[I JUST GOT FFVIII FOR FREAKING FREE!!! AND I DIDN'T HAVE TO SELL MY PS2 SO I CAN PLAAAYYY ITTT!!!! SQUAAALLL!! /fangirl] And I got a Nobody emblem necklace. That was cool.
We're friends with this family where the husband goes to thrift stores and buys random stuff, cleans it up, and sells it on Amazon (it's actually pretty legit), and he ran into FFVIII in one of the stores. So he picked it up, thinking it'll get an all right price since it's a game, and my mom noticed it when she went over to their house earlier today, so she told me about it. So later that night we went over and offered to pay them whatever they were planning to put it up as on Amazon, and they let me have it as a present, saying it was for being top of my French class when we kept saying we'd pay. And it's in, like, mint condition; whoever had it before probably got bored after playing for a couple of hours, so it's freaking BEAUTIFUL!!! Unfortunately, I have to wait to get a PS1 memory card ; ;
...Wow, that's like the exact opposite of how I got my (stepbrother's) copy. It was in some store, I could swear it was a Toys R' Us, and the case had a crack in it. And now it's missing a disc somehow. Of course now I have it on PSN but wahey :V
You could convert it to an EBOOT and play on your PSP if you have one. That usually works really well.
GET ONE. A PSP 1000. All the others are terrible since it's harder to use CFW on them. CFW allows you to use POPSLoader which is essential for using "Disk to EBOOT" PSX games.
That reminds me of how my friend and I walked into a clothing store and by the cash register was a ton of random things they were selling. One was Legend of Dragoon for 8 bucks. I wet myself and bought it.