Do You Like The Current KH Characters?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by N, Sep 15, 2007.

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  1. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    This is a discussion on why or why not you like the current Kingdom Hearts characters. If SE and Disney decide to make a continued version of KH (not Final Mix or anything), would you want to see new characters other than Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, Organization XIII and so on? Or would you like it to stay same-old-same-old? Explain:

    My Opinion:

    I think they should create newer characters. The ones now are, to me, very cookie-cutter and bland without much jazz and volume. Sora is the same old hero of every story, with his innocence and helpfulness. Kairi is the important but not so important female character who has an importance (kind of like Yuna from FFX who was high summoner) in lineage. Riku was the cool and collected guy who has all the confidence and self-esteem and strong powers. Organization XIII was just a bunch of guys (plus Larxene, who's female) dressed in black and aren't good or bad - so what was the point of them being in there if they weren't out to destroy (They're okay but I just don't see the point in them being there if they aren't doing SOMETHING evil).
    Sora didn't have a apparent dark side. Well, he has Roxas but Roxas really wasn't his dark side. The villans and monsters weren't very creative at all. They weren't monster-like like in FF, and the villans were ALL from Disney (Except Organization XIII) and that was annoying, because I want to actually see VILLANS, not Disney villans.

    Well, that's my opinion. What is your opinion on the characters? (THIS is just an opinion thread. IT IS NOT a debate, so PLEASE DO NOT argue).
  2. RedHot1994 Traverse Town Homebody

    They really should keep the old characters, but add more Disney characters!
  3. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    Well, I suppose they could keep the older characters but add some Disney but better, more creative characters.
  4. Ultima-Sora Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 23, 2007
    I would want it to be same-old-same-old, but these are the things I would like to see.

    -Harder Bosses And Smarter A.I.

    -Good Voice Acting

    -In Depth Worlds To Explore

    -A Mode Where You Can Play As Sora's Enemies

    Those are just SOME things, but you probably get the picture.
  5. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I agree, except the Sora enemy thing. The bosses were easy on Standard and I'm sure a pinch on Easy mode, a little more challenging on Hard mode but still not very HARD. I would like to have more in depth worlds to play in, the ones that were there were 90% Disney and 20% original.
  6. Ultima-Sora Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 23, 2007
    Yup, were pretty much in the same boat. I just had that thought randomly (the "Play As Sora's Enemies Mode"), so don't think I REALLY want one, because I don't.
  7. RedHot1994 Traverse Town Homebody

    That's kinda dumb.
    You play as the hero in almost every game series known to man/woman/kidhood!
  8. Ultima-Sora Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 23, 2007
    I know it's dumb......*hides face in shame for saying "Play As Sora's Enemies Mode"*
  9. RedHot1994 Traverse Town Homebody

    I was joking!
  10. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    I'd like them MORE if they used them more sparingly, like they did in Final Fantasy. Hell, you only see the characters of the first and second game once, but Leon pops up later in the eighth game as Squall, and in the seventh game and Dirge of Cerberus, Vincent and Cloud and Sephiroth pop up a whole bunch of times, but then they just disappear. If the KH series did THAT, then I'd like the characters MORE. I don't mean that I'm bored with same old Sora, or that Riku and Kairi aren't cool anymore, I'm just saying that the series would make me a lot more interested if they did that. Plus, I'd like to see more random battles, man! I like the random encounters from Final Fantasy. One more thing, then I'm done: I really think that some of the next characters should maybe appear for at least one more game, then pop up LATER as the main characters again. That'd be interesting to see a new brown/red/blond/freaky anime hair colored kid as the next main character for KH. Okay, I'm done now.
  11. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I like your idea a lot! Especially the random battles. Those were really cool and challenging (and shocking) in FF. I think they should do that in KH.
  12. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Meheheheh, yeah, I sometimes just randomly spring a really good idea that surprises me a lot. But, yeah, seeings as KH so greatly resembles FF, they SHOULD make it seem more interesting and shocking and all that like they did with the current FF series.(I hear there's a thirteenth game in the FF series in progress.)That would not only make me want to twelve star or higher the game, but it would also make me feel more at home with Disney being in the FF like game KH-KH2-KH3, if they geet around to a third game.
  13. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    The only thing with that is Disney wants it to be children friendly, so wouldn't that kind of raise the age rating to T?
  14. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    It might, I don't really know. But hey, you really don't EVER see little kids playing KH series anymore, all you see is pre-teens and teens playing it, so WHY NOT raise the rating a little, huh?
  15. Ultima-Sora Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 23, 2007
    I've never played a Final Fantasy game before, but I've wanted to. So even though I have no idea what your talking about, I'm sure the random battles would be AWESOME!
  16. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    Yeah, then it won't really seem that dorky when you look at the rating.
  17. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Oh, FF series is HELLA' fun, dude! You'll want to start with the first game though, if you EVER want to understand it, then work your way up. But, no matter how you look at it, FF is never understandable. Ever.

    Okay, I know I'm not allowed to double-quote or double post, but I have to do this! Seriously, If you're a teen, and you play the game and like it, and you look at the E10 rating, you'll think "Oh Sh*t! I just played a dorky game and LIKED it!" But if the rating is T, you won't even feel anywhere NEAR uncomfortable playing a game like KH and after finishing the game checking the rating.
  18. Ultima-Sora Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 23, 2007

    Xendane, your fricken hilarious! You make me laugh (outloud) EVERYDAY! Anyway, how come Final Fantasy is never understandable?Ever?
  19. Xendane Banned

    Jul 3, 2007
    Jammin' out in my office on my GEE-TAR!!!
    Well, thanx! I know, I'm a funny guy. When I feel like it. Which is whenever I spend ALL DAY on my computer(Which is every day). And to answer your question, Square Enix has this thing about Final Fantasy that is whenever they think up a new sequal to a FF game, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the previous game WHATSOEVER. The ONLY things the games have in common are fights, weapons that are kick *** cool, and Chocobos, like my pet Chocobo Sparky, the slow Chocobo. That's all they EVER have in common. Most of the time, when they make a new FF game, yu won't see characters like Locke, Celes or Cyan, you get characters like Cloud Strife, Sephiroth and Tifa, and a whole new storyline. That's how it NEVER makes sense. The only OTHER thing that is common is that each Final Boss wants to take over/destroy the world(Like the Emperor from FF2 or Chaos from the first FF game), and they seem to think they can beat you until you suddenly beat them. There's your answer, I now have Typer's Cramp, and I'm out of breath. I talk while typing, ya'know.
  20. Thebazilly King's Apprentice

    Aug 17, 2007
    *Throws dart at map.*
    Well, I think that the game does need some more original characters. I was talking to a friend (who has never played KH) about the characters in the game. And I listed off all the original ones. Sora, Riku, Kairi, Namine, Ansem the Wise, Organization XIII. And that's it. (Not counting Heartless or Nobodies, but they're pretty much walking sacks of EXP.) All the rest of the characters are from either Disney or FF. There needs to be a few more original ones.

    And besides that, the characters that exist already are a bit... cookie-cutter, as stated earlier. Sora's the "Hero." Kairi's the "Damsel in Distress." Riku's the "Bad Boy." As much as I may like the characters, there's still that 2-dimensionality that makes them not quite real.

    LOL, sorry about rambling on so long....
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