I'm supposed to be writing an essay... And I can't concentrate... Every time I actually start concentrating I only manage to write one somewhat intelligent sentence... And I only have about a 100 words written out of 500 X_X I really should get off the internet for now <.< But I don't wanna T_T I hate homework. [/semi-rant]
500 words isnt too much, atleast x3 Just put it aside, let yourself stay on the internet for ten minutes, then really crack down on it ~
That's the lucky part. But coming up with something original about Romeo and Juliet is giving me gray hair xPxD
500 words is nothing. Our ICT coursework is like over 100 pages per unit (if not more). I have virtually an entire unit to do for next Tuesday D: As well as a mock maths exam on friday.
T_T It's not really the word-count that bothers me, it's my slow work-pace. Which is of course my own fault, so I shouldn't really complain. Buuut I still do it because I can >xD That does sound like a pain O_O I suppose that I'm sorta lucky that our teachers seem to think 'quality counts, not quantity'. But getting good grades in Finnish is really, really tough <.< EDIT: Yesss, half-way done