Community KH-Vids Community Event Listings

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Aelin, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hey all! Welcome to the new Community Event Listing Thread. This is a place where you can find out all the different events that are hosted by KHV that you can join in on and enjoy. Events are a great way of getting involved with the community and meeting new people along with way, making lots of new friends!

    I would like to thank Plums for the original idea for this thread. He had created it a few years back, and since it has not been updated in a while, the thread was remade to reflect current staff. Hope to see you all participating in events soon!

    If you are thinking of hosting an event yourself, or have an event that you would like to have added please feel free to let us know and we will add it. You can contact me, @Aelin Fireheart through PM, at any time.

    Staff Run Events

    KHV Chorus:

    Host: Aelin
    KHV Chorus is a community event where all members are welcome to participate in a musical collaboration. As a community we suggest songs, vote which song we want to do which month, and then record various parts to send in. From there all the lines will be set to music and a video made and posted. There are no requirements to join, simply record your lines on time and send them into Aelin. For more information you can find it here.
    Previous Chorus

    Union X Leaderboards
    Host: Tale
    Instead of competing against people you don’t know, why not join one of our KHV Unions? You can sign up for one of our parties and the leader of that party will add you as soon as possible. From there you collect lux. At the end of the week Lux totals for each party will be tallied as well as each person. Compete to be the top of your party, and the top party on KHV, there might even be a reward in it for you.
    Previous Leaderboards

    Official KH-Vids Minecraft Server
    Host: Luxord
    For those who like playing Minecraft, KHV now hosts an official survival server. Join the community in creating bigger and better projects. Hang out and have fun. To join you simply need to go the thread and follow the instructions.
    More Information

    Role-Play Hall of Fame
    Host: Aelin
    A long term event, the Role-Play Hall of Fame is a place where completing a Role-Play is celebrated. As soon as a role-play comes to an end, you can submit it to Aelin and after a review your thread will be submitted to the hall of fame, assuming that it falls into the rules.
    Hall of Fame

    AMV Battles
    Host: Aelin
    If you ever want to test your skills in video editing against others, here is where you can do it. AMV Battles is a once a month event where members vote on a song and everyone has one song and one week to edit an AMV. The entries will then be put up to vote so anyone can vote for which is their favourite video, as well as offer helpful tips to improve your videos in the future.

    AMV Battles

    Member Run Events


    Host: Makaze + Volunteers
    Mafia comes in many forms, multiple have been played on khv, however the most common is Royal. Mafia Royal is a free for all Mafia game that hinges on making allies and finding ways to eliminate others until you are one of the last standing. Armed with an alias, an ability and and shot, you need to use your wits to find out information about others and use it to your advantage.
    Previous Mafia Games: Royal, Royal, Lovers, Classic Mafia

    Annual Events

    KH-Vids User Awards
    Host: The KHV Staff Team
    Everyone likes a little competition sometimes. The KH-Vids user awards is where you can nominate and vote for your favourite, threads, people, and events. What was the best things to happen that year, or the worst. The User Awards come in four different cycles for you to participate in, including “Most”, “Creative”, “Best/Worse”, and “General.”
    Previous User Awards

    Castle Oblivion
    Host: The KHV Staff Team
    You have all heard of Castle Oblivion, you have watched Sora and Riku traverse through it. Now it is your turn. Every Christmas season Castle Oblivion returns with new rooms for you to figure your way through, testing your knowledge of Kingdom Hearts, trying to reach the top where a special Stocking awaits you. But if you thought getting to the top was hard, then try descending down into the basement floors where more challenges await you.

    Secret Santa
    Host: Marushi
    Everyone loves to give and receive gifts at Christmas. Sharing that joy with those around you is even better, that is why every year we host Secret Santa. Don’t worry if you don’t have money, the gifts given aren’t paid for with money but made with time and effort for another member on the site. If you are worried about not knowing what to do for the person that you receive, there is no worries there either. When you sign up you post a list of things you enjoy, a basis for others to work off of when creating your gift. It is a good fun way to be involved and a part of the community.

    Valentines Day Dance
    Host: Marushi
    Come Valentines day it is always fun to go out with your partner, perhaps have a dance. While you can't physically have a dance on KHV you can participate in our dance. The Valentines Dance is an elimination event where you are paired with a partner and have to go through a series of events. After each event couples are eliminated until there are only two left standing, that is when you find out who is the power couple.

    Question Time
    Host: Heart<3
    It is your turn to shine in the spotlight. Question Time is an event where you can nominate members to interrog- interviewed. Nominees are then voted for and the winning person is put in the spotlight for that week. Ask questions and find out more about your fellow members, like who they are, and what they ate for dinner that night. If you have any more questions about the event you can always check the thread to see what is going on.
    QT Overview

    Traditional Art of the Month
    Host: Fearless
    Traditional Art of the Month is a contest in which each month you are given a theme to work off of. It is a chance for you to show your skills by drawing your own original work based off of the theme. It is a place to grow in your art as you showcase your work against others. Vote for, and encourage others, but most of all have fun.
    Previous TAotM

    KH-Vids Podcast
    The Podcast is a stuff run event in which we invite members to join us in discussing various topics, and games. Topics in which members can suggest. There are many ways to be a part of the podcast, or you can just listen and enjoy the content we put out.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2018