Graphic Shop Midnight Art Studios

Discussion in 'Art Shop' started by Sora/Riku/Kairi, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Sora/Riku/Kairi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 24, 2009
    Destiny Islands
    Welcome to Midnight Art Studios!! I will update this post with a lot other stuff soon, but for right now I just wanted to get this thing started. So I'm gonna be the only one working here but if you want to apply here then fill out this template:

    Member Name:
    Nickname (Would you like a nickname? If so, what would you like it to be?):
    What program do you use (Do you use GIMP, PS etc.?)
    Why do you want to join?:
    What are you best at doing (Avatars, sigs or wallpapers?):
    Examples of your work (At least have 2 sigs and 1 avatar):

    Here's my examples:



    Now, if you wanna request a sig, here's the template you need to fill out:

    Stock (Picture you want in the sig):
    Artist (Who would you like to do your sig?):
    Avatar (Would you like a matching avatar? Yes or no?):

    And yes, this place has rules:

    Rule #1: You may only request two sigs per visit
    Rule #2: If the sig is inappropiate we can and will refuse to take your request
    Rule #3: You can only make a request every 2 weeks
    Rule #4: We do wallpaper so do not ask us if we do them, just request it
    Rule #5: Be patient, do not ask where your sig is, it will get done, just be patient
    Rule #6: Be nice, if you don't like the sig and you have something bad to say about the artist take it to VM's, DO NOT SPAM!!
    Rule #7: Once you get your sig make sure to give credit to the artist that did it
    Rule #8: Have fun! :)

    So, that's pretty much it, this post will look a lot better later today or early tomorrow, but for right now, come on in and request!!!
  2. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    Stock (Picture you want in the sig):
    Size: Anyway you like it.
    Artist (Who would you like to do your sig?): Hurm, I liked what you did with your T-Pain Sig. If you could try to do something with all of them in it, that would be lovely.
    Colors: Something that matches.
    Text: Enter Shikari
    Avatar (Would you like a matching avatar? Yes or no?): No
  3. Sora/Riku/Kairi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 24, 2009
    Destiny Islands

    Cool, I'll get to wroking on it, expect it in 5 days or earlier. :)