Different RPs within the same universe?

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Boy Wonder, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    So if you've read the new rules, there's a part about "Franchise RPs." We've got them explained as different RPs (as in, each with its own thread) that take place in the same universe, whether original or not.
    Have you ever thought about doing it?
    How would you have done it? Different characters involved in each or a different time period? Maybe even a different version of events (like Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire)?
    Is this something you might be interested in?
  2. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I'm personally a fan of things like Life Is Strange where there's choice and those choices branch off. If I were to create a franchise RP, I think what I would do is have the main story, but have the option for people to take a different route and see where that leads them.

    For example, say a character kills another character, maybe after that two timelines would open up, one where they killed them, one where they didn't, and that'll change the story. I would want to keep that all in the thread tho, separately the timelines with headers instead of making a new thread EVERY TIME someone makes an important choice. This may get chaotic after a well, so in that case I would probably want people to put all of the different routes in spoiler tags lol. I guess it would technically be the same "RP", but that seems like a cool way to put a spin on RPs with squeals and things.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I absolutely love this idea of "franchise RPs", or as I like to personally call them, shared RP universes. I feel they could allow exploration of elements in a role-play that wouldn't fit in the main/first thread. While I don't see something like that happening in the RP I take part in (yet?), I will be doing something sorta similar by writing a short story focused on a few of my characters set in the same RP.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    I have done something similar in the past with one of my more successful roleplays. It wasn't same universe at the same time but after the first roleplay ended I made two others. One was the future of that universe what it was like three hundred years after the the first one, which had an end event that would have substantially changed how things were. The other was 2000 years in the past, talking about the origins of the main antagonist and how he became bad as well as the importance of a few of the relics in the main thread. So I think they could work well depending on how you plan to do them. I have never tried several during the same time, but I do know another thread that is going to be doing that where after the first spot the threat spreads out and so does the party, but they spread out enough trying to fit it all in one thread is too much, so there will be three threads, three stories, one universe. Since it hasn't started yet I don't know exactly how it will work but I think if anything happens in one that would effect the others the person running the rp would just make a post in the other thread when the timelines line up showing the relevant scene. Personally I think franchise rps are cool but require a dedicated group of people to work well.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I had similar ideas like these, but I never followed through!

    I had a Final Fantasy-inspired OC-based RP that had a massive war several millenia ago that was stopped by a chosen one. Eventually, the current chosen and the party would get linked to the past, during the original chosen one's war against evil. My plan was for that storyline to be explored in a different thread with the characters of that time.

    I also had an idea for a MASSIVE Final Fantasy crossover where the main characters and villains were reworked to all be in the same world (Final Fantasy 7's). There were three storylines: Shinra's, Ivalice's, Palamecia's. Each storyline had two competing sides for a total of six groups, all composed of various FF characters, that took place on each continent with subtle connecting plot points. It was so huge and had so many characters involved that I had thought about breaking it into three threads so each thread would have one ongoing storyline and characters could switch between threads if they were visiting that area.
  6. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    I LOVE this idea. It really gives an opportunity to branch out in a roleplay that centers a small area of a whole fictional world that could be explored. It reminds me a lot about comics and liveaction adaptions, like DC/Marvel, where you get to see the different perspectives/worlds of different characters and heros. I'm actually kind of psyched to see if any franchise RP's pop up soon.
  7. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    I'm not 100% sure what sort of angle this idea is getting at, but it kind of brings to mind a project I've been working on since the summer.

    Basically, it'd be a KH Universe, with each world constituting an RP thread in and of itself. But characters would be able to travel through the worlds, and therefore jump, within reason, between threads depending on what worlds they were going to. At times, events on one world could potentially affect things on other worlds.

    Am I kind of in the right mind frame?
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I was answering this earlier when I was sick and I think I might have just forgot to finish it lol.

    That's one way to do it, though if the same story is overarching then it'd have to be in one thread.
    Using one of my old RPs as an example like above, I wanted a character who was the latest in lineage of mythic heroes and would get visions of the last person in the lineage from 2000 years agoish. Eventually, I was going to plan for a different RP taking place in the past with the last hero but the current hero was going to be present mentally. Both RPs would be related and have the same character (and bad guys), be taking place in the same world but in different times, and have related but very different stories and characters. I planned for both RPs to be ongoing at the same time and my original plan was for the people in the first to take control over past counterparts, but it'd be open to anybody else, too.