Hogwarts Jennifer's body

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by SORA!, Oct 16, 2009.

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  1. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    This is my Oc Maddie talking.

    "My life wasnt always this F***ed up...It used to be pretty normal....before it happened that is, you see I used to have this best friend,Jennifer, she went on vaction during the summer one year and came back as what all the guys wanted, she sort of hypnotized most boys...including my twin brother and my cousin.

    I didnt really bother at first...then she started showing a interest in my brothers,and my cousins, that p***ed me off right there, Mickey,my twin,had always done the brotherly thing and said no to Jennifer,then one night I walked in on them...nearly goin' at it! Mickey promised me he wasnt gonna do anything! and I believed him...he maybe a womanizer and user,but when it comes to 'going all the way' he was a big wimp.

    After that I stopped talking to Jennifer for awhile..then I heard about the killings...about how the last person these boys saw..was her. I took nothing to do with it...untill my brother went out with her,she made it my buisness then...well there I found out that she was possesed...I managed to get Mickey out of there..but while I ran from her,Jennifer fell and died..it happened so suddenly...

    Doctors kept saying I needed help...but my parents would have it...neither would I... like I said...my life used to be normal....not now."

    When Maddie's best friend Jennifer cooper goes to see a band in a night club something terrible happens to her that night.

    Maddie starts to notice the change in her friend but it might be to late to save her, while Jennifer dates boys,Maddie notices they are the ones dying,she confronts her friend only to find the horrible truth,then one night,Mickey is out with Jennifer! Maddie rushes to save him...but can she?


    Name:Madeline 'Maddie' Aconnite Malfoy
    gender: female
    apperence: [​IMG]

    Name: Jennifer Cooper
    apperence: [​IMG]

    Name:Ronan Jordan Spinnett
    apperence: [​IMG]

    Name:Michael 'Mickey' Casey Malfoy
    apperence: [​IMG]
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