summoning.
    Ability: Sorcery
    Background: Keiko never knew her parents, they died when she was just a baby, and she was raised by her aunt. When she was four, her aunt died and Keiko was sent to live with pretty much anybody who was willing to take her, usually people who just took her in so she could work for them. She kept changing hands in this way until she was fourteen and finally had had enough of the people who took care of her. She ran away from that life and decided to find something to do with her life, something worth fighting for.
    Personaility: Keiko might have had a pretty rough life, but she never lets anything get her down. Very optimistic, She almost always has a smile on her face. However, that doesn't mean that she can't feel sad or angry. She also has a tendancy to sense how other people are feeling.
    Description and Image (include how they fight and what they fight with):
    Keiko doesn't like to fight, but if she needs to, she is very skilled with a bow and arrow. At close range, she can defend herself with a very limited knowledge of martial arts.
    This is what she looks like (Without the camera).
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