Repliku vs. RVR DPwolf vs. Misty The Rev vs. Lawrence Mike vs. Carey Neocloudstrife vs. Iwantedtoexplode What? vs. Xakota in chess
I got thrown off because I crushed the competition. ... ... ... ... ...with a bowling ball...broke their chess pieces, scattered them everywhere. They were lookin' at meh funnily... >:
I was kicked out of the chess club for not scoring a single win in the first tournament. Though, if the game was dominoes you'd all be screwed.
I got banned for ordering Dominos pizza, and when I was eatting it I put on the chess board knocking all the pieces. "HEY it just fits!"
I lost my first chess match because I mixed up my king and queen and it threw off my four move checkmate
Lol if we had that then everyone would know how badly I fail at chess. XD I fail at it but I love to play it. >3> In my defense, I've only learned the game this year.
No but seriously, Im actually a really good chess player. But Im not going to join the chess club... just, I feel like a loser
Generally suck at chess. I beat someone near master level once by luck though. It could only have been luck given my 1:1 win/lose ratio.
I used to play on Yahoo chess for the longest time... I think I was an okay player. Speed chess however, no way for me.