*Spoiler Warning* So I played and deafeated the "God Of War II: The End Begins" game....and at the end I was surprised...Kratos the son of Zeus, but how and yet more importantly does anyone have a clue as to when the game might come out and what the game might be called; I mean a Title, y'know. I've thought of a Title but I don't know if it would be called "God Of War III: The Final Chapter"... Does it sound good or bad? *Spoiler Warning*
First of all put a spoiler warning (I don't care since I've beaten the game) Second... This will answer all your questions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_of_War_III
Dude, put a spoiler warining next time....but I don't care since I finished the game Second: If you finished God of War 1 on god mode, you unlock a secret movie that shows you that Kratos is the son of Zeus. hmmm, Final Chapter doesn't sound that good...Too cheesy, cliche etc.
I got that secret movie =D 'The Final Chapter' does sound a little bit cliche, but it sounds like something they would use in the last GOW game >.>
Hmmmm.....I wonder.....will Kronos kill Zeus in the last game or will he die by Zeus's hands...or go back in time to stop himself from killing his wife and child?...ironic...or cliche?...you be the judge of that.....plus I do believe that they would use a certain name that would end the series....how 'bout "God Of War III: The Titan's Rage"?... and if that doesn't end the series I bet that they will go up to five games until Zeus dies...but wait how can he die, he's immortal for gods sakes.