Kingdom Hearts True Story Part 3

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by John Clay Rice, Apr 4, 2008.

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  1. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena
    This is from mine, Kairi_and_sora_forever's and Roxas_loverXIII story of Kingdom Hearts: IDK what happend but Kairi_and_sora_forever remembered and here's the last story. I will write another post later.
    I dreamt about the Keyblade War and the Bald Man and he sees him clone himself. And (A/N: I'm going to skip to the part where Ven gets frozen and Aqua comforts him.) Then The Bald Man raises his arms and then power of darkness came out of his hand and came a Heart-Shaped moon and I asked "Is this Kingdom Hearts?" Then he saw King Mickey and he had a mad look. Then I woke up. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. Hello? said Sora. "Sora" screamed kairi and she came running. She kissed him on the cheek. " Are you ok?" " I'm fine kairi" how are the others?" sora asked. well namine is comfeting her but she is still freaked out?" said Kairi. "why what happened?" asked sora. "well"said Kairi. and she explained how Kayla had screamed and then past out and since then she is freaked out about kingdom hearts and a bald guy. "what" asked sora. she can see him too."said sora in dis belief. He ran to my side " kayla i'm taking you to the hospitol to see david so me you and him can talk about the man.............your turn? The nurse opened my door and said my friends are here. They went in and I guessed "You guys saw him too?" They nodded as I said "Who was he? And what does the king know about this?" Kayla said "Let's find out." Then I said "That one knight looked liked Roxas in my dream." "Really?" Asked Kairi. "But I have a strange feeling that's not Roxas. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever.
    We went to Disney Castle and told the King about my dream. He gasped about it and said "You must've dreamt the Keyblade War." "The Keyblade War? What's that you're Majesty?" Asked Sora. The King said "That old fellow you dreamt about was Vadius and he created the power of darkness to create Kingdom Hearts. He died 15 years ago. The same time Xehanort was found by Ansem the Wise. So I guess he's returned and wants to destroy the worlds. We gotta stop him so we split up and search for him." You're turn when you get the chance and if you want you can decide whom can split up and next world. Me namine and kairi could be together with goofy as back up with the keyblades and you sora and roxas could be together with donald as back up kairi and soras keyblades were connected so we could talk to you guys. "ok lets split up"said kairi. "wait, kairi before you go here" he gave her her luck charm back. the love in this will keep us together. your welcome"said sora. "Be safe" Roxas called to namine "I will" said namine. We'll meet up here in a half hour" Goodbye you guys" I shouted at yo u3. "we will" they said back "Bye" we all said and we set off. 10 minutes later krgh "Sora where are you" said Kairi threw the keyblade "we are say uk kh 1 "We're at Some world where were toys. (A/N Toy Story world) We'll talk to you later." said Sora. Then I was shocked as I can't believe I'm a toy. I said "Wow I played a toy since I was a kid." "Yeah said Roxas. Then Donald bumped into a Mr. Potato Head? "Hey watch it pal." "Oh Sorry. Apologized Donald. I said "You can talk Mr. Potato Head?" "Yeah don't every toy?" He asked confusingly. "Uh so who is you're leader?" He said "Follow me." Then we walked over to a bedroom and saw a Cowboy doll. "Howdy Partner My names Woody." said the doll "Hello I'm Sora this is Roxas David and Donald." We all greeted nice to meet you. Then I asked "Uh Woody have you seen Heartless?" "What?" Asked Woody. "A Heartless they take away people's hearts they're a force of evil." "Evil you say?" said A Voice. Then a Spaceman like toy came and said "I am Buzz Lightyear I come in peace." I said "Nice to meet you." "Buzz I thought you don't think you're a toy anymore." "I know I was just joking." Siad Buzz."Okay please tell us what's going on here?" Yelled Donald. They explained Toy Story one and two. You're turn I'm deciding if Zurg or Prospecter is gonna be the main villian at Andy's Room. Meanwhile Goofy and the girls are at...." Sora we're in Atlantica" "really oh tell Ariel I said hi and so did donald." "ok" said Kairi so are you a mermaid" asked sora "all of us are except goofy" "hes a turtle" said sora. "namine wants to hear roxas' voice" "hi namine" hi roxas are you ok"Namine said . "yea" "shouldnt we be going " me and you jinx . yea" everyine else said. well bye". "lets go find Ariel".I said look there goes a green fin. that might be her" said namine. "ARIEL" I yell "yes" she says "Goofy" says ariel "who are they?" she asks "well gawrsh these are my friends Kairi , soras girlfriend. namine Kairis nobody and soras nobodie roxas' girlfriend. "and Kayla, shes the independant one" "hey " we all say. "nice too meet you all" ariel says. "ARIEL" says a load voice "uh oh...daddy." says ariel "hang on stay here" she tells us OK" we reply "I wonder how the boys are" asks turn uk kh 1 The Heartless was attacking Andy's Room and me and Sora were doing the Basketball limit. Then I did Duck flare with Donald. Roxas uses his dual Keyblade and destroyed Heartless. Buzz used his laser.(A/N I know it's impossible for Buzz use the laser. But in the TS2 Video Game he did.) Then we saw a cat-like thing it was Pete and... "Zurg. I Thought you turned good since you're my father." "I know but I'm using the power of darkness. To destroy you and rule the worlds. "Not if we could help it said Donald. Then we all battled Zurg Sora and Buzz used the The Beyond Limit. They said "To Infinity and Beyond." They attacked Zurg with lazers I bashed him with my Keyblade and Roxas used dual Threw One of his Keyblades like he did Axel we defeated Zurg. Then he had his Ion Blaster than he dissappeared. Then Pete escaped. Woody then said "Thanks guys, For helping us," "No Prob," I said. Then Sora's Keyblade shined as he opened the pathway to a new world. "Sora what is it?" Asked Buzz. "We Gotta go but we'll be back someday." Said Sora. "All Right Take Care. Wish you can stay so Andy can play with you. Then Sora got the Lego Keyblade for a Key Chain. "I wonder what Goofy and the girls are doing at Atlantiica?" Asked Roxas. Sorq Then called Kairi and asked what's going on. Kairi answered. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. "ariels dad got mad and shes not here yet here she comes and heres king triton. Hello king triton" i said " who are you" I'm Kayla a teenager who is from the world above." I said. "now if you can excuse me while they are introducing them selves i'm going to talk to sora roxas and david. Ok" i said i grabbed the keyblade from kairi. "be right back" "ok you 3 are you ok" yes" you answered "well we gotta go" i said "when you get to your next world call" I told them" ok" Sora said."bye" *beep* OK guys " you done?" I asked "yes " namine answered. "king triton have you seen any heartless" "why it not like you girls have keyblades to destroy them with haha" He said. "ready girls said kairi "ready we replied. "lets go" and we took out our keyblades at once. "ok i believe you " he said "thats why i'm mad be cause there are water heartless ok hey well take care of them" we said "lets go" when we get there there was about 500 heartless me and goofy will take care of this half you take care of the other half" Ok 123 GO" soon we were smashing and swipind kicking and they were gone. huhuhuhuhu we are ok ok" i said triton comes in and bows to us. thanks here are 3 necklaces. one for each of you *they were the prettiest with the water sign on them* "thank-you" we said" best be going"I said. "ok hey bye"and we swam up to the surface well no bald man here. We better contact the boys and see if there comming back to the castle....."Sora"asked Namine yea" are you comming to the castle? sha asked yes" ok Bye........your turn sorry it is so long we Were all at the Castle as Sora kissed Kairi on the cheek and I was wondering if I can get a girl of my dreams like Sora has Kairi and Roxas has Namine, I shrugged as we went to the Cornerstone. The King asks "Ladies and Gentleman This is Terra." It was the Engimatic Soldier from KH2FM. Sora summond his Keyblade but King Mickey stopped him. He said that he tried to destroy Vadius but couldn't. He said that he rembembers Xehanort. But he said he didn't remember how he became a Heartless.He also said that Vadius plan is to use Kingdom Hearts power to destroy all worlds. "How's he gonna do it?" Asked Donald. Terra said "I don't know." "But maybe Master Yen Sid know." Said King Mickey. Let's go To Twilight Town." "That's were Axel kidnapped Kairi." I said. "Oh yeah." Roxas said sadly for he misses his best friend his brother. As we went to the gummi ship including Terra." You're Turn Kairi and Sora Forever "Hello I'm chip and I'm Dale we are your conductors' Sora told me about you lets see red head Kairi blonde Namine and brunette Kayla . and your roxas and your david. " roxas and namine are a couple right" yup we are" said roxas and they kiss. "and Kairi your Soras special Lady right "yes you got it wright and they kiss too. " Kayla" *i look up from staring at Kairi and sora who were now cuddling.* the independant one right " yes " thay=ts right" "we are headed to twilight town " said Sora." ok twilight town here we come"dale said We went to Twilight Town and saw Roxas' friends Hayner Pence and Olette. They saw us get out of Gummi Ship. Hayber said "Sora Kairi Donald Goofy King Mickey. And Who's this?" "This is David, Kayla and Terra. And Roxas and Namine." "Roxas? I feel like we met before." "I feel it too." said Pence. Olette said the same. Sora talked about the Alternate Twilight Town. Then They explained about the Keyblade War. Then We went to the Train station. Then we said goodbye to our friends. Then we went to the train with Sora sitting with Kairi Roxas was sitting with Namine. Donald with Goofy and King Mickey with Terra. Then I saw Kayla as she offered her empty seat as I sit down. Your Turn Kairi and Sora Forever. "Olette Hayner and Pence seem nice"I said "yea they are"said roxas"hey why didnt we struggle while we were there"asked sora. "cause the tornaments where done" "oh ok"said sora. "well where do we go next"asked Roxas. "well I promised Kairi something"said Sora "Well we have evil to catch so dont be gone for long ?" "ok chip Dale disney castle" said Sora "well i promised i would take you to the bridge"sora whispered in kairis ear. "then namine and Roxas have to come with me then. "NAMINE DONT MESS THINGS UP"she screamed at her"ok"namine replied"well we are here"said David. "yay namine roxas sora and Kairi said "yay I said un enthuesiasticly im gonna go see queen minnie bye." I said "well lets go to the bridge"sais turn I was wondering do I like Kayla? I mean she is a pretty girl. I just never thought I would like her like that. Meanwhile Sora and Kairi was at the bridge kissing and Kairi asked Sora if David liked Kayla. "I don't know." He said. "The only thing he loves is Kentucky Basketball." "Well something in my heart tells me that they like each other. So let's try to get them together." said Kairi. "Okay and Kairi?" "Yes." "Do you think we'll be together forever." She says "Of course you lazy bum." Sora laughed. Meanwhile I was watching the sunset as I was wondering what is my fate. Then Kayla joined me. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. Nice sunset huh" I said "yea" you said then riku pops up out of no where and sais in the hall of corner stone now?" he says so we rush are minds still all twisted from options and everything else along with the journey we are about to take when we get to the hall of corner stone we see maleficent pete with tons of heartless along with skater nobodies. "what a plesent surprise" says maleficent......... your turn when you get on "Aw C'mon You can control Nobodies Now?" I Said. Then you said "It does'nt matter we're still gonna kick thier butts. Then Sora and Kairi came with their Keyblades. We whacked some Nobodies and Heartless. Then I confronted Pete along with Donald and Goofy Then I used Dodge Roll on him and he got down. "Take that you idiot." I said with a laugh. Then Pete escaped to Timeless River. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever.
