A New Begining or End

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by The Joker, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    So...after so much time, I hope I can make a RP plot. Please if I did something wrong, tell me so I can fix it. This probably won't be the best RP ever, but all the same I hope this can be a RP people may enjoy all the same. Any help at all would be apprectiated. If anyone joins this RP, I hope that they may have fun and does not regret this if they do join.

    Storyline: They year is 3045. 10 years before this, a horribel war broke out. This war turned into World War III. It is unknown who, what or why, the war was fought for. It was one of the quickest wars ever: 7 days. But it's effects were the longest lasting. With this war came a horribel disease caused by a Bioweapon, the "Biodeath." This didease did not just kill, it did more. After this diseas killed approximetely 6/10's of Earth's population, the killing stopped. The Earth was ravenged by the War and they found one last safe because the rest of the outside world was ravenged with Biowarfare. They found one last safe place and named it Nova. Or atleast the Goverment says the outside world is deadly. Some say otherwise... Life went as normal for a while, though there was something diffrent. The children that were born were mutated. They were mutated with strange powers or phsichal deformations. Some children suddenly snapped, taking hundreeds of people with them. The Goverment feared these children. They were locked in prisons called "Day Care" constructed in the center of the town. Though some of the Children broke out, now adults, seeking revenge. Some people belive the Biomutated were treated unfairly and formed a Resistance to the Goverment through which some Biomutated joined. Though always ahead, the Goverment trained some of the Biomutated as Soldiers. Now, will they fight...will it be a new begining for humanity, or a new end?

    OC Form:
    Character name:
    Work for Goverment, seeks revenge, normal person, resistance, neutral, etc:

    1: No Power-Playing
    2: If you've read the rules, post "Biolife and Biodeath" in your post
    3: No controling other peoples characters
    4: Follow the rules
    5: I reserve the right to add more rules

    Username: King Of Darkness
    Character name: Bane
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male
    Apperance: Wears a black cloack, boots, and has black hair. Has brown eyes. Is tall for his age.
    Powers: Flight, flames, and enhanced physichal strength and speed.
    Weapons: Masamune
    Work for Goverment, seeks revenge, normal person, resistance, soldier mutated for Goverment, neutral, etc: Seeks revenge, but is also sort of neutral
    Bio: Was put in prison, but escaped eventually. Changed his name to Bane to avoid record tracking. Now usually sits and watches and waits, thoguh that may change soon.
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