I spent about two hours in Pokemon Y trying to hatch a Magikarp with an Adamant Nature and Male Gender. I also have half of my Water box full of Magikarp variants, and I sent maybe 12 over the world through Wonder Trade.
That's cool, so long as you got what you're after, that's what counts. Magikarp are possibly the dickiest thing to send by Wonder Trade though. Somebody puts up something half-decent, expecting something unusual and unexpected in return. NOPE. You got a floppy useless fish.
I'd care if my own experiences with Wonder Trade or the GTS were different, but I just want to get the fish out of the way. Besides, someone might not have gotten a Magikarp and wanted one these are the lies I tell myself
YES I put up a Weedle, hoping for a foreign Pokemon so I could breed a shiny, and ended up with the Magikarp of some girl from Philly. I was so sad.
I bet that you're also the kind of person that would quote an actors lines back at them if you saw them in the street.