    "Hurry, through the door" I said we run and when we get there we look at eachother with a bizzar look on our faces and start laughing are heads off. " shouldn'" chokes out Kairi. " yea" (we pulled ourself together and ran to the dock) "Stop right there pete." says Sora "we have you surrounded" I say. "Lets get him " roxas shouts and runs to.......Your turn uk and kh 1 Another mouse. Donald and Goofy knows him it was... "Mortimer." said Donald and Goofy. "Who?" Asked Sora. " "He's the King's Arch Rival. He's always trying to steal Queen Minnie from The King countless times. He disappeared after Pete was banished." said Goofy. "That's because I'd team up with the Heartless and The Heartless. The World and Minnie will be mine. Ha Cha Cha." "Ha Cha Cha?" I asked. "Dude that's kinda lame." Shut Up. Heartless Squad Round Up. said Mortimer. Then Heartless came out. When we defeated them. We found out that Pete and Mortimer was gone but luckily at another world when we got back. Then Sora said "We must go to different worlds again." "Good Idea let's go to Port Royal." I said. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. Well while your at port royal we will go to hallow bastion. we will drop you off first ok." I said so we go into the gummi ship and drop you off in Port Royal where Jack greets us. " hello Sora where have you been lately" well we've been...." Begins Sora "everywhere" roxas says. "ok who are you""and you and you an"says jack "these are my friends Kayla, Kairi,and David. And roxas is my other half and is namine awake?" asked sora "yea" said Kairi "NAMINE" says Kairi "wut " and she walks out of kairi "wow " says jack. "hey" says namine. "and you can guess namine is Kairi nobody or "other half. "well we batter go" I said"ok bye"said jack. So we go back on the ship"said kairi "byre"..........your turn when you get on uk and kh 1 The girls left us at Port Royal while me Sora Roxas and Donald was at the Black Pearl. Jack told us about he has a dept to pay against Davy Jones. Will need to use Jack's compass to give it to this Lord Beckett guy or he'll kill Elizabeth. Then Donald saw and ship and yelled "Captain I see another ship." "It's The Flying Dutchman." Then I saw a green and slimy monster and I wonder is that a Heartless? That must be Davy Jones. "You have a dept to pay Sparrow." Meanwhile at Hollow Bastion you're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. We got of the gummi ship at the door to merlins house were imediatly surrounded by heartless yuffie and leon showed up and helped us fight the heartless "who are you" asked leon "We are friends of soras" said Kairi "names" he asked "Kayla, "she said"dont know...said leon "well you wouldnt we just met her about a month ago "I'm kairi" said Kairi "ok Kairi I believe your friends of soras he told me all about you and your namine" says leon. "yea" she said '' Hey shouldnt we get our heads in the fight before we die"said Yuffie "yea lets go" I said we smash and slash all the heartless in about 5 minutes "yes we did it we did it" We celabrated " hey Yuffie, nice fight " I said "hey thanks" she said "could i see your keyblade" she asked "yea" "WOW it got everything" said yuffie "yea " "hey the boys are trying to comunicate using my keyblade" I said. "hello" "ROXAS" I said is this kayla yea why are you using my ke yblade" I screamed at him " wow you have a bad temper " Call Kairi im busy fighting" I said hoping thatexcuse would work "ok i'll call kairi" yea bye" I said.......your turn when you get on uk and kh 1 Hey girls we're with Will Turner. Jack Sparrow as he has 200 souls to pay to Davy Jones. And we're in the Flying Dutchman ships but don't worry 'bout us. We'll find a way outta this." Said Sora. "What kind of friend is Jack? Not trying to help Will?" I asked. "You see in order to defeat Jones we got to find his heart. Then stab it. If that happens he will die. I gotta go." "All right. We'll talk to you whenever." said Namine. Donald was gasping for air. "If I clean his tenacles one more time. I swear I'll die of disgusted." He said. "Hey boys." Said Will. "What is it Will?" Asked Roxas. "I liked to meet my father." Your turn Kairi and Sora forever.

    "Hey girls we're with Will Turner. Jack Sparrow as he has 200 souls to pay to Davy Jones. And we're in the Flying Dutchman ships but don't worry 'bout us. We'll find a way outta this." Said Sora. "What kind of friend is Jack? Not trying to help Will?" I asked. "You see in order to defeat Jones we got to find his heart. Then stab it. If that happens he will die. I gotta go." "All right. We'll talk to you whenever." said Namine. Donald was gasping for air. "If I clean his tenacles one more time. I swear I'll die of disgusted." He said. "Hey boys." Said Will. "What is it Will?" Asked Roxas. "I liked to meet my father." Meanwhile the girls at Hollow Bastion.Your turn Kairi and Sora forever. "well lets go" asid Kairi "Now as you can see....."begins leon ring ring "sorry thats my cell phone"I say "a what"asks Leon "hang on" I say "Hello" "don't try to find me" said someone "who is this" I repeat dont try to find me" he said "It's you how do you know how to work a phone" I asked "goodbye Kayla" he said "how do you " Who was that asked Kairi "him" I said. "We have to talk to the guys"said namine "hang on you 4"i said "Sora" said kairi "He called her cell"said Kairi "who" said Sora "him" the bald one" I said "he called me and told me not to go looking for him" said Kayla.......Your turn sorry its short "That's your father? I thought he was dead." Said Sora. "Well he's not and he's part of Jones ship." said Will. "I know a way to get that heart. Use that Keyblade to open Jones heart. Just like Ven did." "Ven you knew him?" "Knew him? He's part of the reason Will's mother and I are together but that was a long time ago.
