Freedom from Fate: A kh Crossover

Discussion in 'Archives' started by flowergothic, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. flowergothic Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 29, 2010
    (I started this a few months ago, now on chapter 7. Enjoy! =))

    Freedom From Fate
    Chapter 1- Other Beings​

    "It's almost time to cast our revenge to those two types of beings who banished us to this darkness."

    "Indeed, but who should we punish first?"

    "You idiot, it's going to happen at the same time. I'm older and I know this."

    "Too bad that Nightmare Moon is gone forever, of she would be a great help."

    "ENOUGH ABOUT NIGHTMARE MOON! She's now on the enemy side. I personally wish that Ansem, Vantias, or Xemnas was here to see this. But I don't know where Vantias is and the other two are DEAD."

    "If only there was a plan B."

    "MY PLAN WILL NOT FAIL! As long as Sora, Riku, and Kairi remain on their side of this world and that Princesses Celestia and Luna remain on their side, we'll be OK."

    "Fine, I'll help you."

    "Good, the torture is just getting started..."


    Three friends were sitting on an island bay.

    "Hey Riku, Kairi," the one named Sora started, "I just had the weirdest thought."

    "What?" Kairi asked.

    "What if Xehanort was teaming up with a force that was defeated by another world?"

    "Impossible," Riku shook his head, "The only villains in the worlds we've all been too were either heartless, nobodies, or nightmares."

    "But what if it was none of those things?"

    "There is nothing besides those creatures." Riku said.

    "But what if it was besides?"

    "There isn't a besides."

    "Whatever," Sora rolled his eyes, "just forget I said anything, okay?

    "I believe you, Sora." Kairi told him, "Besides, we haven't visited every world yet, and we haven't rescued Terra, Ventus, and Aqua – yet."

    Riku sighed, "Alright, believe in your little fairy tale while I live in the real world. Oh, and Sora, got you this." He tossed a star-shaped fruit to Sora.

    "A papou fruit?" Sora asked, "Kairi and I already had-"

    "For a happily ever after between you two," Riku grinned, "Am I right about your future together Sora, of am I right?"

    "HEY!" Sora ran after Riku, who was racing back to his house.

    "Other creatures, huh?" Kairi asked herself, "I'll just have to look it up when I get home." So she stood up and walked to her house, behind Sora and Riku still racing.


    Meanwhile, somewhere else, six ponies were chatting near an apple orchard.

    "Well, It's been more than a year since mean ol' Discord's defeat." The orange one announced, "still remember that faithful day?"

    "Of course we do Applejack," the blue one replied, "we'll never forget."

    "It'll be in everypony's heart forever." The purple one said.

    "I guess so." Applejack smiled, "Say, where's Pinkie Pie?"

    "Look... Over... there." The purple one whispered as she pointed to the apple tree in the center of the orchard.

    And there was Pinkie Pie, bouncing around the apple tree like if she was on a pogo-stick.

    "Thanks Twilight," Applejack turned to the purple one and nodded, "Pinkie Pie, what the hay are you doing in that apple tree?"

    "I'm starving." Pinkie Pie replied, "You mind if I have some of your- wow, a note!"

    "A what?" Twilight, Applejack, and the other three ponies ran to Pinkie Pie.

    "Hmm, where did you find it?" The yellow one asked.

    "It just fell from the sky." Pinkie Pie shrugged.

    "Fell from the sky?" The white one got a weird look on her face, "Pinkie, that's not possible."

    "But it just happened Rarity." Pinkie said.

    "I don't believe it," Applejack shook her head, "Tell the truth Pinkie."

    "Really, it fell from the sky, believe me." Pinkie told the other ponies.

    Twilight sighed, "It's not worth fighting for. Can I see the letter Pinkie?"

    "Sure." Pinkie dropped the letter onto the grass.

    "Can I read it?" The blue one asked.

    "Sure Rainbow Dash." and Rainbow started reading the note, with Twilight holding it.

