Hall of Fame Requirements

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Aelin, Apr 14, 2017.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Welcome to the Hall of Fame. What is the Hall of Fame exactly? Well the Hall of Fame is a place to celebrate and reward role plays that have made it to the end and successfully come to a close. As most have noticed it can be difficult for a role play to get off it’s feet. If it came to a close that is something spectacular and worth celebrating. The Hall of Fame is a place that we not only celebrate your accomplishment, but also reward it. If your role play meets the requirements and is moved to the Hall of Fame, you will be rewarded not only with being moved to the section but also with post count. Upon being moved, all posts made, not just the ones that meet the character requirement will count towards your post count.

    All this being said while finishing a role play is an accomplishment itself, there are some requirements that you must meet in order to be accepted into the Hall of Fame.​


    ♔ Your roleplay must contain 500 or more posts
    ♔The roleplay must have three or more participants in it at all times.
    ♔ You must have a creative take on your story. It doesn’t have to be original but make it your own.
    ♔ Your story must come to a clean, proper ending. The ending has to make sense and not be abr-
    ♔ The roleplay should in general either consist of quality posts, or show growth throughout the roleplay.

    The Review

    Once you finish your rp, it is time for review. Through the review process we will be looking into a few specific things.

    ♔On average your posts must contribute to the overall story
    ♔Teamwork and collaboration within the story is a must.
    ♔Semi-consistent and fluid posting is a must.
    ♔Dedication and interest shown throughout the thread

    One liner or joke posts will be removed during the reviewing process. Since you get post count for the move of your thread, it should be filled with quality posts that contribute to the overall story.

    When the review has been completed you will be pm’d with information on why you did or did not make it into the hall of fame, as well as ways that everyone could improve as to have a better chance next time.


    Now that you have read the requirements, if you believe your roleplay fits into these, feel free to contact the RPA moderators with a link to the thread. We will do our best to review your thread in a timely matter, but please be patient, we all have a life to attend to, but we will keep you updated through the process and get back to you as soon as possible.

    If there is any questions feel free to contact Aelin and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
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