    "So let's get outta here." I said. We all escaped when Jones caught us. luckily We escaped expcept Will's dad. Then we went to the Island. And saw Jack and Elizabeth and some guy who looks like a English Army soider. Elizabeth and Will kissed Then he saw jack with a treasure and a regular key."You found the heart now give it to me." said Will. "No it belongs to me." Said The guy then they were fight in a wheelbarrow. (A/N: The fight in the 2nd movie.) Then we saw the Flying Dutchman and the guy must've stolen the heart. But then a huge monster came and attacked the Black Pearl.(A/N: The Kraken) then Will said "Abandon ship. Then we left then Elizabeth was tying up Jack and then something I didn't expcet. She kissed him I freaked out at first but then she was tying him. Then Sora Roxas Donald and me decide to go help him. We defeated the Krakken but then we somehow got out of the ship but where's Jack? "Oh no Jack must be dead." Roxas panicked. "Or another world." I said. Will came to us and said "C'mon in order to defeat Jones and save my father. We must save Jack." "Unfortunaly Will We better get going. We gotta save the worlds but if we don't find Jack when we get back we'll still help you." "All right Sora. Take Care." Said Will. Your turn Kairi and Sora Forever. Hey we have to go" said Namine we'll come back with Sora, Roxas, David, Donald, and Goofy."I said "ok be safe have a nice time dont forget to come back" said yuffie very fast "Yuffie shut up "says Cid. "bye you 3" They say "bye" I say "To the ship' but when we get there the ship wasn't there "It probley went to go get the boys"said Kairi "yea" I replied "So we head down to the market "hmm lets buy some jewelry"says namine "ok"says Kairi when we get there we look around " Hey check ot this anklet" I say "it gives you more strength and the matching braclet gives you defense" I explain "how much" kairi asks "120 munny" I say back. " and i have 225 munny "i say "Me and namine have 355" said Kairi "roxas gave me 200 more" said namine "ok 555" Kairi says i get the anklet and braclet and namine and Kairi get necklaces with keyblade strength boost. "well lets go to the ship " I go when you get on uk and kh 1. We met the girls at the Gummi ship as Sora and I was sitting down. Donald was driving while Goofy navigating. I asked Sora "Hey Sora isn't Kairi's birthday tommorw?" "Yeah and I'm taking her to somplace romantic than giving her a suprise sweet sixteen party. Did you get her something?" "Yeah A DVD player. A Portable DVD Player. What'd you give her?" Sora chuckled "I gave her.... You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. You decide about what Sora gave for Kairi."I'm giving her a Necklace with a pure gold Keyblade and matching earings. "Wow she'll love you for that man." I said. "I know." "But she still loves you no matter what you give her. What times the party and were?" "Tomorrow at 7:00 at Disney Castle." "Okay." You're turn Kairi and Sora forever. Whenever you're ready. "why are we at twilight town"asked Kairi "to go and see if the mansion is unlocked" said Sora "What if we all fall asleep for a year"asked namine "Yea and I hate this mansion"said Roxas "Hopefully It's empty" i say "I hate the mansion too." said Namine. "well we should still go in for clues" You say "Yea" We say "well Here we are" the forest " Sora says We went inside and then we went to the computer room. Then I saw a Disc on the disk. It said "Antother." I put it in. It was a video of Ansem the Wise and a woman. "Well my dear I took this day off just to be with you and our daughter." said Ansem. And I saw the woman along with a red-haired 2 year old and she looks familiar. Then someone answered the door. It was Xehanort. He wanted to know if he could find the answers to Kingdom Hearts Ansem not suprisingly said no then Xehanort said "I have no choice but to go their without your permission." Then he transformed in his Heartless form. "Xehanort what's this Nonsense?" "I am no longer Xehanort I am Ansem." "Ansem's my name you fool." "Not anymore." As Xehanort attacked Ansem's wife then he and his with along his daughter ran. than Xehanort captured the little girl and killed her mother. "This girl is a princeess." Said Xehanort. "She knows where the Keybearer is and I shall send her to where he is. And as for Ansem I shall bansish you into darkness. Then it went blank and I saw the date. It was July 22 1991 two years after Kairi was born. Kairi was shocked. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. "Oh my god"I said Kairi ran and namine got dragged along with "she can get lost in here" I say I run after her. "Kairi are you ok"I asked "Iwas raised by evil to help them find Sora" She said "how could I not have known"She said "It's ok" I say "shhh" "dont cry" I'ts Ok its ok"I say "You are one of the seven princesses" You can stop anything" I say "Your right thanks Kayla "No problem" no wipe your tears then on are wa back Me and Kairi were kidnapped by_______ "no let us go" "keyblades out" "we cant hit him it goes right through. He put is in a cage and shrunk us with something a potion of some sort "help " screams Namine "Well two princesses and a nobody extra credit" He said "What I'm not A princess" I say "yes you are" He said "Well then explain" I demand. "Ok"He said "when you two were born"We knew you would be a danger and would get in our way if you were together so we split you up"we took you when you were two days old. "and we gave you a home on earth with fake parents" he said "but I dont have red hair" I say "you did" he said but we put a spell so whenever your hair started to grow out long enough that it started to grow out red it would cut"he said " but you ve been away from home so long your hair is turning red look"he says i look and hes telling the truth. then Me and kairi tie our hair together and see that they are the exact same color" what about eye color" hers are blue and mine are green "I said " Well you have had eye drops in your eyes scince you were one" he said "but my parents told me if I didnt my eyes would get a disease. "lying"he said "have you check your eyes lately"he said "Namine wut color are my eyes" I ask "blue the exact same as mine and Kairis" She says "I believe you " I say "We are twins" we say "Hey bozo take the spell of my hair" I say "ok" he does "dang Kayla your hair is so long"Says kairi cut my hair like Kairis length" i say "there"he says woah we like indentical "We are here" he says then We come back to regular size " I'm worried about the boys" says namine "us too" we say........your turn Suddenly I walked up to get a Coca-Cola when all of a sudden I saw the girls getting kidnapped by some old guy. I rushed over to tell Sora and Roxas. Sora, Roxas. Kalya Kairi and Namine has been kidnapped by a mystyerious person." Sora gasped and then he wanted to cry. "Why Them? Why not just kill me?" "We don't have time to mope around. C'mon." Said Roxas. Then we went to Disney Castle to tell the King. Then The King said that to only way to save them for us to work together. Donald Goofy Riku and me agreed. We deciced to split up. Roxas King Mickey and Riku go together while me Sora Donald and Goofy work together like last time. Your turn Kairi and Sora Forever. "Xehanort should be happy"he says. "Xehanort"we say......We are brought into a room and set on the table. "Hey Kairi maybe if we are touching and we strike the bars we will be able to get out"I say "Yea but wait" she said "So you bring me a nobody too" said Xehanort "Yes" he says "Very well, bring them too me" he says so the mysterious guy does "Leave" and he does well well you three look like triplets but one of you is blonde wow you have been away from home too long little girl you.."he says"I am home wherever my real family is I'm home Kairi and namine are my sisters I am Home and I am not little" I interupted my eyes turned red for a secound. I was mad "ready Kairi " Ready" she says as soon as are hands touch we summon new keyblades super powerful keyblades "wow" namine says softly. "Go and we bang he bars and the break then riku and the king and roxas come in on aladinds magic carpet. Jump on girls 123 we jump Me and Kairi make it but namine misses. No" I say "We have to go back for her and Roxas jumps after her" Roxas" me and Kairi shout "We have to go find the other boys and donald and goofy" says Riku "but" I begin "lets go" He says "namine is with roxas and they both have keyblades"says the king "speaking of keyblades we have new powerful ones".........your turn sorry I was not on all weekend "your turn uk and kh 1 The boys told us they saved the girls and then I noticed something different about Kayla. She looks just like Kairi. She told us they're twins. Me and Sora gasped. And it gets worse Xehanort is still alive. He's going to use the girls power to rule Kingdom Hearts. Terra said "We need to go to the sands of time and finish off Vadius." I said "How?" Riku said "I still have little darkness we can go their. As he got a dark portal then Sora said "Let's go." Your turn Kairi and Sora Forever when you're on. Oh and the Sands of time is where the KH2FM Secret Ending takes place. C'mon"We say when we get there I notice foot prints "look I say"so we follow them soon we see a man.doging corners we ran and when we looked he werent there. "let me go"says someone yea let her go keep me instead No" says someone "Hey that sounds llike" Kairi says "Roxas and Namine" I finish lets go.......your turn Terra gasped "Aqua? Ven?" I gasped. They looked liked the ones in my dream than I saw Vadius the bald man. "Terra!" Yelled Ven. "I thought you were dead." Aqua was crying and hugged him. Then Vadius said "It ends Now!" He laughed Evilly than Xehanort's Heartless appeared out of nowhere and attacked Sora but he recovered and then Kairi and her sister did a limit attack. Then in my head I realize I like no love Kayla. Then Vadius attacked them and hurt Kayla. We attacked him then he cloned himself like my dream than Ven attacked him but missed. Then I try shoving that Keyblade but then he grabbed my head then dark smoke came out and it froze me. You're turn Kairi and Sora Forever. When Sora saw this he was mad. His new friend was frozen. Then Riku try to attack Xehanort but then he dissappered. Then King Mickey said "Take David to Disney Castle. Then they were sitting in the Gummi Ship. Roxas was just staring at Ven. Ven noticed and asked "What?" "You look like me." Said Roxas. "I know and I look like Sora." He looked at Sora with Kairi with him who was crying for her friend. Ven asked Sora "You never knew him did you?" "Who?" asked Sora. "You're Father, I know him and you look like him." "Who is he?" "He's me." Everyone gasped expcept for Ven Aqua and Terra. "Dad?" Sora was crying then he hugged his father. Then they went to Disney Castle. "We gotta find a way to unfreeze David and save him before it's too late." "I'm afraid it is. The only person that can has the ability to unfreeze things. He unfroze me when I was frozen." "What was he like?" asked Goofy. "He had red spikey hair. He was always cocky and my best friend. His catchphrase was... Got it memorized?" Everyone gasped including Roxas. "Axel?" asked Roxas. Ven looked at him and said "Who's Axel? His name was Ale(prouncced Al) They all explianed about Axel. About how he became Roxas best pal. About how he kidnapped Kairi and how he died. "Oh." Ven said sadly. "But we can find a way to revive him and Ansem the Wise. He's the only fellow who can know how to destroy the darkness." Said King Mickey.You're turn Kairi and Sora forever Or Roxas_loverXIII if you want to help us continue the story. Then when