I think, without music, our world, and our lives would be completely different. Music/artists/bands shape some people into the person they are. I've been thinking alot today about how different I would be if not for the music I listen to. I wouldn't have my sense of humor, my sense of style, or my ideals about people, and I probably would have killed myself if not for a couple of bands that really made me fight through my sadness. I know I can't be only one who feels this attached to music either. Does music impact any of you guys in big ways?
Music has more or less made me more of a layed back kind of guy. Listening to Jimmy Buffet does that to ya.
Muic is a big part of my life. There have been many times that it has had the ability to lift up my mood or even get me motivated. Without it, I believe things in this words would be dull. Think about it. How many cultures strive on music? How many have done good things for this world with it? Though there are people who believe it's not that important, it's really a gift that we all can share. I may not be as passionate as others, but I will say that I love my music and that will never change.
Music to me is hayuuuuuuge. I don't know where I'd be standing without it. I guess I've grown a ginormous respect for it because my room is right next to my brother's who is the best musician I've known in my life. He plays music all the time and I think like him, I wouldn't have gotten through life the same without it. Music was like a comfort zone for me during the rough times - and the happy times. The lyrics and arrangements of songs made me feel like someone out there was going through whatever I was and that I wasn't alone and stuff. That sounds pretty shallow or odd but that's how I've always felt about music. Something relate-able. Something you could sing in the shower and make your life a lot less painful or miserable. Also, there are musical careers - obviously. It's not just a comfort zone, it's a passion and a way of life. One of my biggest dreams is to be in a band one day and sing my heart out like some of my favourite artists do. I'll jump at an opportunity once that arrives but a lot of people - including my little dreamy self - trusts music enough to carry and support them through living. Yeah, like I said, music is just hayuuuuge.
It is an integral part of human culture. No matter what form of music, someone appreciates the artistry of music. The way it evokes feelings and thoughts makes it a truly epic thing. It's also something you grow and mature with and helps you deal with things. Without music, humanity wouldn't be the same. None of us would be.
Music is one of the few things I do still live for. Even typing that statement feels weird,and seems,to me at least,to be some over exaggerated comment that is fishing for sympathy and stuff. But it is true,and it is how I feel. Music is,and always has been,a massive part of my life. I don't really talk,I sing words. I always am moving to some odd beat in my head,dancing through streets,all the stuff you see in old cheesy musicals. And I always have done this,always let music be a part of me. I take cover in music when things get though,earphones in,letting it wash away worries. When I am scared,or painful memories come bobbing to the surface,I turn the volume up and drift away. I remember song lyrics after hearing them once,regardless of language,and can hold a tune well enough. But music is a very big part of me,so big it worries me sometimes. I would rather give up my already dismal sight than lose my ability to hear. I love music. Ever so much.
There was this one show, from my preteen years called the School of 3000, and it was about these kids who had lost their music teacher, and then on the B storyline, there was a singer who was tired of his morose, routine life, and he became the kids music teacher. This was all in the first episode, and from then on, there was one song in every episode, and the song of the first episode had a line that went like this: Life without music is like life without love. I agree with this line wholeheartedly in the way that music is a sort of . . . medication for people, and escape for some others, and then a channel for emotions as well. No matter who you are, you've listened to music, and no matter who you are, there has been at least one song in your life that you've loved.
Loving a band with all your heart is something you only understand when it happens to you. On the surface, others can see it as a petty obsession, but they’ll just never know the feeling of putting so much faith into a few people on the other side of the world. It’s hard to explain it to them, the listening to song after song on repeat, the waits for new albums, the excitement and surreal sensation when you finally see them live. They don’t seem to understand why the lyrics booklets give you a sense of comfort, or why you paste photos of them all over your bedroom walls. And they can’t understand why one band could matter to you so much. And you think to yourself ‘Because they saved my life.’ But you can't say anything, they wouldn’t understand. I don't know if that's an exaggeration as well, but I felt like I had to add that, because my music means so much to me, and I'm glad I'm not the only one here, or maybe I'm just obsessed, but every part of me has been affected by the music I listen to. Music has given me my personality, helped me to control my own thoughts, not bother with bullies and jerks, control my severe depression, it calms me down when I have panic attacks, and it even gave me my sense of humor(however dumb it may be), it's taught me that I can laugh at my own jokes, and that it's okay to mess up sometimes, that it's okay to be human, that it's okay to be different.
Music to me is a way to cope with life, a link to a deeper understanding of life, a new link to the imagination, an eye opener to the world around me and far away, it lifts my mood but also brings me down. It's hard to say that music just does one thing for me, which just like the different genres and sub-genres there are, there are maybe different ways music can effect a single person or a group of people.
Music is my life. I know many people say that and that is great but literally music IS my life. I spend most if not all of my time in the day doing something music related. I play many different instruments, I write when I get the chance or with my band, and when I am stuck doing school work I am always listening to music. I love it and hate it. It can be a real bitch, but it can be the greatest thing in the world. I guess that is why I stick with it so much.
Music is a necessity of life and acts as a natural drug, not unlike sex. Studies show this. Consider this video and then read the article below. There is no doubt that music is fundamental to human happiness. Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12135590
Music is incredibly important to me. Music helped me mature, it helped me get over many many sad points in my life, and it helped me to be myself. Music is my life- being in choir helped me make friends when I moved to a new city, real friends, not the fake ones I started out with. Music helped me get over that too. Just listening to music- whether it has lyrics or instrumental- singing or even humming along helps make me happy.
I believe that without music I wouldn't be the computer nerd I am today. Of course that's only part of many things that put me on my path. Music is like one of the dominoes in a chain of dominoes. If it wasn't there you wouldn't be able to finish the chain. Music is Magic . . . okay so not really, but sometimes for people who are mad or depressed, music helps them out. Gives them something to turn to. I'm gonna stop there before I go into a big long rant about music, art, and passion. Final statement, music is fantastic.
I listien to a lot of music, especially when ever I work on my art projects. I listen to a lot of techno, and I swear I need a daily dose of my techno or I go crazy. Without music itself, I would go crazy and possibly kill myself. Its pretty much my life.
I honestly can't fathom a world without music, something that can hold a person's heart. It is music that thousands of people have dedicated their life to, all of them coming from different backgrounds - some did it for the passion, some did it to survive. Life without music, for me, would be just as bad as life without love. I can't count the times that I have depended on music to help me sort what my life has thrown at me. It is a blessing, truly, and anyone who says different has obviously never walked the brink. EDIT: I already posted in here. What the hell.
Its actually amazing how much music can affect your life. Sometimes it puts your emotions into words and sounds you could never imagine. Without music, how could we express ourselves? If I didn't have music in my life, I would probably be in a mental asylum by now :P