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  1. British Historian
    Mira and Jebedia miandered over to a buffet table and grab small finger foods from a well stocked pallet. Each of them grabbed a cocktail stick and enjoyed the exquisit taste of the gormet foods, Jebediah enjoyed a smoked potbelly while Mira enjoyed a Salmon Incensa wrapped around a fine Nazenne cheese block. The two turned to look at the room behind them full of party guests and immediatly noticed Mortimer who had just finished noticing them, Jebediah throwned "We've been Spotted."
    "We should mingle and blend in, then slip away?" Mira suggested, Jebediah nodded and the two looked for a large group of people mingling to blend in with.
    Post by: British Historian, Apr 1, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. British Historian
    Mirabelle and Jebediah paused before looking at one another “We were…” “Erm.” “Kissing.” “Yes. Wha-” Before Jebediah could question Mirabelle stood on her toes and reached Jebediah's cheek, gently pecked it before leaning against his bicep with a false cutesie smile to sell the story.
    Jebediah froze and looked into the middle distance for a couple of seconds before coming back to reality, he quickly smiles and gives a sharp nod to the cook.
    He did plan to speak but the words didn’t seem to com
    Post by: British Historian, Feb 4, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. British Historian
    At the sight of the side door the two relaxed and looked at one another. Jebediah held out his arm for Mira to hook onto which she accepted, the two shared a proud smile before walking up and pulling the door open. With equal strides the intrepid detectives headed into the unknown! And they found themselves in… a pantry, fancy food decorating every surface.
    “Hm.” Jebediah thought as he walked up to the door leading to a kitchen, he wiped the condensation from the glass and peared in to see a group of clockwork butlers.
    “I think they’re drones” Mira interjected as she shoved Jebediah to get a better look.
    “Right then” Jebediah stated as he leant in and pulled the door handle “After you ma’am.”
    “Thank you” Mira said with a voice thick with sarcasm “What a gentlemen you are” A side smile and a curtsey later Jebediah followed out and hooked arms again. Before they could look for the door out, a voice breaks into the moment.
    Post by: British Historian, Jan 23, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. British Historian
    Jebediah wasted no time in making his way back to the constabulary HQ, his metal soles chiming against the cobbled streets as he marched through the city. Before long he found his way heading up the steps of the imposing brick structure of the constabulary into the reception, Penelope was sat at her desk still sliding paperwork across as Jebediah asked her where Lynda was, she gestured towards the archives and he followed it to his boss, briefly he explained everything he had found at the investigations and explained where he would be heading tonight however decidedly left out any details about Haythem investigations helping out; it would be better in his mind to reveal that when he had results rather than trusting Lynda to agree it was a good idea.
    With little else to do Jebediah made his way around the station, making note to stop by the cell block he checked for his 3 captives from earlier today and sure enough they had been collected though unlike their shouting and brutish neighbors the 3 seemed oddly quiet, almost patient, only one looked up to acknowledge Jebediah watching from the doorway and just had a private smile to himself before looking away. Before giving this any thought Jebediah felt a tab on his shoulder from a small delicate hand, he turned to see penelope holding up a letter for him
    "Delivery sergeant." she said as she slid the letter into his hand before retreating back to the front desk, the letter was new and only had his name on it, no address so a courier would have had to deliver it, Odd? Sure, flattering? Maybe... Jebediah found his way to his desk and opened the letter.
    "Huh." Jebediah huffed as he leant back in his chair, he understood the idea of not marching in wearing a constabulary uniform but he didn't really attend formal occasions either the closest thing he had to a suit would be his formal Honor uniform but that would defeat the point somewhat... Despite this he knew somewhere he could get one...
