Are you a vegetarian? If so, why? (And if not, why?)

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Laplace, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Trying to come up with interesting discussion topics is hard.

    Also did not know where to post this so if anybody feels like moving this to the Spam Zone feel free.

    I’ll start with a little story of mine.

    Basically a few years ago I suffered of OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder for those not acronym-savvy), and I was up to a point where eating meat produced horrible thoughts on my head.

    Up to this day these thoughts continue to rise everytime I see meat or attempt to eat it.

    Basically these thoughts say that eating meat was the same as eating what I am composed of, and everytime I see meat I don’t see it as meat, I see body parts, limbs, organs…

    What I’m composed of.

    Obviously this doesn’t applies to vegetables as I’m not composed of roots and leaves, or eggs, milk or honey as you don’t explicitly kill animals to get those out (And humans don’t produce those specifically).

    So yeah, that’s my story, so my question is, do you feel the same, or is for another reason you are a vegetarian? Or if you aren’t, are you feeling fine with eating meat?

    Sometimes I really wish I could back to eating meat but these thoughs keep coming back over and over. And I'm really tired of my remaining OCD.

    Don’t be afraid, I can understand completely (Open mind for a different view, after all).
  2. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Nope. For starters I like the taste. A lot. I don' t eat meat that often though, once or twice a week. I do see the moral issues it rises, but healthy vegetarian diets are super pricey and often taste like crap. I' ll pass. If we eventually manage to make vegetal proteins that are both cheap and tasty I' ll reconsider, but we' re not there just yet.
  3. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Definitely, I understand your point completely as I enjoyed the taste a lot too. And I am physically destroyed almost everytime due to my lack of protein and such in my diet and almost everything I tried that has it tastes kind of awful. So I can see the pros and cons clearly.

    I do like soy, though. And my favorite food has always been flour-based (Pasta, pizza, etc) so I can't complain much. Besides my guilt is still there.
  4. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I'm not. I get that there are good reasons supporting going that direction (I personally wouldn't push it much past what Patman described), but I like meat and really don't like fruits and vegetables. Combine that with convenience eating (whatever is on the cafeteria menu) and most of my meals end up with meat in it. I briefly tried a weekday vegetarian idea I heard from a TED talk, but I found that I broke the rules most days and ended up disliking eating because I either disliked what I was eating or I guilt tripped over eating what I wasn't supposed to. The only exception was when I was eating something that was pretty much straight carbs, but that got to be very bland and I knew I couldn't keep up eating like that so much. So I ultimately scrapped the idea. Maybe when I'm out of college I'll try working in that direction again, but for the time being I'm mostly trying to get in enough additional nutrients around the meat that composes most of my diet.
  5. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I am a meat eater myself. That means no, I'm not a vegetarian.

    I've always been a meat eater. I know people throw a fit on Youtube (big surprise) when I mention it. I point out, which is true, I buy my meat from either a huge franchise I know well that has fantastic meat and/or the local supermarket with a good rep and/or Farmer's Market which has a HUGE selection of different meats. All from what I've heard or with the rules of the market, has no drugs in the meat and/or anything like that. One of the reasons Vegetarians go to that kind of diet, at least that's what I hear a lot. Personally, I don't mind some veggies, but I love having meat. A good steak and/or ham, or even turkey is great for me and I'll eat it any day. I have veggies with it, but it's not my main meal.

    I also heard concerns about an all veggie diet where it can really affect your health from health class. Where if you don't get protein at all or very little (something I experienced for a few weeks when I was on a strict diet and wasn't eating any protein at all except a bit of peanut butter in the morning) it makes you severely ill.
  6. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    I see, that's very interesting about why some people become vegetarians, I never though it would be because what's in the meat itself.

    By the way, that's probably true actually, somebody of my family who's also a vegetarian has irritable colon, can't eat things with seeds (Or barely any vegetarian's alternative to protein) and is actually anemic because of that. Actually I though for a long time the reason I was so physically destroyed is because I was anemic too but I eat a lot of soy to compensate.

    Honestly, your diet doesn't bother me at all. Whatever works it works.