you guys get to disney castle you see me and riku and namine trapped inside the cornerstone. "Kayla namine"screams Kairi at the same time the king roxas and sora yell"Riku". " Who is the one that looks like Kai....Kayla."said Ven "Yea" "What happened to your brunette hair why isnt it short and why haven't you been taking your wern't supposed to find out"he says "Hello you have to unfreeze David" I think a few secounds later "Kairi thinks Kayla can you read my mind" "yes i guess I think back then namine thinks why can I hear what Kairi and Kayla are thimking "namine thinks "Namine we think "listen Go un freeze david" I think "Ok Bye "bye "C'mon you guys lets go... Then King Mickey Sora Roxas and Riku went into the other room and Sora asks "How do we Revive Axel and Ansem Your Majesty?" "We must go to the Underworld." Sora said "The same Underworld with Hades right?" "Yes but I can't go cause I gotta take care of Minnie. She's sick today but she'll be fine. I need you Donald and Goofy go there and release Axel and Ansem.And don't release any other Organiztion XIII member for you know what happend. But be careful for Hades is still there and dangerous as ever so get Hercules to help." "Okay your majesty but how long till David is permantly frozen?" "You got 3 days or he'll die being frozen. Then Sora Donald and Goofy went to the gummi ship with Roxas as well. Kairi then hugged and kissed Sora. Then Sora said "Kairi when I get back I wanna ask you something. Ok?" Kairi nodded. "Good luck. Then she kissed Sora then Namine kissed Roxas then Donald kissed Daisy. Goofy sighed and looked at the couples sadly. "What's wrong Goofy?" asked Sora. "Oh Sora it's been 19 years since my wife Lucy died. She died 3 months after my son Max was born. "I'm sorry." "It's okay and I'm sorry for not telling you but I didn't wanna bring back memories. Now let's go to the Underworld, Release Axel and Ansem and save David." "Yeah!" Said Donald. Your turn Roxas_XIII lover. K lets get this started well Sora,Roxas,Goofy and Donald got 2 the underworld. It was as dark and gloomy as always, wow nothing has changed it still makes me get chilles said Sora. As they walk deeper and deeper into the dark tunnels they all felt as if someone was watching them. In the cave of Hades he watches them threw a magic well of some sort. They think they can bring back there DEAD friends as if. I mean they die and should stay dead!!! Hades said with a laugh. well we will see about that. he said as black smoke came around him and he vanished. As the guys get closer 2 the cave of the dead they hear footsteps from behind them Sora and Roxas stopped Goofy and Donald stop 2. Sora wishpered to Roxas on the count of 3 attack it might be Hades. Ready....1...2...3 they turn around keyblades ready to attack. Sora smiled oh! sorry Herc. didnt mean 2 jump u like that. Hercules smiled what r u guys doing down here. ok i take 2 Kairi and Sora Forever or Uk and kh1 "Herc"asks Kairi curiosly "who is she" asks Hercules "here let me explain, Kairi, Hercules, Hercules, Kairi." says Sora "So this is Kairi" says Herc with an aproving look at sora. "yes and this is Roxas, He's my nobody"says Sora "A what" asks Hercules "Roxas show him please" asks Kairi. *So Roxas walks right into Sora""Wow" of nowhsaid Hercules with amazment in his voice. "I know" says a voice out ere "Hades" says Hercules Sora and Roxas at the same time. "Fetch" says Hades. Soon a 3 headed dog comes running shaking the rocks off the cealing blocking the exits. "looks like we'll have to fight"says Roxas. "1" says Sora "2" says Roxas "3" says Kairi. The next thing they knew they were swiping and hitting the beast with there keyblades Then about 5 minutes into fighting the monster hits Kairi with his paw. Kairi screams "Kairi" yells Sora. "Sora you can go and see if shes ok ok." says Roxas "ok thanks" says Sora and he runs over to her. "Kairi" says Sora softly "Kayla" Kairi thinks. "KAIRI" I scream in my head. *she needs my power to heal her* I concentrate on my power hard and my strength and pass to Kairi. Instantly I faint while thinking fight like you know you have the strength because you do. However Kairi is lifted into the air her hair turns flaming red and her eyes glow blue. And she summons my keyblade then she floats over to the beast and starts hitting it over and over .......whoever gets there first will be the one to write next. Then Roxas Sora Donald Goofy Kairi and Herc did Aura Guard that attacked Hades leaving him vunerable. Then Sora Donald and Goofy did Trinity Limit then Auron came out of nowhere and hit Hades on the head leaving him unconinious. Then Herc went down to get Axel and Ansem. Axel then said "Whoa I'm back." "Axel." "Roxas?" "Hey how do you feel now that you're alive." "Good." Ansem said to Sora "Thank You Sora for saving me but why did you save this Nobody?" "Axel first things first is this." Axel then saw Kairi and said to her "I'm sorry I kidnapped you Kairi. I just wanted to see Roxas. He reminded me of my other's friend." "Ven?" Asked Sora. "Yeah You know him?" "Yes he's my dad." Axel just gasped. They explained about Vadius, Xehanort and David being frozen. Axel agreed to Unfreeze him. They said goodbye to Herc and went back to Disney Castle. You're Turn Roxas_loverXIII Ansem said that he rememered Vadius and he's part of the reason for Xehanort's existence. Then they went to David's room. Axel got his charkams.(I don't know what they're called) put on David's face until he went unfrozen he was jumping and screaming "I'm on fire help me Jesus help me Oprah. Help me Tom Cruise. (A/N:For those who don't know this is from a screne from that Will Ferrell movie Ricky Bobby) Then he calmed down and saw Axel and asked "Axel I thought you were dead. Then everyone hugged him. Then he remembered he fought Xehanort and Vadius and got frozen. They explained and then Ansem the Wise in his lab Coat explained how to defeat Xehanort and destoy Vadius. "David Sora King Mickey Donald Goofy Kairi Kalya Roxas and Namine and Axel.You Must go back to his stronghold and find Vadius and destroy him by working together believe in your hearts and you can win." "I just got more bad news." Said Mickey, "Pete Mortimer and Maleficent have teamed up with the other two." "Aw Man that old hag and her two idiots. We have to kill them too?" "We don't have to kill the idiots. Just Maleficent. And Vadius and Xehanort. And once they're destroyed no more Heartless and Nobodies." Said Ansem. Then Sora said "Let's get 'em. Donald then sqawked "I'm in. " "Me Too," Said Goofy. Everyone else agreed as they went to battle darkness. Your turn Roxas_loverXIII or Kairi and Sora Forever. As they all step off the ship at the world that never was castle. They walk threw the door they see the first floor crawling with heartless. Sora and Roxas sighed here we go again. As Sora,Roxas,Goofy,and Donald took the first floor and David, Axel, Kayla,Kairi, and Namine took the seconed floor with alot of nobodys. As they fight a balck bird flys around the room and goes onto the 4th floor as Maleficent, Mortimer and Pete laugh as they watch the fight go on and on. Well they have come 2 finish us off laughs Maleficent. The fools!! thinking they can get threw all our heartless they are idots. Well should we spilt them up against the 3 of us??asked Mortimer Ill take the seconed floor. Maleficent smiles Well ill go against the keyblade master and his stupid friends. As Pete stands there in fear Ill stand here and keep watch hahahah........ As smoke goes around Maleficent she said Pete u r USELESS!!!! and she dissapeared. Mortimer runs down the stairs 2 start a battle. There was a portal of darkness and it was Mortimer. "Well well the Kentucky boy has been unfrozen. We're gonna kill you then rule the world. Then I got angry and shouted "No Way Not a chance in the underworld." "God I hate it there." Said Axel. Then I wield my Keyblade Kayla did too and so did Kairi and Namine. Axel Wielded his chakrams. Then he bashed him with it. Then Axel said "Burn Baby!!!" Then I did basketball litmit where I shoot the Keyblade on Mortimer Then I bashed him with my Keyblade and we all did until he got down. Mean Sora and the gang see Maleficent. And.... Your Turn Kairi and Sora Forever or Roxas_loverXIII k well as the guys the heartless the ground start 2 shake and the heatless start running away. Donald yelled U BETTER RUN!!!! As Sora and Roxas turned around they see a huge dragon. Sora yelled Malefient!! u finally showed yourself well its your funeral. As the dragon came at them the braced themselfs for the worst. The Dragon spat fire and but Sora and Roxas dodged it. Then Sora did limit form with his old clothes and did Acm Achamid. And Then Goofy Did Tornado. Sora then said " She's Tougher then before. Then Sora noticed the dragons heart then he threw his Keyblade on her and Maleficent just died again. Then Donald said "Let's burn her robe so she can never come back." As Donald used his magic and burned her robe. until it was cremated. Your turn Liz or Kayla. We headed back to the gummi ship to Go to disney Castle. When we got there Daisy Ran up to donald tackled him down And started yelling "Where were you. "Are you ok" Mickey wants to see all of you in minnies room" Oh Poor minnie she is very sick." "Still"me and Kairi Jynx. "Well then lets go" says Sora *when we get there mickey is standing by minnies bed "Hey fellas, Glad you came did you get maleficent"he whispered "Yea we did" Said Roxas. "Good"he whispered "Minnie wanted to give something to you guys" "Here For namine Kairi and Kayla these are rings not only are they rings but they increase your inner strength and they have mirrors that show you if thre is danger comming see they feel warm on you finger if theres danger and it shows you what the danger is" For Sora Roxas David and Riku......whose turn "For Sora Riku Roxas and David you get watches cause it not only tells you the time. But it'll give you communication is. I have one as well and so does Donald and Goofy." "What about Axel?" I asked. "He has the power of darkness to communicate. When Roxas was in the Organization and separated, that's how they comminicate." Then All of a sudden. I thought for a minute. "Wait a minute aren't we supposed to go back to Port Royal to find Jack? Davy Jones is still alive and wants to use the Heartless." "Yeah plus we need to save Will's dad." Said Sora. Your turn Kairi and Sora Forever or Roxas_loverXIII. Well we have to go back to hollow Bastion, Why dont we all go to Port Royal Cause all of us together will make the batttle against Davy Jones easier cause all of us are fighting together right?" Says Sora. "Wait, before you go I found this Girl Surounded by heartless in Twilight Town and she fought them all by herself she is very strong and Powerful sahe has a ring like you girls. Her name is Liz. She has a Keyblade too so she will help you on your journey "Hey Liz" says Kairi "Hey" Says Liz. "This is Kairi, Namine and Kayla" says Mickey. "Heya" I say "Hey" says Liz and this is David Riku Roxas Sora Donald and Goofy so now we have 10 people in your group" says King Mickey "well lets get started" Says Me Liz Kairi and Namine at the same time "Wow thats a lot of jynxs'" Says Sora. "C'mon" Says Sora. Meanwhile at Disney Castle Ansem the Wise was resting in the bed sleeping and dreaming about 15 years ago. And Xehanort asked Ansem opening the door to darkness. Ansem said no then Xehanort left. "Sorry about that my friend. He lost his memories when I found him. Anyway my wife Sakura is 3 months pregnant and she is gonna give birth to a princess of heart. Her name is Kairi." "That's great Ansem. Now