I Do Random Stuff When I've Had No Sugar !!! XD

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Crumpet, Jul 25, 2008.

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  1. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    So I feel like singing a song
    You want to hear it?
    Too bad - You're Gonna!!

    I am the very model of a cartoon individual
    My animations comical, unusual and whimsical
    I am the depth at funny gags, Comidic fairies I have read
    From wicked puns, and stupid jokes, to anvils that drop on your head
    I am very good at fancy dances, I can even feroette
    Then smack the villian with a fish, I know my cartoon adequete
    I can make my face all mean, and really give you quite a FRIGHT
    Then make up with flowers made of real exploding dynamite BOOM
    In a jam I suggest you stop, and villians in there tracks I'll froze
    Then I'll sneak up, and utter stop, and paint my hands and honk their nose
    I am proud to be in such a higher alcaproginy
    From Daffy Duck, to tweety bird, to babs and bugs bunny
    To suit my mood I can call a lot of different scenieries
    Like out of space, and desert scapes and himalayan scenries
    From this right here I can pull anything anegdible
    From office desks, and lava lamps and Cathie (ANF) is a CANNIBAL
  2. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I have a similar problem when I have no caffeine... and my dad thinks I've had too much of it, so I can only have small cups... Do you mind if I copy you?

    And I said say,
    what I wanna say!
    Tell me I'm an angel,
    take this to my grave!
    Tell me I am bad, bad,
    kick me like a stray.
    Tell me I'm an angel,
    take this to my grave!

    Song doesn't belong to me, please don't sew me!
  3. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    So strange when you guys don't get any caffeine you do random stuff (like sing) my problem is the opposite. When I do get caffeine I do random stuff like that. I usually sing this song called "I Touch Myself"
    some people might even mistake for a drunk maniac XD
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