Kingdom Hearts: Project- Replica

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Blader, Aug 14, 2011.


Whose DNA should they use next?

  1. Saix

    0 vote(s)
  2. Zexion

  3. Larxene

  4. Xemnas

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Blader Traverse Town Homebody

    -Castle that never was- -The Room Where Nothing Gathers-

    Vexen was not too pleased about having someone coming to work in his lab. No, more similar to being invaded, run over, and taken control of and held hostage in his lab!

    Xemnas had made his point clear: " Vexen, I want you and our operative to work on this project. Notify me when you are complete. Understood?" Xemnas handed a Manila folder to Vexen.

    " Yes, my liege." Vexen gulped. Xemnas had defintely missed his noting blueberry muffin. And without his muffin, Xemnas was as grouchy as Saix.

    -Vexen's lab-
    Vexen opened the door to find to notice a young man in white lab coat and organization cloak staring at some vials in held near a light.

    "So, you're the operative?" Vexen asked.

    "Correct." The young man replied. "my name is Chris. Yours is...?"

    "My name is Vexen. I have an assigment from the Superior-"

    " -to activate and complete project replica." chris finished.

    "How did you know that?"

    "I brought up the concept for said project. Now, if you open up the folder-" Chris began,

    Vexen opened the Manila envelope, and to
    his surprise, a vial and several pictures were taped to the inside of the folder. He read the number etched on the vial: XIV.

    "This project has to deal with Xion, no?" Vexen inquired.

    "Right. We-you and I- are combining number fourteen's current state with the DNA of organization members."

    Vexen was pleased to know what the project was about, but combining DNA wasn't easy.

    "And how will we do that if there is one Xion?"

    "I had genetic copies made." Chris said, placing the vials onto a rack. "see those pods on the far wall?" he said pointing to the wall in back of the lab.

    "Yes..." Vexen replied.

    "Take a closer look at the inside."

    Vexen stepped closer towered the pods, or at least that's what you could call them. They each held what seemed to be an individual Xion, floating in a green gel-like substance. At the top of each of the pods was a circular slot. If you followed said slot, it led to tubes inserted in the Xion's neck, wrists, and arms.

    "Very good work, no?"

    Vexen nearly jumped at the question, he hadn't expected Chris to come up from behind.

    "yes. Whose DNA shall we use first?"

    "how about eight?"

    "fair choice. Begin insertion." Vexen commanded.

    "As you wish." Chris slid the vial into the slot and watched the red fluid slither into the Xion, icily flowing from the tubes into the clone's veins. It was science, after all. Why not enjoy it?

    "Now what number?"

    "What about eleven?" Vexen asked, curious.

    "we have an eleven DNA sample."

    The two continued on, picking numbers eight, eleven, two, three, nine, ten and five for "test" clones.
    They had failed to notice changes in the clones, however.
    Eight's hair turned red at the tips and green tear shaped marks showed on her face.
    Eleven's hair turned pink at the tips as well, but her complexion became nearly glowing.
    Ten's became blond at the crown and the tips. She began to take a refined look to her complexion.
    Two's hair grew into a ponytail and became grey in some places.
    Three's hair stayed black, but became very long, nearly imitating three's dreadlocks.
    Nine's hair stood straight up and remained black, only to
    turn blond in some places with blue highlights scattered throughout her hair. It flattened afterwards, for the most part, but some pieces of hair refused to
    lie down.
    Five's hair became orange and black, part flat, part spikes. Her muscle size was increased proportional to her body, about twice the size.
    But, that was the first day............ And why notice then?
  2. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Interesting concept. there were a few mistakes. for example, in the first sentence, you should use "overjoyed" or "pleased" instead of "joyed". question: why did Nine's hair turn blue? Nine is Demyx. i think youre thinking of Six, Zexion.
  3. Blader Traverse Town Homebody

    Enjoy, as I have been away on they're awesome. Kay, I'm done. Anyways....

    -Day 230-

    -The Room Where Nothing Gathers-

    Xemnas sat confidently on his throne, propped by a single arm. He was bored, and some entertainment was called for. Besides having Project replica initiated, there hadn't been much else going on. Kingdom Hearts was building, Roxas and Xion were taking out heartless, Demyx was still slacking off, Axel was well, Axel. In spite of Saix's multiple protest about having more replicas, Xemnas had decided to go ahead with the Project. After ten days, thirteen had been created, seven were fit for combat testing, and three were for assisting Chris, the other three not fully developed.

    As if on cue, Saix and Vexen both appeared, sitting in there respective seats. "Let's just get this over with. Saix muttered, crossing his right leg over his left leg.

    "Vexen. Are you prepared to see the fruits of your labors?" Xemnas asked his eyebrow raising.

    "Why, of course Superior. Why wouldn't I?" Vexen spoke calmly.

    "Very well then." Xemnas began, ""Operative Zero?"

    "Yes, Superior." Chris replied, his hood down, speaking from the platform from the middle of the room. He had taken the time to set up a desk, gray in color, with multiple monitors interlaced by wires, all connected by two keyboards. Over the ear headphones were scattered about

    "You may start testing."

    "Yes Superior. Saix, Vexen?" The two members gave him a quick glance before nodding. "Well then. Let's start the party." Chris mumbled under his breath. A quick snap of his fingers, and seven hooded girls entered in a flash of black and silver smoke. Chris gave all of them a glance, each of them removing their hoods. Nialox remained grim. Arxiba had her hand on her chin, perhaps musing over a strategy. Five has silent, eyes closed, before opening them, full of strength. Three's hands were placed behind her back, laced in a casual form. One of Eleven's hands was intertwined in her hair, other swinging in the empty space. Xirulo, however, was holding a quintet of cards in her hands, poker face on.

    Three other girls came walking out of a dark corridor. The first girl had her hood down, long black hair arranged into a long ponytail fitting over her right shoulder. The other girl had her hair set back, two thin, blonde antennae raising from in-between her head. The third girl, merely had the hood of her cloak raised up, hiding everything but her lips, leaving a thin smile. She threw back the hood, showing the black hair infused with gray hair. The hair was worn down, in fashion similar to Xemnas' own hairstyle. Xemnas shifted, sitting up straight in his throne.

    "This one, this one bears a resemblance to me. Very intriguing." Xemnas mused to himself.

    Chris noted the change in Xemnas' mood. "I'll need to remind myself to let him know that is a clone of Xion, similar to him."

    "I believe we are set, and ready to go." Chris affirmed. With another snap of his fingers the seven girls disappeared. The monitors hummed to life, Chris and the other three girls sat at the desk staring intently at screens. The girl with blonde antennae turned two of the screens around, letting them face the other men. Saix stared intently at them, reading over every symbol, number, and line. One of the screens showed seven lines pulsing up down. Some ran slower than others, some quicker. Saix merely raised an eyebrow.

    "The lines you see are ECG's. They measure a heart's, the physical one, "Chris added "electrical pulses. This allows us to properly measure the clone's health rates, and judge their emotional levels."

    "A rather fitting genius." The girl with dark gray hair spoke, raising her arms in the air.


    Xion had been assigned to Wonderland, to destroy shadow globs, which once again had overrun the world. It was tiring work. She let out along sigh as the last glob faded into darkness. But why did she feel so nervous? She had cleared out all the Heartless, so why be frightened? It wasn't a memory, it felt like she was somewhere else and nervous. Why? Why?