New 358/2 Days, Coded, and BBS Info

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, it seemed all that came at the beginning of this year, was a High Quality scan of 358/2 days which wouldn't really count as something new, then it was a higher quality of something we saw last year.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    However now we've got some really nice new information concerning about the three games! Some are things we already know, as others are pretty new and at the same time are interesting. It's about time we got something like this considering lately Square-Enix has been in the dark.

    - The scene of Riku in Neverland is to show what Riku was thinking before he kidnapped Kairi.
    - The scene showing Traverse Town where Sora meets Donald and Goofy will be focusing on what Pluto did during that time.
    - Sora can glide in Coded.
    - The heartless have invaded the data, however they are not bugs.
    - High-Speed Mode makes Sora run really fast, as Crash Mode turns the game into a sidescroller action!
    - Debugs have a certain timelimit, if you fail to eliminate the bug then you can attempt again with other debugging methods.
    - Upgrade Points (VP) can be used to help Sora become stronger, and these are done by bug eliminatin and heartless destroyed. Each heartless is worth 10 points.
    - KH Coded's Online play can be used to join in and help other players in the game. However the system changes when in the other player's world, can you escape it? By the way the player's other then the one that joined will be shown as a shadow Sora to prevent confusions.

    358/2 Days
    - The 14th member is not revealed yet.
    - Roxas' gameplay in single player mode has been changed slightly to give a more Kingdom Hearts feel.
    - Roxas' must collect hearts everyday, in Organization XIII Saix tells Roxas to be more careful next time.
    - The game will be moving throughout from Kingdom Hearts 1 - Kingdom Hearts 2.
    - Items obtained in Single Player Mode, can be used in Multiplayer Mode. Also the screen below is mostly used to display the map and target, however it is not complete.
    - The new gauge LP Mode has not been fully revealed, but is hinted to be used for powerful techniques.
    - In single player mode the arrow is under the right corner of the screen, when in multi player it's under the left. They didn't say if this mysterious arrow (Not the arrow showing where your character is) can be used by the touchpad or not.
    - There is a type of missions called "Hologram Missions" that can be used in single and multiplayer mode. These missions are not part of the main storyline at all. This is also how the Organization members trained.
    - When doing missions you'll be graded with either a "G" or a "N" The "G" means you did good, and your chair will begin to rotate and rise. If you get an "N" the chair will begin to descend, as you either swayed away from your mission or did a bad job.
    - The ability of Dodge roll gives more of a KH1 feel then it does KH2FM+
    - Some returning enemies from KH1 will be back, however they have been revamped and there are a few other surprises in the game.
    - This game is considered to be a mix of the normal Kingdom Hearts feel, as well as a dark feel to it.
    - The Organization character's personalities will be fully revealed in this game, this way you can follow the cutscenes better, and the conversations between them can become more interesting.
    - This game features an interesting twist in the battle system where you can chain your attacks together! You can attack, use dodgerolling, glide and more into just a single combination!
    - The actions and defenses of each Organization member is new, and they all have their own special ability! Xigbar was able to use stronger attacks for a short while.

    Birth by Sleep
    - The scene of Cinderalla and Ven, is that Cinderalla is rushing towards the castle while Ven is staring at it, what could have caused this scenario?
    - There is a possibility of event limitations within the game.
    - Donald and Goofy watch as Yensid trains with Mickey in order for Mickey to become a stronger Keyblade warrior. What is his purpose to gain this power?
    - Terra and Malificent are working together, Terra's smile is hinting to a connection but Nomura won't say what.
    - Nomura hints that not all three Keybladers are connected to the three heroes of Kingdom Hearts II, however this game will explain the original conflict of the Kingdom Hearts series.
    - The new enemies names are not announced still...

    Source: 2ch
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jan 8, 2008.

    1. Luka
      oh damn straight thanks dude ^^
    2. Amber
      OMG thank you! This is totally awesome! It makes me wanna play the games even more, esspecially 358/2 days and BBS!
    3. willi_211191
      That means that there ARE connections! i knew it, its most probably to be Ven/Roxas
    4. xemnasfan
      well i was right about one thing xemnas was using roxas to gather hearts, i figure he probably planned on sora working for them to but ansem got in the way.

      the three knights are not all all connected to the heroes, well that's at least one theory down the drain but my original one or part of it still may be true, i have to many theories.
    5. Xonvirok ~ The Iron Binde
      Xonvirok ~ The Iron Binde
      Brilliant!!!!!!! I cantwait for 358/2 days and BBS!!!!!!! I wonder what the new enemy names are??? And Aqua is probably not related to Sora, Riku or Kairi, that is why she is never talked about
    6. Gwen
      Must. Get. Naoooo.
    7. Poki#3
      Coded has... online? An online cellphone game? This scares me, really...

      Anyway, thanks for the notes Xaldin.
    8. Antidote
      Doooood. They could've at least given us some new scans. Christ -_-;

      Before I came in here, I was hoping that news for 358/2 Days would confirm that the 14th member would be playable.. I mean, they could at least let us know that, without revealing her identity just yet \: She's the only thing making me want to know more about this game. And maybe by "a few surprises" they mean.. some new enemies and new worlds? 8D [/yarite] >_>;

      Not happy with the BBS info. We've been updated even less than 358/2 Days. D:
    9. Bubble Master Califa
      Bubble Master Califa
      This is some good information, i really liked the facts we've got about 356/2 days an the BBS info aout Terra and Maleficent working together is very interesting...
    10. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      Coded has online? Wow, there's a suprise.
    11. Riyza
      You and me both... D:

      Anyways, pretty cool. Thanks for the info Xaldin.
      Drat, now I want to play 358/2 days even more.. Dx
    12. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      What does that mean?
    13. Erkz
      a] Certain Story events Handicap you.

      b] There are less events than Normal.

      Anyway, the new Days info is pretty cool. Especially the new combo system. I love it.

      They should have given us a bit more, and the only thing I can think of with regards to Terra smiling like that was when Riku smiled like that in KH1 when Maleficent agreed to give Riku more powahs.
    14. Solid Snake
      Solid Snake
      Cool new info!
      BTW Vista sucks v____v
    15. gamemaster1598
    16. Unmei
      ok, i have a little comment for each of the games

      Coded: when they say that this was the scene before riku was about to kidnap kairi, do you think that maybe he was starting to have doubts about the path he chose?

      358: is it possible that 14 is related to xemnas in any way? or maybe another character we already know?

      BBS: could the chasers be the name of the new enemies? it was mentioned in the secret ending, so it might be that. also, terra may be working for and/or with maleficent, but do you think he will turn on her, or is already decieving her? and if not all of them have to do with the three keyblade wielders, that could mean it has something to do with characters we didn't pay much attention to previously. finally, if donald and goofy were there, and this takes place ten years ago, how come they didn't know what to do to find the key in the first game, or even know what a keyblade was? did they somehow have their memories erased?
    17. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      I'm seriously excited about these projects (except Coded). I'm glad my brother got my PSP working so I'll probably get BBS, but I'm not sure how to get 358/2 Days.
    18. DiveIntoTheHeart
      All of these sound awesome!!! ^___^
      I can't wait for them all!

      Hmmm... Terra's working with Maleficent.... Interesting......
    19. Heaxrt17
      Yay! New info. I can't wait for 358/2 and BBS!!!
      Thanks for the info Xaldin. ^_^