I looked at my old fandub in 2007 (one of my first videos I made) and I sound like a kid. I was only 16 at that point. What was I thinking!? People actually thought it was good...ew?
I remember when we were going to do dubbing for I think Chain of Memories? And I auditioned for Leon and maybe Axel. yeah nobody liked it
Aww you were just learning back then, right? I started making videos in 2010 and now I realized how horrible they were! XD Mine were vlogs and omg my makeup.....was just awful!!! @_@ Not to mention my videos were SO cheesy!
It's amazing how we make things and think they're amazing and then we go back a couple weeks, months or even years and say to ourself "why"? Lol
Yuuup! lol But your delivery at the time was still good even as a new voice actor. ^-^ And the video editing was good too. Still, it's cool to see how far you've come since then. You're obviously very good at both now. I wish I had a recording a of my 15 year old voice. XD I don't have any of that, sadly. I wonder what I sounded like.
Aww you were cute back then lol. (No Homo) Not sure what I sounded like when I was 16. But people kept saying I had a nice voice all my life so I guess I sounded good? Though whenever someone said that I'd think "Alright, I don't know what to say to that" lol. And yeah I agree with what chibiwings aka Krisseh said about you sounding good even though you were a new voice actor Mike.