Houston, We have a problem

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Pencilman, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. Pencilman Moogle Assistant

    Jan 18, 2010
    As you all do not know, or will know for that matter, For the last two weeks I have been in India. Heh, Im probably going to be leaving a few minutes after this is posted. But thats not the point. You see, I was coming back after visiting one of my relatives, right? And the truck in front of us, or what seemed to be 7 or 8 cars in front, kinda made an accident. Not those accidents where 3 year olds urinate in their pants. But the type of accident which happens when your car, or truck falls into a gutter.
    Pictured: A car in a gutter.​

    This apparently cause a group of cars to stop, forced most of the traffic into one lane, in which it was ALREADY a traffic jam, and cause our drivers mind to implode. After maybe two hours, probably travelling a distance of 25 or so feet, We were free from the traffic jam. Awesome. Only a 3hr drive back.