about the Heartless and the stars goin out one by one. I wonder who's causing this cause the darkness was destroyed 16 years ago." Said King Mickey sadly. "I know that's were I found Xehanort." Ansem thought "Really? Well I have a theory that the next Keyblade Master will come and he will help us save the worlds and destroy the darkness."Said the King. "Yes but the next one maybe too late. For more Heartless are coming and they're's this creature called the Nobodies. It's When A Strong-Hearted Person becomes a Heartless. And They can think and plan." "Really? That sounds interseting. Maybe Master Yen Sid knows something. He's my teacher." "Yes he's a good man." "I will go see him right now and ask him about these 'Nobodies.' " "All right goodbye my friend." Then King Mickey left. He looked at some letters about his Friends from the Keyblade War and Ven told that his wife gave birth to a baby boy. They named him Sora. He misses Aqua Ale And Terra. For they dissappeared a long time ago. Then Braig (Xigbar) said that he is gonna go home. Then he looked at the picture and said "That's Ven!" "Yeah he has a son now. And I have a feeling that he will be the next Keyblade Master. Then Braig laughed "He don't look half the hero the others were." Then he was leaving talking about what he said to Zexion in KH2FM. Except Xehanort getting rid of Ansem and the room of sleep. Then Ansem woke up and looked up and said "I am sorry Honey for not protecting our daughter. But Sora and I will take care of her now, Then he thought why Vadius froze David. He was chosen the Keyblade because his heart was full of light and then he realized that he and Sora fighting together would end all darkness and peace and harmony so that's why he froze him. (A/N:Sorry this was long and well I wanted to base this story on KH2FM a little more.)The Boys went together except King Mickey who is still taking care of Minnie to Port Royal to see if they could rescue Jack. When they saw Will and Elizabeth and the Black Pearl gang with Barbossa. They explained about the thing then they are on their way to save Jack. They went down to Davy Jones Locker and there they saw Jack and asked "Did no one came to save me just because they miss me?" Everyone was quiet. Meanwhile Davy Jones now knows that Sora and The gang are back and he knew that they're gonna try to stop him. Then they saw the Flying Dutchman and attacked on it. Then they were fighting Heartless and Will asked Elizabeth "Will you marry me?" And she replied "I don't think now's the best time!" Then David said "You Go ahead and elope here While you can!" Then they did the whole wedding thing and kissed. Then Sora got Jones heart and gave it to Jack. Then he was attacked by Jones then Donald used his firaga then Axel used Chakarams. Then Roxas threw one of his dual Keyblades at Jones until he dropped the heart and Jack shot it then Jones collasped and died. Then Will's dad came and hugged him. Then Jack said thank you for helping me Zola Darren Donald Goofy Roxas and Axel. Both Sora and David groaned "That's Sora and David. Then he said "Sorry but thank you. And as a token. I won't ask for the Keyblade anymore." Meanwhile the girls is... Your turn Liz. As me,Kayla,Kairi,and Namine got 2 Hollow Bastin it was crawing with heartless and nobodys. Man! these things never give up I yelled. As we got closer 2 the end of yet again another battle later we would just start another one as always. Well...said Namine we better go 2 merlins house 2 find Leon and everyone else. So we walked and battled heartless than finally we made it 2 merlins. Gosh that took long laughed Kayla. As we walked in Cid was working on the computer and Leon and Yuffie were fighting about how 2 work it or something. Well looks like we have companey laughed Cid and turned around How u guys been?? We told them about what we are doing and were the guys are. Kairi sighed I guess things havent changed here?? Aerith smiled Well things did calm down for awhile and then the heartless came back this time and with the nobodys. And by the way who is your new friend?? Everyone looked at me Oh! well my name is Liz and yep im a newbie!! hehe Well where is Cloud i thought he would be here? Leon looked over at me He's around here somewhere looking for Sephiroth as always. I sighed Dang!! i wanted 2 see him he is soooooooo cool........and hot i said that under my breath. (sorry u guys i had 2 put that in im watching ff7 advent children as i write and had 2 say that) Well Kayla, kairi,Namime what should we do?? Im out of ideas. Well said Kairi maybe we should look around and stop the heartless promble. Sounds good?? Yep we all said Ok "When we got to the great Maw We saw Cloud and liz just about past and started mumbling to herself there he is there he is...hehe. "Hey Cloud"I shout he turns around "Who are you with his wepon Pointed at us. "Well , I'm Kayla this is Kairi"I begin "You too are twins"says Cloud "Yes and this is namine and Liz." I finish "Liz" He says under his breath I know that name
    "Can you wield a keyblade"Says Cloud. "Well I don't know there havn't been many heartless so we havnt really had to fight" You say. "Heartless Liz Watch out then a keyblade pops into her hand imposible unless Liz is Kaylas Nobody wich isnt possible"Says Cloud. "Cloud Behind You"Kairi yells. Cloud turns around and whachs the heartless "lets go." I say. We whack Bunches of heartless. "Now what did You say about liz being a nobody" I asked. "Namine made a little noise like a whimper like she was trying to tell us something.......UK and KH 1 our turn "Kayla turned into a Heartless before she met us. Then David came and saved her before she permantly turned into a Heartless." "Oh yeah. That's when we first met." Liz than said "At first I was about part of the Organization but then that jerk Xemnas said that I wasn't powerful enough and said I couldn't defeat Sora. and then before I left I remember he said something about the other boy who can wield the Keyblade. With he and Sora fight together they can destroy the darkness forever." Said Liz. "Another Keybearer You don't mean...." "Me?" Asked David shockingly who came out of nowhere. He along Sora and The others. "Yes." Said Ansem the Wise. "You and Sora are the only one who can open the door to light." Then All of a sudden something strange happening to David's hand it was another Keyblade? "Two Keyblades? Without a Drive Form?" "Whoa!" he said. Then a Giant Heartless came and David wanted to try his dual Keyblades and he was quite good until he destroyed the Heartless. Meanwhile Xemas came back after he followed Ansem and Axel at the Underworld. And he brought Xigbar Xaldin Vexen Lexuaus Saix and Luxord. "Xemnas how are we gonna kill Sora and David and rule Kingdom Hearts?" Asked Saix. "I don't know but I bet Xehanort's Heartless does." They All laughed evilly. You're turn Lizzy "Wow" I say. "I Don't like to think about that day that was a long time ago."I say "Well, I never new whose nobody I was"Said Liz. "Well you'll have the chance to prove your strength" I say "Ahh Ow" I put my hand on my head and pass out and have this kind of trance "There in Radient Garden and they have Liz." "That little wimp" says Xemnas "She has figured out whose nobody she is" "That Brat Kayla" He says "Well as long as Sora and David Don't find out they need Kayla and her betrayer of a sister to Open the door to light we will be fine" he says. Evil laughs "Kayla Kayla Kayla" I hear in the distance I sit up and Go straight to Sora and David. "Roxas Watch Liz and Namine" "Ok" He says. "David Kairi and Sora" When I passed out I went into a vision thing where I Could see wat Xemnas was doing. Sora and David you need me and Kairi to help you close the door to Darkness. We cant tell the others." I say "Ok" Says Kairi meanwhile you too think I'm Joking. "Your Kidding right" "NO" I say. "Oh C'mon yes you are" "no I'm not" And I blow fire balls at you two "Woah" Are you two OK" I say Rushing over. "Does anyone have water." I might be able to heal them." I say Kairi Pulls a water bottle out of her bag "Ok" I put the water on the burn and touch my hand against the water it heals "Umm Kayla YOu have fire and Healing powers." Says Kairi "Well you must have some power" Says Me "Concentrate i say. "Put your hand up and point it at something like me." I say So she does next secound I'm blown back by a rush of air. "Air powers" we say together. "C'mon you guys lets go"I say to You and Sora and David. Sora was dreaming about the time he sacriced his own heart. Then she saved him. And then when he woke up he was wondering since he's 18. (A/N: We're all 18 in this world if you don't mind) Is it the time for him and her to get married.? He always wanted to marry her. Then he said "After this is over David I'm gonna ask Kairi to marry me." "Good." Said David "How?" "Hmmm I know. " "You know what Sora?" Sora then blushed and said "Uhh that about our date as soon this is over I mean it's our 3 year annvisery since we became a couple." "Aww." She said then kissed him. "I'll tell you about the proposal later David." He whispered. You're turn Lizzy.... Ok I'll write next
    "Hey are there any worlds left now" "No worlds but we have to beat All of orginization still." I said to Kairi Sora and David. Kairi starts rubbing her Stomache. "Umm Kairi Can I speak to you...Alone"I say "Sure"she says "why is you belly so huge and whenever we mention fighting you complain and look at your belly? are you? are you? "I say "OK you got me. It is triplets and they are Girls yes they are soras Kids. And Theyll be here in four months. "Ok WOW" I say "Why arent you telling Sora. " I ask "I have the feeling hes going to propose to me so I'm going to wait" She answers. "Ok then" Lets go out with the others." I say. Sora and David break apart from talking in a whisper. And Sure enough As soon as we walk out Sora walks over to Kairi Gets Down on One and Says "Umm Kairi" "yes" will you marry me" Yes She says with tears in her eyes So he puts this pure diamond with 7 diamonds on each side. "Oh" Says Kairi. Thenm Sora stands up and they Kiss Me Liz and Namine are crying our eyes out and David and Roxas look happier then ever. "Ok Sora We are going to have three Babies tripletsthat are girls they will be here in 4 months " says Kairi . "What oh my god thats awsome" Says Sora Me and namine and Liz are crying even more. "Well what are we going to name them?" Asks Sora "Oh Mckenzie Maria and Melissa. no noumm Casey Kari Cameron. "Well I was thinking Elizibeth Kayla and Namine" says Kairi Sora Agrees. "weel thats settled then says David " Not Quite says Roxas " Namine will you marry me? " "Yes of course Great we can have a double weding a quite one umm David will you be the Person thing the...What do you call it judge thing. "Sure but dont you need a liscence" No not here only on Earth. "Well ok then"...........Whose turn "Do you Kairi take Sora to be your lawfully wedded husband? Namine same thing." "We do." They both said. "Sora and Roxas do you take Kairi and Namine to be your lawfully wedded wife." "We Do." "Then I prounonce you men and wives. You may kiss the brides." As they kissed and everyone had a after wedding party. David was gonna sing that song like on Family Guy. (A/N: If you seen the Back To The Future parody. You'll know what I'm talking about. When Brian was singing)then Riku was looking at the couple dancing. Then he wonders if he's ever gonna get a girl. And Ansem asked Sora "Can I talk to you for a minute Sora?" Whose turn about what Ansem is talking to Sora about... "Sora you do realize that your girls will be keyblade bearers and princesses "Yes I