Door Decoration question!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    So, I'm going to be an RA for my college this coming academic year, and one of my duties is to make door decorations for my floor. This means I put the names of the people rooming in each room with something cool like a picture, or design or something..
    I am supposed to do heroes or superheroes.

    The only things I can think of are
    DC Comic heroes
    Marvel Heroes
    Power Rangers
    Kingdom Hearts
    Final Fantasy

    The reason why I don't want to do the first two is because they are pretty generic...
    Power Rangers is kind of cool, but I'm not entire sure if I want to do it...
    I shouldn't do Digimon because I have all guys and for heroes, I would also need to use the girls (and I shant be insulting anyone accidentally)
    Kingdom Hearts is kind of hard because there aren't too many cool heroes.. that aren't disney... And I don't really want to do Disney
    Finaly Fantasy kind of has the same problem as Digimon IMO.

    I need to plan for approximately 30. If anyone could help, that would be great. Or push me to do one of the ones listed above.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Transformers! Don't forget the Transformers! D<

    And Avatar: The Last Airbender. ><

    And Teen Titans (although they're in the Marvel and DC group)

    And you can just use Digimon themselves with their partners.

    And don't ignore the generic Marvel and DC. You might have some angry girls, because some girls I know want to marry Super Man or Captain America.

    If you can figure out what each girl likes the most, go for it. ^^ It'll be a pain in the butt to get all that information, but it'll be worth it in the end.