    Alice, clipboard in hand held the door open for Ludwick as she presented him with his refurbished office! Plant pot back where it belonged, every curtain not burned and desk polished to a shine! "Fantastic." He announced proudly as if he had actually put any effort into fixing the damages caused this morning, he strided in and Alice followed heel as he sat behind his mahogany desk and rested a large brown suitcase on the desk and spun his chair so he could see down the small window in his floor down to the typing hall "They've earned this" he said tapping his fingers across the suitcase "Truly the work my employees have put in they have earned this bonus to their paychecks with the move." he spun back to his desk popping in the combination and revealing neatly piled envelopes each addressed to a single member of staff, alice peered over his shoulder but before she could find her name he closed the case and looked up at her expectantly "Oh- yes!" she sputtered "I think this will really keep spirits high round here sir." Ludwick smiled, he already knew he was being pretty amazing but it was nice to have it confirmed for him "So is there anything that needs my attention tonight?" Alice quickly nodded as she pulled the clipboard away from her chest and glanced it over "Well your cousin has just come in and is waiting in my office for you for when you're ready?" Ludwicks eyes quickly widened "NO! I need to hide the money!" Ludwick grabbed the case and held it over his head as if to throw it into the fireplace! Alices whole body jerked as she cried out "It's not Osmund!" Ludwick paused and glared at her through the corner of his eye "Who then?" He asked confused "Mr. Crowne sir." Ludwick raised an eyebrow "Jebediah?" Ludwick pouted and slowly shook his head from side to side "Arthur hosted his Promotion party to sergeant a few years ago? You got him a pen." "Ah!" Ludwick remarked as he stood up from his chair banging his head on the suitcase he still held over him "Ah..." He said slowly lowering it down onto his desk "Send him in." Alice skipped over to the door of the office and headed down the hall, in the few seconds he had Ludwick ran his fingers through his hair to align it, sat upright and grabbed a vaguely important looking piece of paper to read, barely half a second later Alice walked in leading behind her the man himself; Jebediah Crowne.
    "Ah! Jebediah my boy how nice of you to pop in!" Ludwick announced as he leant over his desk out stretching his arm for a handshake "Not here to arrest me I hope?" Jebediah reached forward and shook the man's hand as he walked closer to his desk to ease the man's stretching, "Not today Mr. Gallows, I'm actually here to ask a small favour." Ludwick chuckled at the novelty of this "Please Jebediah call me Ludwick, we are family afterall! What is it you need?" Jebediah smiled back at him as best he could pulling out a seat for himself and sitting "I need to get a suit for tonight, I was hoping you could help me out?" Alice frowned a little at that rather rude request, how dare he so soon into the conversation... before she could interject Ludwick spoke up "I see; what's it for?" "I'm meeting someone tonight and I don't really do formal occasions, I know you gallows always do though?" Jebediah replied passing the letter from Mirabelle over to Ludwick who accepted it and methodically unfolded it. Alice seeing a brief pause took the moment "Would you like some fresh coffee sirs?" She asked as she exhaled softly letting her rage from earlier trickle out, Ludwick grinned "We'll be fine." he said passing the letter back to Jebediah "I have a light grey suit in my dresser across the hall, it may be a tight squeeze but it'll do." Jebediah nodded thankfully and looked up to Alice who by this point had managed to paint her face with a fake smile, she led the man out of the office and down the Corridor.
    A short while later Alice knocked on Ludwicks door
    "Come in!" A voice from inside announced allowing Alice to open the door, Ludwick was sat reading a pair of A4 sheets of paper that had been stapled together, she slumped down on the guest seet her suit jacket sliding up her back causing her head to half disappear down the neck hole "That man ruined that suit." She sighed looking up to Ludwick who briefly glanced away from his papers to acknowledge her "He ripped the bottom of the suit pocket to fit his gun in... for a party! and he was just... so rude to you sir." Ludwick paused as he placed the papers down and removed his reading glasses "Alice." He said calmly "Yes he was rude, but logical! I remember doing the same thing to my father when a woman asked me for a date in my younger years." He smiled at Alice before looking out the window as if looking for something before turning back to her "It's ****." Alice suddenly sat up right "What is sir?" "The first draft." he responded simply "A fantastic front page story about the Ministry having a shooting and it's ****, these are the fact sheets from the reporters, I'm going to write the article tonight." Alice tilted her head slightly as she flicked through her clipboard "But sir, we have a booking downtown for-" "Cancel it." he said simply as he lifted a typewriter from under his desk and placed it upon the surface "I much prefer the little Shavan-y place just round the corner" he popped a thick brown wallet on the desk and slid it over to Alice "Spiced pork noodles please; and spring rolls! Don't forget to get a little something for yourself, you've proven invaluable today Alice I don't want to be stuck here without you." Alice let a warm smile turn into a grin as she took the wallet off the desk "Thank's sir. I'll be back as soon as possible." She got up and headed to the door out the office but paused once she had it open before a thought came to her "How did your date go sir..? With that woman?" Ludwick raised his head slightly "Terribly." He said "She didn't laugh at my jokes." Alice let out a small snicker as Ludwick chuckled; a brief moment passed before she nodded and stepped out the doorway, as she closed the door the sudden clatter of type writing filled the room, triple the speed of anything she had heard from the writing hall! Some things about the Gallows would never change, certainly not there commitment to the printed word.

