I just got home from day 1 of Willow Creek Association's Global Leadership Summit. I might as well have been taking a drink from a fire-hose. There were six great 1 hour speeches today, and the six lined up for tomorrow look even more promising. I'll likely be revisiting the talks for weeks at least.
So you were blown away by those speeches? Because that's the image I got from the fire-hose comparison.
The speeches were amazing. Here's the line up. Day 1 Bill Hybels Len Schlesinger Hon. Cory A. Booker Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil Seth Godin Steven Furtick Day 1 Rev. Stephen Sundar and Mama Maggie Gobran Michelle Rhee Dr. Henry Cloud John Dickson Patrick Lencioni (last minute substitute for Howard Schultz) Erwin McManus It is very bluntly Christian (we even have someone carry the title of reverend on both days), but these are some excessively big names. They are just founts of knowledge. I would love to attend to hear any one of these people talk. But to have them all come together to give these twelve, one-hour lectures in two days, it just becomes so much it is hard to wrap your head around it all. They don't hold back in the selection of speakers or the speeches themselves.