does anyone know ar max codes for dark cloud 2 : a 100% working infinite hp the one i have stay letting me die in chapter 6 an synthesis code formonica's bracelets and a code for all recruitng people that one to get by doing spheda kills me well the infinite hp code is not really necesarry the monsters probrably hit to much on me i will use max hp so i will not die hope it works but for the bracelet code im dying to get that one
well, it might help Gilda Code (U need this code in order for Inf Gilda to work) AJWF-8V5U-E9W8V Infinite Gilda W3GY-XTA3-4TDDW V6YF-45B0-0087X Infinite WHP YNK1-83CB-8VTFT K4XU-HTK4-E4PFP AGDB-WDBY-81ZJ7 Infinite Ammo 1TBQ-C6AP-AZB7P RD7G-H3U1-87VFZ ACDG-QY7H-A9YKQ Tons Of Idea Photos C0TZ-XA8Y-YD5CV 7FW5-8PB8-P315M DGZ3-WV0Y-1TGBV ZWBT-1PQP-H82XN Q6NA-MEP5-A49UE 4XBA-4XBE-WQ8CT F0Y9-EKFR-UKG20 XPDM-ZUGF-UTUUT U2Y5-RFY3-BQ510 3Y0G-XP2R-RQWRA V4K9-429F-WN8ZF ZC9C-GHX2-DVTU0 Infinite FPs T395-01A7-CJUA3 8TTA-W532-J400X Maximilian Codes MBMP-H00G-FHAB6 Max Health 4HM1-NNG5-3G9ZK 4XME-D1GT-2PEQ7 Infinite Health C46V-DYR9-DM7Z8 K9BV-U7P6-50T8K Monica Codes JNZU-1HU1-2U1YT Max Health DPB2-V8HJ-YWRNU MM52-H2Q4-ZTGQ0 Infinite Health CZQK-K2E5-7UH38 X7YY-1H1U-FWK5H Ridepod Codes J8F5-XZ3C-HE11G Max Ridepod Fuel NJBJ-UQ5Q-AVA04 6VGN-KWDG-RKV0K Infinite Ridepod Fuel BCHH-4QJJ-N2YGB W8NH-G81F-7Q45C Max Ridepod EXP HYA5-G2CQ-QWAME K3D1-BNWD-ZFXH5 Cedric Has Infinite Skill Points T0BK-UNR9-4F9KG RA23-MZFQ-DBPM7 Erik Has Infinite Skill Points NEHC-DKB5-DM6J0 1TXQ-4J5E-4HUG8 Wrench Has Infinite Synthesis Points E802-1FK7-PAEQ9 DZQQ-N02F-D1WCG Gun Has Infinite Synthesis Points CBMN-7Z06-092J1 EWBK-5FRH-TR70R Sword Has Infinite Synthesis Points M1ET-GDZ7-M688U U7UH-YC40-ZAE0H Wrench Has Max Stats B5VQ-0UR2-FQ0YU FD8U-ZXFE-WN8ED 9CUF-EPY5-KRWYD V27B-6NMR-GK13T 3NA0-78F6-YKXYR ZBKB-ZPKE-BCJCG 36PA-56A4-YVAHY Gun Has Max Stats K3YM-C4Q4-CMZUN X9P5-2R8U-GRHNH JRDF-P2WW-NCUGR PEX9-NV7H-9ZQRE XZCW-6R03-63PUR A49F-Z86R-RM6RN GHH5-Y64N-Y9VPC Sword Has Max Stats HPNR-QWM3-FCW8G RT56-HEA5-9CZDC Y9F7-UBP8-PKWZ1 G3AN-5E7G-BT4T2 B369-43W8-UTD31 XD0G-MGM9-B1P06 MEYC-QB6Y-M456D Yea i kno i didnt get all of them, but i think i got most of them, and they shuld be workin, ill let you kno wen i find more