    And thanks to both of you for your answers.
  7. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    No. I simply don't feel compelled to be one.
    I had friends that were vegan and it's a lifestyle I can respect but not one I care to be a part of.
  8. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    i was vegan just to try it (and had been chicken-free for years bc of how gross i find chicken farming to be) and i LOVED it. currently i'm just vegetarian since i have to eat school food 24/7 (perks of boarding school) and it's hard to know all the ingredients of your food but i'd go back to vegan in a heartbeat. i felt much cleaner and healthier while vegan.
    a lot of people say there are "health risks" but honestly they're the same as eating an unbalanced diet that includes meat. no matter where you get your nutrients, it's most important that you balance them out and get all of what you need w/o excesses. people also say they "can't" do it and that's crap tbh. they just don't want to be vegan/vegetarian and i respect those who acknowledge that they simply don't want to be vegan/vegetarian much more over those who say they just "can't" because they like meat too much or aren't "pretentious" or some excuse like that.
  9. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    On the health risk note, you are correct that it isn't less healthy than other forms of unbalanced eating but that doesn't change that it is very unbalanced by its nature. You are cutting out an entire food group (and for vegan you cut out a second and trim down some of what remains), and that is bound to cause a few issues. You can get around all of the issues as far as I'm aware, but it takes a lot of intentionality and commitment. It isn't a reason that you can't (unless other health issues like allergies complicate the necessary alternatives), but it does mean that if you aren't taking it seriously you might be better off without. Much respect for people like you who manage it.

    I also certainly appreciate you and Laplace being accepting of people who don't follow your decision. This is likely a case of a silent majority, but the vocal vegetarians/vegans I've encountered are usually very quick to shame people. Unfortunately a lot of people end up seeing that as a necessary part of that lifestyle as a result; either that being the type of person that can pull it off or that being a result of living like that for a long time. It might not be a conscious or logical thought, but still it does put off some people and that is unfortunate given the fact that the moral and sustainability benefits are pretty substantial.
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    No, I'm not a vegetarian. Reason being a very simple one: I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Human beings are omnivores, and so the idea of not eating meat is very foreign to me. I can understand though if someone doesn't eat meat as part of a diet, or because they don't like the taste. But not eating meat because just because it's from a living thing... that is something I can never truly understand.
  11. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    It' s not an issue exclusive to meat though. Pesticides, GMO, take your pick. Not to mention farming fields are full of animals who get slaughtered in the process. Think you' ve never ate snails ? Ever drank wine ? You' d pretty much have to grow/breed everything yourself to be sure you know what you eat. Easier said than done.

    However, no matter how artificial our food has become lately, our life expectancy has dramatically increased in the same time. It' s not all doom and gloom.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  12. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I could never bring myself to never eat a steak again. I'm not judging anyone for their choice in beliefs, gawd knows I have no right, but I personally can't see the injustice it's doing. I understand that for us to have meat to eat an animal (cow, pig, chicken, etc.) must be killed. Though, as the human race, we kill each other each and every day. I can't turn on the bloody news without seeing a stabbing or a shooting. I'm not so cold as to completely disregard animal rights, I love my dog and I'd kill for him, but there's a difference between house pets and cattle. Another point I might raise is that animals eat each other so why is it wrong for us to do it?

    So, no. I'm not a vegetarian. I am an omnivore.

    -Snow Queen
  13. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Yeah, begin honest, while I enjoyed the taste, I was always sickened when I saw raw meat.

    Balancing a diet is never easy, I know that because of personal experience (Most of my life I was kind of fat until now when I got serious about dieting).

    Under what context they say they "can't"? Because they like meat too much? Well, they WOULD be privating themselves of their favorite food if they like meat so much, so I can see a few issues being risen up (Namely feeling lost what to eat most of the time and when buying food). The only reason why I could go through with this is because I liked meat but it wasn't my favorite food.

    Honestly in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter what you are as long as you are content with what you are, and are not hurting yourself/anyone else in the process.

    Honestly, I believe anyone has the possibility of being a scumbag, no matter how humble are your intentions. Quick to shame people? Wow, I would have never though. I'll be honest and say I feel my vegetarianist not as something to be proud of, but instead as a life experience I had to go through. Even then, this isn't something to pick other people off for. They have their opinions.

    Also, thanks for all of you for your replies. I wish I could think of things I haven't already stated to reply to you all asdfghj.
  14. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Although I am not a vegetarian (I was brought up on meat and I do enjoy cooking with it), one of my good friends is and my best friend used to be. The former though is incredibly opinionated and can be subtly judgmental if you eat meat around her- she will bring up the fact that she is a vegetarian quite a lot, I am glad that she is happy with what she eats but it can get frustrating. Of course, nothing against vegetarians at all, in fact I respect them a lot because I couldn't do it, I find a lot of vegetarian foods quite boring but that's just personal preference as some people love them and that's great! My best friend was a vegetarian for most of her life before feeling so worried about being a burden to others that she gave it up but when she was I fully respected that and she enjoyed it (asking her now though, she is happy she gave it up) but she became a vegetarian because she loved pigs so much and couldn't bare the idea of eating them.

