I just made myself home made sea-salt ice cream. It was amazingly simple. And really was just the right combination of salty, yet sweet<3
It's not real sea-salt ice cream until you eat it with a red-headed pedoleech. And I love your username; that video makes me happy. 8D
Well, I'll be able to at least eat it with a red head tomorrow.. And I love that video, it makes me giggle like a creepy fan girl. : D You definitely should, it's quite good.
I used about 3 pinches of sea salt, a half tablespoon of sugar a cap full of vanilla flavoring and 1/4 cup of milk. Mixed it together and put it in a sealed container in the freezer. You can color it how you want with blue and green food coloring. It's really an acquired taste. Like chocolate pretzels, some people just don't like them. :3 Thank you very much. Well, depending whether or not that's a good thing. You're welcome?