    "Ponies of Equestria," Rainbow started, "It is I, Catrina, who was defeated 2,026 years ago. Yes, I am back, but my powers are stronger than ever.

    But this time I am not alone.

    I have teamed up with a keyblade master named Xehanort to take down your world and another using the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses of Heart. I'll be back real soon. Just you wait.

    -Witch Catrina."

    "OK," Pinkie started, "Who is Catrina and Xehanort , what is a keyblade, who are the Princesses of Heart, and what does the witch mean by 'another world'?"

    "Hey," Twilight suggested, "Let's go to my house to look all of this up?"

    "Sure." the other ponies said.

    "Okay then. Come on Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity."


    Later that night, Kairi was up in her room, trying to find "other beings".

    "Let's see: unversed, spirits- ah, here we go: ponies.

    "Ponies are smaller and magic versions of horses that live in Equestria (Formally called Ponyland). The current types of ponies are earth, unicorn, and pegasus. There also used to be flutter and sea ponies, but they vanished four years after the witch Catrina's defeat. After that, the ponies rebuilt over Ponyland and called the new world Equestria. The current leader is Princess Celestia, who rules besides her younger sister Princess Luna."

    Kairi sighed, there were other beings (besides the heartless and the nobodies) on other worlds, but nobody could realize it. Sora was speaking the truth, Riku wasn't.

    "I must show Sora and Riku, they'll be thrilled to know." Kairi grinned.

    "Kairi, bedtime." A voice said from Kairi's doorway.

    "OK mom, goodnight." Kairi sighed, then went to bed.


    "OK, so did you find the meanings yet?" Pinkie asked.

    "Spike, hurry up with those books!" Twilight called to her assistant/roommate Spike.

    "I'm working on it Twilight." Spike called up from the bookshelf he was digging through.

    "OK," Twilight turned to the others, "but for now, I'll tell you about Witch Catrina."

    "Alright," Fluttershy nodded, "even though it sounds scary."

    "Witch Catrina is a human witch who is dependent of her power: Witchweed potion and was defeated by her assistant Rex. It's weird story, if you ask me."

    "FOUND IT!" Spike shouted and tossed the book to Twilight.

    "Thanks Spike." Twilight looked at the cover: The Timeline of Kingdom Hearts, this was the one.

    "Kingdom Hearts?" Pinkie started, "What's that?"

    "I'll tell you, come." Twilight, Spike, and the others surrounded the book while she opened it.

    "Kingdom Hearts," Twilight started, "is the 'heart of all worlds'. It keeps the purest light and stores it, but people wanted the light for themselves.

    "So that's why the worlds remain separate from each other, so the light won't go all around with greed. But three people still wanted Kingdom Hearts: Ansem, Xehanort, and Xemnas."

    "Hey, Xehanort was in the letter!" Pinkie stated.

    "OK," Twilight nodded her head, "Continuing, the three tried to get Kingdom Hearts, but failed thanks to the Three Legendary Keyblade Masters: Terra, Ventus, and Aqua."

    "Can we meet them?" Fluttershy asked.

    "But since Xehanort's defeat, the three keyblade wielders vanished."

    Rainbow gasped.

    "But ten years after that event, Ansem rose, and their abilities were transported to three friends: Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Who were able to defeat Ansem and Xemnas together."

    "But what about the Princesses of Heart?" Pinkie questioned.

    "Well," Twilight paused to catch her breath, "the seven Princesses of Heart are girls with the pure light in their hearts."

    "Their names?" Rarity said.

    "Oh, that's easy: Aurora, Snow White, Cinderella, Alice, Jasmine, Belle, and-"

    "And who?" Applejack asked.

    "-Kairi." Twilight finished.

    "OK." Fluttershy shriveled a bit.

    "So that answers your questions, right?" Twilight asked the others.

    Everyone nodded.

    "Should I send a note to the princess?" Spike took out a sheet of paper and a quill.

    "Sure, give me the quill." Twilight said.

    And she wrote a letter and sent it.


    I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!