Hi! My name is Waffle.

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by rulerwaffle, Jan 27, 2014.


Do you like waffles?!

  1. Yeah we like waffles!

  2. Pancakes.

  3. Nuuuu! French Toast!

    0 vote(s)
  4. Du-du-du-duu can't wait to get a mouthful!

    0 vote(s)
  5. i hate you. you made me hungry.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. rulerwaffle Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 27, 2014
    For starters, goodness, this is a looooong time coming. I have been a huge fan of you guys from the beginning. Let me explain. 4 years ago I was needing to express myself, I loved imagining scenes from video games or anime (More specifically Kingdom Hearts) with songs that I loved or listened to on the radio. The problem was I didn't know where to go to download videos from any anime without feeling like a pirate, and didn't even know if someone would have video clips from the games. And then I found you. Kh.Vids.
    I was so happy when I finally found you and immediately began to work on Videos. My first video ever was This is Your Life for Roxas/Axel/Xion, in which I posted February 9th, 2010. And from then worked to gain views and subscribers with all five of my videos. I'm skilletxrocks on Youtube (sorry if this is too much advertising, just trying to explain my situation xD) The thing is, I never thought to join you guys. I am rather introverted and shy, but recently I watched this video about participating more in the community your passionate about, and this is definitely it.
    I know I'm quite late for the party, and I hope you can forgive me for not coming here sooner, but I'm so glad I finally decided to do this! It's been a while since I last posted a video, but I just recently got Sony Vegas 11 and I'm going to be starting up another project soon! Making Amvs... is really my art. I'm not at all saying I'm the best, or even decent, I know I have a loooonnggg way to go with learning effects and learning the bigger programs(WMM was soooo simple and clean, I almost prefer it but I don't have it on the laptop I have, and the one I used to use it on is broke ><, so I have go to Sony. But it's probably for the better so I can improve the quality of my videos). But I'm hoping not only to grow and learn from you awesome people, but to make friends and have an awesome time here, I can't wait!(That's why I'm typing this out after work at about 3 in the morning xD)

    My hobbies are just... Videogames, goodness. A wide range as well, from Kingdom Hearts, to League of Legends, to Halo, Dragon Age, Mass Effect(I love you too Bioware, shhh it's ok. *pat-pat*) Just plenty of them, and Kingdom Hearts is actually the reason I'm so into them! Part of the reason anyways, I use to play Heroes 3 Might and Magic when I was a wee little gal and after that though I wasn't too much into videogames until I kept seeing Kingdom Hearts. I love Disney, and I Loooooove anime so It really intrigued me. I finally got a ps2 for KH1 and KH2, and when I played it, I was gone. The story was so beautiful with plot twists and character development that had me sucked in for good. My two favorite characters are Axel and Namine, NOT AS A COUPLE. Axel is just such a loyal and so epic, I adore him to pieces and he's what I wish I could be like. Namine is so shy and beautiful and has so much potential and power, I adore her! For potential I mean it's fun to imagine her snapping and making dark stories of what she could do with her poweerrsss, muwhahahahaha~ xD And she's closer to home when I think of characters as myself. Though, I am rather obnoxious around friends which makes me a mix of Sora and Namine xD But on the subject of hobbies, I am a huge fan of roleplaying! I love making stories and can type pretty fast because of it. I can probably type better than I can speak. I love several animes and exploring different pairings with them. And I love making Amvs, I love picturing different scenes with music, especially fighting scenes or dramatic scenes it's all so much fun! I've been inspired to continue what I love to do and want to start up again by coming to you guys!

    So, this was probably enough to show you guys how hyper I am, and probably did scare a few people away, but I can't wait to meet everyone and maybe start some stories and talk about the game! And if it's ok, for maybe some to see my videos so you can critique me and tell me I really just need to stop making amvs xDDDDD. Thank you for reading this far! If I had a cookie transporter(probably made by Apeture Science) I would give you one for reading this far. But sadly they don't exist.... yet. So again! Thank you, and nice to meet you all, I can't wait to get started here!
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