I was looking through the old khv awards and i guess this is my fourth consecutive win for randomest member. well I think I won this year, i mean who knows 20 ppl might come out of no where and vote for someone else. IF YOU WANNA GET TECHNICAL IT MAY JUST BE 2 WINS SINCE I THINK TWO OF THEM WERE TIES. [i won a khv poll im so cool guise]
It's because they don't understand. People seem to write off what they don't understand as something they cannot understand or something they will not ever be able to understand. I'm sure people that know her well understand and don't find any of her actions surprising or without base.
Sounds most excellent. Shit will be incredibly cash. As if it will have absolutely nothing to do with the abstract money moving that is known by the appellation of credit, it'll be straight fuckin' palpable. Absolutely tangible and touchable this will be. All the excellence of this mellow exchange.