
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Absol, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    Okay...this will be my first story,so I'll try to do good. XD
    And yes...I know I have a weird imagination. lol.
    It's also gonna take long a while to finish. Here goes nothing.

    Chapter one

    Something was coming.
    That's what Marlo thought to himself as he flew back to his family. Everyone senced it now, it couldn't be helped. Whatever the things were, they certianly weren't good.
    Almost every Wolgon had their own theory about what they were going to be now, but no one knew for certian. Some said it was the boars who were coming to declare war on the species, while others said that the bats were coming back too seek revenge for what happened between them ages ago. For all he knew,they could be an entirely new species all together. Either way,he had to protect his family. Nothing else mattered.
    As he flew,he started to think about his strange race;a mixture between wolves and dragons, and about how everything started. Thousands of years ago,there was a time when dragons and wolves fought eatch other without end. Eventually there was only a few hundred left. They were about to go extinct. Both sides knew. So the leaders of the two made peace with eatch other, and announced that from then on wolves and dragons would live together in peace,which led to Marlo's own species. They had quite a magnificent look about them; on four legs, most stood over six feet tall, breathed fire, had horns, huge wings and spikes running down their back. Marlo was a light sort of grey.
    His cave was in sight now, but something seemed different. He flew faster until he saw:
    The trees in front were snapped at the trunk.
    But that was impossible. They were perfectly healthy before. What had happened?
    Oh God no, he thought to himself as he got closer. Then, out of nowhere, something teared at his side.
    "What-?!" he said aloud,and then it happened again.
    He tried slashing back at whatever it was, but then he realized; There wasn't anything there.
    And yet,something kept slashing, until finally Marlo started falling. He had lost consciousness.
    And so begins the story of Gienno.
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    well then....thats definitely different. I might recommend maybe adding some more details but I wonder how Gienno is involved. The opening grasps the reader because they want to know this. Well done.