relize "They will be in Danger When they turn two " Yes we are willing to give everything to protect them. "have you chosen god Parents yes Kayla and her future husband "ok" Well then thats settled" Thanks and they walk outside to see Namine Kairi and Kayla discussing the Babies situation about the keyblades and org 13 and how they will protect them Meanwhile at The Nobodies stronghold. Xemnas said about the Sora's girls. He said that he plans to turn them in Nobodies when they're five. Saix stated that they'll know better. Then Xaldin said "I got a good idea. Turn them into Nobodies when they are born." "Yes. While the parents aren't looking. Hahahaha." Then Xehanort's Heartless came and said "Let's work together to destroy Sora and David once and for all and rule Kingdom Hearts. We separate them from Kairi and the rest and then keep torturing them until they're dead." "Yes then we'll rule Kingdom Hearts and The worlds. They and the rest of the Organization laughed evilly. Back at Hollow Bastion "Hey I have an Idea" I said "We should go to Earth when the Babies are one week Due "yea thats a great Idea" says Kairi "Ok weel then thats settled " says Liz. "Well where to we go next"asks Roxas "We could go to spain" I say" "What" Asks Namine "What I've always wante ahh" "So its settled we will attack Kairi the day the girls are born And of course Sora David Kairi Kayla and the other brats will Come to save them Saix take care of the girls and Roxas And split them up from Sora and David using the hing we used on Sora and Kairi when they were 14 to split them. Then I jerk Back to life "No way" I say in a week late Kairi was knitting for her little girl's baby clothes. "Anytime." Said David who agreed to take care of Kairi while Sora is out. "Yeah and.... ohhh David "Yay I'm gonna be an uncle." He then took her to Destiny Island Hospital. He called Sora Riku Axel Kalya Roxas Namine then Ansem then Donald and Goofy the King and Minnie and Daisy. While Vexen disguised as a doctor went through the room. Unfortunalty for him Riku reconized him and went to him and asked "Can I ask you somethin. They went to a room were no one was there. Then Riku said "Doc I have a problem." "Go get a another doctor." "Really? Unless you are one Vexen?" Vexen growled. "How did you know?" "I may not be Albert Einstien but I have may ways. What do you want with Sora's babies?" "Lord Xemnas and Xehanort wants to destroy him and David so we're gonna separate him and then torture both of them until they're dead." Riku said angrilily "Well You'll have to go through me." He summoned his Way to Dawn while Vexen summoned his weapon. Then Vexen try to freeze Riku but he blocked him. Then Riku sliced through Vexen's chest and then he died into darkness.I gotta find Sora and David. Your turn Lizzie or Kayla. You pulled Sora and David out and told them In the room Namine was holding namine and Liz was holding Elizibeth and I was Holding Kayla. "They have our hair color and soras ye color but they have our nose mouth ears but the have soras tiny little feet. "Says Kairi to me. "theyre so cute I'm an aunt better yet I'm a godmother. When the boys walk in they are looking very serious and where just crying our eyes out then Xemnas swoops down Hand them over now" He says "No" I shout. "Hurry you no where to go" Says Riku as he made a portal to Darkness that would take us to earth "Careful" I say to Riku "I'll be fine just go" He says "Ok" I say. When we all get in the portal we walk towards the exit Axel and Lizzy holding hands. Wow I tell myself even liz has someone And my thoughts go to Riku. Sora and Kairi are holding liz and Kairi and I'm holding Kayla. Then I see Riku run by the opening. "Hurry I shout. I remember my powers tat I found and I put up a wall of flames and touch everyone thats with me and rearange so Riku can get through. Come on" Lets go" So we run to Earth Lets go to My house. So we turn the corner and theres my house riku must have put the portal here then riku Shows up and I run over to him. Riku are you ok theres A huge cut in your arm I run over to liz give her Kayla and walk back over to rikuPut my hand on him and heal him. There "thanks" says Riku "Your Welcome" I say "Save the Romance for after we are safe" David Shouts "Hea hea" I laughed and we blushed and ran over to the others "Come here Kayla" I say and I take her from Lizzy. "Ok Lets go Liz unlock the door with the keyblade "Cmon lets go in" I say. Once we were In I shut the door Ok I got three cribs for the babies. "So we put Liz in a light blue one Kairi in a pink one and Kayla in a yellow one. Liz and Axel sit on the couch together. Sora and Kairi Are looking over the babies Namine is taking a shower and Roxas is inside Sora right now. . "Oh what are we going to do" says Kairi and starts cccrying into Soras Shoulder. Liz is Crying and I am thinking about what we should do. "Oh Riku What do we do" I say "I dont know. David walks out of my room and is carying a letter. "Read it" You say. "Dear Kayla We have figured out your conection about the fact that you can read My mind And we also know you and Riku are now Godparents of the babies. You will do anything to protect them if Sora and Kairi die therefore...." Its ripped I say. "Exactly but how did they find out" All of asudden I take out a handfull of flames "WHOSE BETRAYING US" I shout "Shhh Kayla no one dont go crazy" says Kairi. "right Kairi you need Rest you just had three babies and we are making you fight. " I say "Thanks" and she walks off to my bedroom Namine follows after her and disapears in thin air to Kairis Body. "Sora you need sleep and should watch over Kairi." Says David. "ok". "So its just me rikku david you and Axel" I say to Liz. "Lets go The babies are crying." was watching ESPN about the Barry Bonds thing(A/N:Like him or not he's gonna break that record.) and Lizzie sat with him she has fallen in love with David she knows it but I don't know but I love her too. She asked "Hey David. You watching the Barry Bonds thing." "Yeah whether he's on steroids I like him. But if he's a Heartless or Nobody not counting you Axel Roxas and Namine I won't like him. So where's Axel and Riku?" "Oh they're playing Poker with Donald and Goofy. Listen I may not have a heart but they're's somebody that makes me feel like I do." "Really what's he like. Or it's a girl.?" "No he's a guy and he's smart handsome and he's a great guy." "Do I know him?" I asked "Yes he's you." I gasped then she was kissing me."I love you David." I was shocked but then I said "I love you too. " And I mean it. I don't care that she is a Nobody. She has her own heart. Meanwhile Sora asked if I could babysit his girls. I agreed with Lizzie helped me. Then I had a disburbtance in my heart I haven't felt since I got frozen. Then I saw portal of darkness it was .... Your turn Liz or Kaylaand it's gonna be an Organization member except for Demyx Marluxia and Larxene. As a surprise Sora took Kairi on a 3 day cruise (2 get away from the babies). WOW!! said Kairi as they went abored. I didn't relize how big it was. Sora smiled Well we need to get away once in awhile just us. Kairi smiled You sure David and Liz dont mind watching the babies? Sora laughed No David didnt mind and Lizzy wanted 2 stay with him 2 i dont no why?? But lets go find our room... sound good? Kairi smiled sure.^_^ When they got in the room it was beautiful! It was huge and a awsome window 2 look out and see the wide ocean. o.o WOW Kairi said with a laugh Sora its beautiful! Sora looked around OMG IT HAS A HOT TUB!! Thats so cool!! As they were having a great time, Lizzy and David were................your david and ill get back 2 the cruise after u write.... if u want 2 write?? David was holding baby Liz when all of a sudden she spat at hijm David laughed nervouslly and was drying himself. He wondered if his kids would be like that. Then the triplets were asleep. "Sora and Kairi are lucky cause they have beautiful children." Then they heard a noise and the babies crying. They went to the room it was a portal of darkness and it was Saix Luxord and Xigbar holding the babies. "What do you want with Sora and Kairi's babies?" David asked. "Well well if it isn't Liz? " Liz got angry but she doesn't care. "We are going to turn them into Nobodies so Supioror can use them when they grow up to take over Kingdom Hearts." Saix said. "Wait!" David then hit his head on crib. He held his hand and said to Liz "Come on we gotta call Sora!" Your turn Liz. ran and got the phone, my hands trembling as i dialed the number. "Hello" it was Sora. I started to cry Sora im sorry......but the organization came and..........they took the children....... You have to come home now! I heared Sora tell Kairi and i heared her start 2 cry Ok we will leave now..........see u later, I heared Sora sigh and he hung up the phone. When they got home we stood there crying and me and David kept saying we where sorry. Sora smiled Its not ur fault we WILL get them back. We called everybody and they came and we told them about the organization and how they took the babies. We were all on another adventure...........ok David sorry its short but its all u Kairi was still crying but Sora was still comforting her. I was worrried as Kayla and Riku came. The King said to us "Xemnas and Xehanort are planning to turn the kids into Nobodies. If we don't stop them in 24 hours... it'll be too late." "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go." Sora told Kairi "Don't worry our kids will be all right." She smiled and said "I know. Go save them." The people going is me Sora Riku Donald Goofy Roxas and Axel. The girls are going to stay to comfort Kairi. We went to The Nobodies stronghold. Sora said "Let's split up Me Donald Goofy and David will go up Riku Roxas and Axel..... you guys go down to see if any Organization member." As Me as we went up Xigbar came where Sora fought him before. He got his sniper while fighting Xigbar and then he dropped his sniper. He tried to get it but I slashed him as he died fading into darkness. But before he faded. Sora asked "Where are my little babies?" But he laughed and said "You're getting warmer." As he finally died. "Come on." I said. As Me Sora Donald and Goofy went up. Meanwhile Riku and the gang went to the dungeon when another Organization member it was....... Your Turn Kayla or Lizzie. Luxord "Well Well Soras Come to Save his Precouis." Oww" as Roxas swung the keyblade at him we will spare you if you tell us where they are ." Says Riku "Oh no well settle this Game style. Right when the Game began you guys were beating the Crap out of him. "Soon he started to Fade" "you will do anything to save them wont you. Almost there... ey got 2 the top of the world that never was tower they saw Saix holding the children. Saix laughed Well looks like u made it just in time 2 see ur babies become one of us. They will be very good students. Sora grined There is no way they will ever become one of u...........never. Saix put the children down Well this will be fun, Saix ran at them You will fall, keyblade masters.................and in no time Saix was on the ground fading. You will never win.......than he dissapeared. Sora and David ran over 2 the children and picked them up and held them close. They left holding the babies trying 2 calm them down as the babies cryed. When we got to my house it was empty Kairi left a note saying
    We went to disney Castle because Queen Minnie had a baby. Mickey looked threw the cornerstone and saw that the babies were all right. We are fine here. Kayla and Liz are talking with king mickey about when liz was at the orginization. I'm so wooried about You.
