I need help

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by SnoofyXChristhor, Jun 11, 2007.

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  1. I need to write a 200 woord evaluation ona site which was just a banner... So far I have

    78 words so far.

    The site that I produced (shamefully) lacked content. It's content did not reflect my ability and I felt that I couldnt fathom any ideas. Had I been able to view a certain 3 sites, however, I feel I could have produced a good site. Sadly I was unable to view them and I had ideas for content and/or content design.

    The template itself was flawed as it allowed little progress to be made and, sometimes, stretched the banner

    Never Mind I did it, I blathered on about how crap dreamweaver is and how I hate using and I prefer using HTML and AJAX (javascript)

    Thanks for your help... >.>
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