Is the game really thirty minutes long? ... Or is it the time traveling that made you complete it so quickly?
Spoiler How I hate the ending. I don't want to pay for the proper ending as DLC.... Now, my greatest challenge. Side-quests. Did you like the game?
Spoiler lol, I was shocked how it ended. xD But there's so much that needs to be explained that I can't wait for DLC. Apparently Lightning is getting a lengthy episode, plus Snow and Sazh. I did actually. It was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. The story and characters were lacking, and I would've liked to see more from the old characters, but overall I quite enjoyed it.
Spoiler Oh, dammit. I was so determined not to buy any DLC....but a Lightning or Snow one? I might just have to give in.
THERE WAS NOT! Fang was only in it for a few minutes, but those few minutes...hurr hurr. She provided more awesomeness than Serah and Noel could combined. <3