    ♥ Kairi ♥
    "Well lets go to disney Castle to see the baby" says Sora. We went to Disney Castle and went to the Queen's room with Mickey holding a cute baby mouse. He had Mickey's eyes but had Minnie's ears. That made me realize I wanna have kids someday. "Uh Liz." I asked. "Yes David?" "Can I ask you something?" We went to the other room where the courtyard is. I got on my knee and said "Liz I love you and I wanna be with you the rest of my life so after we defeat Xehanort and Xemnas. Will you marry me?" Well now that we have lizzys Answer . "Yes" She says . So you put the ring on her finger and go in to congrate minnie and tell us the news. "What" i say "Congrats" says Riku. Hmm I wonder if riku will propose to me" i asked myself. I wonder if ishould ask KAyla to marry me" Riku thinks. "So you fellas got any ideas. Well Minnie mickey will you watch Namine Kayla and Elizabethfor uss. "I'm going with" says Kairi. "Sure" says minnie and Mickey. "Kayla your not going at the same time roxas says namine your not going and Sora says Kairi yyour not Going. and David says Liz your not going."3 words." Says Kairi "Yes" I say "We" says Namine. "ARE"we all shout.. After me and Lizzie told everyone. We decided to plan the wedding since Kairi had the three babies. I wonder since I've been gone from home. I wonder if I got the University of Basketball scholarship. (A/N: That's my dream. I know it won't happen but a guy can dream) Anyway King Mickey named his son Walt. He knew a wise man by the name of Walt Disney. He named Disney Castle after him. If it weren't for him he wouldn't be king. I was holding the baby and he was laughing at me. Like Sora's three girls was laughing when I made funny faces. "David I have an idea that will give Lizzie her a heart." Said The King "Really your majesty? But I don't care. I love her if she's a human or a Nobody. "Yes but she told me that she wants to be human because she always wanted to be human. And there is a way." "How?" I asked. The King "First get her beside the Cornerstone. Then say this magic spell. Then..... Say 'Nobody no more.' and then kiss her. And that's how she'll become human." I asked Lizzie "Do you really want to be human Lizzie?" "Yes." She said "Because I wanted to be human ever since I met you David and I want to do this. I want a heart so our children will have a heart. instead of half a heart." Suddenly I grinned "All right if that's what you want. As I gave Little Walt to Mickey as we get ready to start. As me and David walked over 2 the big cornerstone thing. (Oh and david whatever scholarship u want i no u will get it^-^ dreams always come true hehe) Anyway as i stood beside the cornerstone i smiled Thank u David, this a dream come true. He smiled I just hope it works lol........ok here we go. He looked at me "Nobody no more" and then he kissed me. There was a yellow light around me and then it stoped. I looked around and it hit me Oh! i can feel my heart beating.............its my heart......and mine alone. I smiled at David and huged him Im so happy thank u David.......I love u. He smiled Im happy if ur happy. Liz is just happy that she has a heart for real. I was really happy that she has a heart back. She's no longer a Nobody. She's a beautiful human. I was sitting next to Sora who is gonna be my best man at my wedding. He asked "When's the wedding?" I said "After we defeat Xehanort and Xemnas. Then King Mickey came and said "I have a plan to defeat Xehanort. And he told us. Ok" said King Mickey after he told us the plan "You know the plan Keyblades out" 'Wait " said KAiri and we set the triplets into the crib with Walt. "Ok" We took out our keyblades and walked to the cornerstone. "This may work we all have to say who we Care about the Most." Says King Mickey. And we have to Point the keyblade at the cornerstone when you say it." "Wait" says David. "Where did Kairi Kayla Roxas namine and Liz go." "Wait a minute" says Sora "they are all orginazation traitors" "Yea" Says Riku. "Xemnas ad Xehanort" says David and Mickey Sora Riku and David "Okay." As King Mickey said. "As you know, Everyone of Organization XIII have been defeated except for Xemnas. If we don't defeat him and Xehanort's Heartless as soon as possible. They will fuse and become unstoppable. So we may have to hold the wedding as soon as possible." "Okay your majesty," I said. The all of a sudden my heart was not feeling right. Then I had a weird voice and it felt familialer. It was.... Whose turn? Meanwhile at Radiant Garden. Xemnas was going back to the "Room of Sleep" While Xehanort's Heartless was at TWTNW sleeping as Xemnas also slept at the chair. They were both dreaming about after they betrayed Ansem and sent Kairi to the Islands. After he banished Ansem to the darkness. Xehanort renamed himself "Ansem." Then The other apprentices turned into Heatrtless as well. Then their Nobodies also ended up at Castle Obivion. Xehanort's Nobody said "L0et's have an Organization where we did when we were human. Study the people's hearts and first rule is that we're gonna change our names. My name is no longer Xehanort or Ansem it is Xemnas." Meanwhile the other Apprentices' Heartless was just plain regular Heartless. But Xehanort who regained his memories kept his human form. Well that night we decided that we should have the wedding the next day. So the whole night befor the wedding everyone was busy putting the whole wedding thing together. As kairi,Namine,and Kayla helped me find a cute wedding dress (sorry no pink dresses). And as the guys help David do well........idk guys stuff. lol
    Later that night, as the girls were talking about (and eating something lol).......well the regular girl stuff and watching the children.........and we were all talking about honeymoon ideas when this whole battle is over. We all though that somewhere beachie and fun in the sun would be the best place like........well kayla where we going?? Well you could go to Amoria (place from a nother show) the island of Love they have a beach a 5 star resteraunt and hotel and for a little night time fun a night club" I suggest "Oh I really like it" you thought "well I will ask David later" However Naminea nd KAiri where giggling "Wut" I snapped at them. They stoooped at once and then Kairi set through fits of Giggles How do you"she bagan but couldnt finish and bursted out laughin. "Know about amor"Then she started laughing to. "Well a girl named Violet who surfs there and works at the bar told when I was.......all of a sudden KAiris Laughter died And she said "Wait how do know Violet PlotivviKai. She's my cousin." Said Kairi. Meanwhile Sora me Roxas Riku Donald and Goofy were eating McDonalds and I was wondering about Kingdom Hearts and it's power. I wonder if Ansem the Wise knows about its power. Than Sora asked "David Aren't you gonna eat that fry? Tommorrow's your big day." "Oh yeah sure Sora. I was just thinking about Kingdom Hearts. What is it's power besides the heart of all worlds. I mean if someone inavades it the worlds are doomed right?" "Yeah but I see what you mean. You want a blue suit in right?" "Yeah. You know what guys Lizzie is everything to me I just found out she is my light as am I." "Wow David like Kairi is mine." "Guys? I'm gonna propose to Kayla tommorrow during the reception. You won't mind if I interrupt the reception or after." "Sure Riku." Tommorrow at the wedding.... your turn Lizzie "We are here to celebrate the Joining of David and Elizabeth." I said with Tears in my Eyes for it was a private weding with only Roxas Sora me you two Ansem Axel Kairi Namine and King Minnie Queen Minnie and Walt and the other three babies so I had to do the reception. I was so Happy for them but my heart had felt way to whole scince liz became a Somebody."Do you David Take Liz to be you lawfully wedded Wife in sickness and Health Till death parts you." "Yes" You say. "Do you, Liz Take David to be you lawfully wedded Wife in sickness and Health Till death parts you". Yes Said Liz Crying. "You may kiss the bride"I said You too kiss break apart and you pick up liz and Carry Her Over too The others me Following you two behind and You set her down on The chair. \"So We walk out to Find David Feeding Liz Cake.
