I'm going to get it, i played the demo and its not as difficult as it looks. the only hard part is switching between tracks, but thats what Warm up Mode is for. The demo was stiil good even though the didnt even let you play a song all the way through. anybody else getting this game?
The demo's already up? *Gets psp to play* I think I'm going to get it regardless of the difficulty. I played rockband 1 and 2, loved them and from what I've seen this seems no different. Although tons of songs are from the other games, its hard to go wrong with this genre I think.
Not as hard as it looks? Try playing "Keep them Seperated- Offspring" on expert and then come back here. The game is hard as balls on the higher difficulty settings. Other than that I'm having tons of fun with it. My band is starting to look nice and spiffy now that I have some money for clothes. I'm still a little upset the bass player gets cooler instruments than the guitarist >: