My entire state just reached a new world record because of how hot it is. Ughhhhhhhh.... 106 degrees......
Congratulations! Hope you are happy that you were part of something awesome and historically changing!
i dont know, this summer has been excedingly strange up in Maine. It has been raining nonstop since school ended. Seriously, like the weather waited for us to get out of school and then it rained for about 3 weeks straight, giving us about 2 days of sun and then rain for the next week. We got a week of good sun-filled weather and then it jsut became really muggy with occasional showers every few days. It has really been putting damps in a lot of people's summers
it know, its been like a freakin furnace here on the west coast, no joke its like people dying on the side of the road
I am sorry. That really sucks. Especially when climate tolerance is supposed to be determined by where you live.
o... you know how there are those holographic trading cards, and if you don't properly sotre them, in the summer, they start to arc? Well, I just found my Blue Eyes White Dragon card on the floor and it has a curve deep enough to fit snuggly around a coffee mug. I'm shocked! I never saw a card arc that much!