    "Kayla Come here" Kairi Whispers "Ok" Well" "Well What oh I said No I had to I dont yet know wut I am supposed to Do with my heart Wut If my Destiny is to Die to save one of you it Wold Break his Heart even More If I died while we were married so I Need to Know We will All be happier when this is Over."I need to Know" All of a sudden My Kayblade pops out and Starts shaking Its sparkles and falls back in place different than Before. "your destiny Keyblade" Said King Mickey. "Wow" I say Softley. It was A Red and Black Keyblad einstead of Blue and yellow and My matching Flowers with Kairis There WAs a bleeding Black rose on the end of it And Thorns Going all the was up until where my hand grips it. When The weding Was over we Packed all of our stuff And Decided to head to desting Islands Because My New KEyblade Can Put Protection Shields over Worlds to Keep out The orginization. When We got there we set down the triplets on a blanket i nthe secret place on Destiny Islands That We turned into a room for people to Live in when they Have no where else to Go. Kairi Put the blanket By the picture of Her and Sora eating the star berry together and the triplets crawled for the first time to go see it Closer We all freaked out Like "Oh my God The Crawled oh my goodness" After about and hour we all got over it and I decided to Go Congratulate Kairi and Sora. "You guys Have raised them so Well." "We Couldnt have done without your Guyses help" "So when do you think the will Summon there Keyblades well Kairi and Me think that we have to Bless them with it for them to get it we where thinking 5 years so They can defend them selves" says Sora. "When Did you two Draw that picture over there?" "umm when we where six I think" Said Kairi Well I think we should get to Bed" "Ok" So we all went to Sleep. Meanwhile the orginization was playing to "TRY" to get in to Destiny Islands and they Were not Aware of the Barrier Shield Made by me no My Keyblade and I fell asleep wondering about my new keyblade still and then Wondering wut everyone else was dreaming About.
    In the morning I woke up to find Kairi trying to summon soras keyblade. "Kairi wut are you doing" I whisper "Trying to uhh ok I was trying to summon the keyblad efrom sora so I could Bless the girls cause well the woke up in the middle of night Walking so I figured they can walk and the can hold a bottle so why dont I make so I can let them summon there keyblades only when they are in danger or when we are not around ya know so . "Well you wouldnt be able to Do It maybe I could but Wait I'm related to him now" I say A little to loudly because Sora and Roxas Tumbled in there aleep and Liz woke up. "Hey wut are you..." I explained "Oh well I'm not related to him let me try" She stuck her hand over Sora and Pulled out her keyblade and Put that over it to . 5432 "Oh" Said liz in Surprise. she did it Kairi Goes over to the babies puts her s and soras keyblades together puts it over there blanket and says Princesses of Heart, Mistresses of the keyblade I bless you the power of Your Parents Gifts. We all hold our breath nothing Happens oh I forgot Kayla hold Soras Keyblade You have my blood Therfore you have theres" Princesses of Heart, Mistresses of the keyblade I bless you the power of Your Parents Gifts." Then Sparkles fall Slowly from the Keyblades and fall on them. "Well Lets egt back to sleep Before everyone else wakes up" I was waiting for Lizzie cause she's at the doctor's and was throwing up nightly and acting sad then 5 seconds later she was happy then mad. Then she came to me and yelled "I'm pregnant!!!" I gasped and was happy for my wife. Then we told Sora and the gang and Kairi said "The triplets will have a playmate." She said while looking at the kids crawing. Meanwhile I got a call and it was from...... Lizzie your turn. Liz had to Go back to th ehospital. We where on the way to the Hospital Driving in my Escalade magnified to fit twice the amount of people it would regularly. Me and David Were sittin in the front because I refused to let him Drive so He wanted to Sit in the front then Behind me was the four carseats with Elizabeth Namine and Kayla and Walt and Riku sittin next too them. then behind them was Sora Kairi Roxas and Namine then There was Queen Minnie King Mickey Axel and Ansem. We were talking "So wut will you name the babies?" I asked "Well if its a girl I'm pretty sure we will name her _______ And if its A boy we dont know yet. " Wow _______ Thats a very Beautiful name" I say thanks. Then The car freezes but we dont everything but us is stopped then we here Xemnas and Xehanort Say "We are sorry you wont get to See your baby " Said Xemnas Hee was holding Somethin Or Someone. "Oh my god He has Liz" I say. It happened the secound I said liz I was lifted into The air and Brought to him. "whaaat are you doin when I get all the way Up there I try To grab liz but there is a wall Hmph" "i summon Out mi Keyblade And I cut right through it then I her Kairi scream Kayla and She is lifted up to us too. Sora Screams Kairi But he Doesnt get lifted "Namine wutever you o dont say but too late he was tempting her with Roxas. "ROXAS" she is Lifted and Xemnas or Xehanort drops him. "The girls" We all shout. "Wait KAyla and KAiri "They are sisters But Kairi Doesnt have her destiny keyblade. Minnie" Screamed King Mickey as she was lifted to. Then All three of the babies flew up and I Jumped in front Of Liz and Naminei and caught them and then I started faling. I had broken through. "My keyblade popped out and slowed us down Sora cought me and the other three and took Namine Leaving me with Liz. "They have Got Kayla and Liz and Minnie and Namine and Kairi still." I said. Pointing at the sky They Disapeared and So did Riku. "HURRy lets get into the car" Sora screams. "So We all get into the car and David Rushes us home to Lizzies House At 100 miles per hr, "OK we are here" After we went home I said to everybody "I have an idea to go to Radiant Garden and We can get Leon to help." "Good Idea David maybe he knows how to defeat Team Xehanort." Said Sora. Then I looked at Lizzie and asked her "Do you want to stay or come with us? Escpically with our son due 5 months?" "Of course I do I don't wanna fight though. I smiled and said "All Right." Then we went to Radiant Garden on Gummi Ship Meanwhile Sephiroth was.... I was very worrried about Lizzie and our child but Sora said "It's okay she'll be all right. So will your son. You are gonna have a son right?" I nodded. Meanwhile at Radiant Garden. We saw Cloud as he was still searching for Sephiroth. He still hasn't killed him yet but once he does the darkness in his heart will go away. I said "No but I'll see if he's here." Then we told him about Lizzie and he said that he'll do what he can. I thanked him. Then we went to Merlin's house and Leon said he had a plan and it was.... your turn Lizzie or Kayla OK now Kayla Take baby liz and baby namine over there." He said. So I walked over there holding my nieces. "Now Sora Roxas David and Mickey over there" Then Right there in a house of trustworthy people my new keyblade popped out and I collapsed and at the same time Sora Nelt down and Grab his head like he was having a bad heaache and then the Babies started crying. Me and Sora opened our eyes wide and we saw............................................... .......................

    Down in a dark layer underground there was a 20 year old girl with Purple hair and beautiful Eyes. She was very pretty. Now she was walking down the hall. Finally she stopped and turned to face 4 women 1 guy and A baby being clutched to her mothers heart. "Hey Cuz" Said the mistery figure. Then she came into the light. "Voilet" Screamed Kairi. "Yeas" She said in a fake sweet voice. "Now" She began her chilling but wonderful voice said. "I've got you and Riku and your nobody traitor." "Now whos the sweet little baby your holding. "This Is Kayla and You cant take her" Said KAiri. "Well well I thought youre sister was.." She began "She my Child and Kayla is safe from you. "Oh no I dont think so" "You see when this rag here" she said pointing to liz." Became someone I took the place as your sisters nobody." Said Violet her Purple blue eyes Glowing like crazy. "Now we have This Baby Kayla, The raggy X-Nobody, The Queen of lamers, My sweet little cousin, and my new fiance." She said. "What" screamed Kairi. "You think just because you my sisters Nobody you can marry him" Siad Kairi. "It's OK." Said Riku. "I new she would do this to me" "It kind of Makes me wonder why I put Kayla through this. I guess I will have to let her Go." 100s of miles away Kayla started to cry through screaming "Riku" "What" What happened" said David. I was crying to hard to talk. But Sora seemed to speak up. "Violet is Kaylas nobody, Kairi's Cousin and Kayla's Cousin. "She take Riku from her and riku gave in to her."said Sora. "Oh My God." said David. "I know said Sora" "No Look at Kayla." he said her hair was flaming red her eyes turned pink and glowed. "Kairi" she screamed and then collapsed. about thirty secounds after she collapsed Kairi appeared holding baby kayla and grabbing riku buy his shirt and Sora could here Violets shrieks of Terror and hatred as Kairi escaped holding baby Kayla and holding on to riku. "Woah" said Kairi. "But Liz where is she?" said David "she well she is having the baby in a hospitol in Amoria." she said "What" said David. Kayla Kayyla wake up" said Riku. "Nop use said Sora " She collapsed right fter you gave in to violet. "What I did What I would never" he said then and there Sora saw Rikus eyes glow purple blue for a secound and then siad of course I did." "Kayla" "Wut hapend" I said surprised. Riku" OMG "Then she kissed him and his eyes shone blue then purple than blue and he was back to normal................David your turn.
    Ok then we went to the hospital in amoria and she had aaron right.
  2. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    thats a bit of a moutull but i dont think this is an rp i think you need to post this in original work dont worry a mod will move it soon enough
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