    Forgive me, but your OCD interests me, I hear a lot of reasons for people being vegetarian but I have never heard a reason like yours and I can fully understand your stance but do you know what it was that caused you to think like this and how long has it gone on? (Psychologist in training here xD psychopathy in any form interests me greatly so forgive my intrusion)

    My sister isn't vegetarian but she doesn't like handling meat and would happily just not eat it 7 days a week. She has always hated cutting it up and has feared touching it and getting ill so if I am staying at hers then I tend to cut it up xD I can see her viewpoint of it though, it does look kind of gross but I personally don't see it like that, I don't see an animal like some people do, even seeing a dead fish or a plucked chicken doesn't bother me, I feel no guilt while others do and that is fine, just a difference of viewpoint.

    One thing that I remember is I was in a conversation and these people were laughing because they gave my vegetarian friend (the opinionated one) a Haribo which has gelatin in without her knowledge and I thought that was horrible and extremely disrespectful. To me, it's the same as giving a celiac (gluten intolerance) bread- no it won't harm them physically (well it could if they have never eaten meat and have loads at once) but it could harm them mentally and it's against their beliefs.
  15. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Nah, it's fine. c:

    Well, my OCD started one day when I was laying down on bed and had a sudden panic attack, I feel like the world was going to go down or something, since then I started to do... Weird stuff. Like, think I had to not think bad thoughs when I was front of mirrors, turn on a light switch, interact with things, etc.

    One day, when I was laying down again on my bed, before going to sleep, some strange thoughts had risen on my head, previously I choose to ignore them, but I kept hearing them "Why are you doing this or that?" and then it came "Why are you eating meat? It's what you are composed of". Ever since then whenever I think of eating meat I notice a small sensation on my body depending on the body part of the animal I'm thinking off.

    I swear my OCD started because of my complete neglectment to the world and the concept of "Love", and when I open myself up to any woman I end up more obsessive and posessive and I can't help sometimes but to just act that way. It's like I'm insane but with conciousness.

    Ever since May of... 2012 I think? I've taken psychriatric medication, and it helps a lot but when I'm fully conscious of my acts I notice how this is something I'll have to bear for the rest of my life.

    And they say mental illnesses and depression go hand in hand...

    Anyways *Puts topic back on rails* If you want to keep on talking about this I suppose it would be best if we keep it short or on PMs, I don't mind either option.

    Honestly, I can understand your point of view, it's possible to look at meat and not see a dead animal, but it's impossible for me, it has been always been like this on my life lol. I agree it's just a differene in viewpoint.

    And ouch, that's quite an anecdote.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  16. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    I am not a vegetarian. I really need a balanced diet, and especially one that includes a LOT of Protein (Damn this fast metabolism). I just love the taste of meat as well. I do respect those who consider it immoral to eat another living being, but I eat meat with quite a bit of respect for the animal that died. So, I practice "Meatless Mondays" that are supported by my college; no meat on Mondays, which is not that they do not serve meat on Mondays, but they just encourage going one day without meat.

    I've heard pretty convincing arguements against both schools of thought. I support the existence of them both, but I will always remain an omnivore until my health is affected into suggesting any sort of different life style.
  17. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I really like the idea of meatless mondays, my dad started it and I do it as well (either Monday or tuesday and then thursday or friday), I just eat lighter on those days in general because I don't want to become reliant on meat and be the sort of person who can't eat anything without it, plus, it just makes me feel better in general : D I couldn't do it 7 days a week but twice is quite a nice break, it also makes me appreciate it more when I do eat it.
  18. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    I'm not a vegetarian. I'm a meat eater, I just seldom eat it. I'll have it maybe once or twice a week, and it's usually white meat more than anything.

    I just naturally eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc, and I have oats for lunch so meat isn't really prominent in my diet.

    I understand where you're coming from though - I've had those kinds of thoughts while eating meat and it's maybe put me off from finishing a meal, but never meat as a whole.
  19. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    I'm more on the side of being a Pescatarian, since fish meat generally has more of the vitamins, omega-3, and oils that I need and am deprived of in my health. Although, coming from a family that eats really almost anything, I break out of that every once in a while to try something my dad cooks up.

    I admit part of this mentality comes from wanting to lose weight and be more healthy, but I've been finding myself feeling weird after eating a lot of meat in a single week (whether it's the actual quality of the food declining or my body is changing in some way). In some cases, I would rather prefer to try to the vegan/vegetarian alternatives for certain foods (like cookies or cakes). But yeah, I agree that they should try to make vegetarian foods and the like more cheaper and accessible.
  20. Karuta Reborn

    Jul 14, 2012
    Yeah, I'm a vegetarian. Simple reason is I just dislike meat. It's too...I don't know, imperfect? Like when I did used to eat meat I always had such a hard time because I would only eat perfect meat, that didn't have any fat or parts that looked weird. Basically all I could really eat was chicken and I didn't even like it that much. So vegetarianism is just easier, lol. I love vegetarian food so all's good.