Video Final Fantasy Falling Inside The Black

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Iskandar, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Here's another AMV I finished making(2 videos in 2 consecutive days...that's not going to keep going on is it?) and I kinda like this. I know some clips might not works as well as the others do, but I enjoy this one. But getting all the flashes was a pain, since every time I tried to split a video I would need to exit then bring it back up, so that was annoying. And I only used Versus XIII, X, and VIII for this videos. I would have used more, but I just really wanted to use clips from those games.
    Please CnC.

    And now I am going to bed, because I have worked on this long enough and we have a stinkin showing on the house at 10am to 12.
  2. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    I liked a lot the music. O_O

    I enjoyed watching this one too, the flash were great, must be annoying adding it. I think I know your pain. >_<

    Hmhmhm. I found the Like button in YouTube, but where's the add friend button of Youtube? I am browsing the whole YouTube and didn't find. =/

    Anyyyyyway, I loved this music! Gonna download right now. Great choice and great video.