    Jebediah stood at a junction slightly uncomfortably, he raised his hand to his top button but resisted the urge to undo it. It wasn't an ill fitting suit as it showed his muscles but you could tell it wasn't made for him. A glance to his watch confirmed the time to be 6:55pm; he straightened his tie and gained composure before checking his equipment. He had a loaded gun in his suit pocket, Diam rested it at his hip, unlike his pistol it wasn't police issued so it could be passed as decoration, handcuffs nestled in his back pocket... it would have to do, he couldn't afford anything else to squeeze in the suit along with himself, he stood at the junction and waited for his partner to arrive.

    Post by: British Historian, Oct 29, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. British Historian
    After everyone looked to examine the ritual circle Jebediah had heard enough and found his feet, he stood at the top of the trap door and knelt down as he listened to their theories, he found it pretty easy to believe Dylans theory as it reminded him of things he'd experianced before with gangs, the rivers that run through Eredan had plenty of hidden outlooks and passageways between them making it not a completely uncommon method of moving through the city undetected after fleeing a scene, afterall the constabulary doesn't have officers cruising around the canals. "If they had the luxery of time and we assume they left the way they came in they could be anywhere by now without even arousing suspition" Jebediah said paitently as he planned where to go from here in his head "Okay, we'll need to pay our Noble friend a visit later this evening" Jebediah thought back to how his two acquaintences have behaved since he stumbled out the carriage, Mira was clearly somone who wanted to help anyway she could and Dylan was a independent who was clearly very intelligent however he seemed off, him leaning down the side of the carriage at the start; This headache he got when he reached the bottom of the shaft... Jebediah leant down and held out his hand for both Mira and Dylan as he began to speak with a calm voice "I know your sort, you don't need anyone's help because you never have before, that philosphy is an easy one when no one offers; we should plan a time to meet tonight?" He waited eagerly to see if the two most competent people he'd met today would accept his help.
    Post by: British Historian, Oct 9, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. British Historian
    "How much is 'enough'?" Jebediah asked walking up and standing next to the panel in the ground and examined it, it was old, that made it strong... but hey, it was worth a shot! He ushered Dylan back as he stood up right and lifted his right leg and tightened the bolts on his knee joint before lowering it back on top of the door very slowly though this seemed to be for comfort more then anything "Okay; this should work." He assured everyone as with an elegance he raised his knee to his chest before slamming it down upon the trap door with immense speed.
    Thankfully for his pride the door swung open downwards, first the sound of wood snapping as the wooden board behind the door snapped in two before; a loud bang swiftly followed as as the door hit itself on the stone lined walls of the revealed ladder down into darkness, that part he based on the sounds echos as Jebediah found himself looking directly at his leg massaging it with one hand and frantically loosening the joints with the other as he breathed through his teeth, after the tension was released he was able to gasp a small private cry giving everyone else time to get a look down the hole, only after did he glance at it
    "So... Ladies first?".
    Post by: British Historian, Sep 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. British Historian
    Jebediah pondered this question for a moment but really he already knew what he was going to say, he just worried it may cost him his position if this woman tried but in the end he decided it wouldn't hurt to open up a little "My Job isn't to safeguard the constabulary, it's to protect Eredan and its people... Anyone who does the same are good in my books." if he was a more vibrant man he may have made a grander speech but this was the closest he'd get before being ushered off with his new pair toward the scene of the crime.

    Jebediah took a long breath letting the air scented with old parchment, expensive upholstery and a thin veneer of death! As far as crime scenes went it was certainty special but like most crime scenes Jebediah saw a puzzle that needed solving and began to pace around the room taking mental notes on everything he saw, after a short walk he found himself stood where he believed Lilian must of been when she pulled the trigger against the two guards
    "are there always two guards posted there?" Jebediah asked the guard making sure not too loose footing in his exact position "Yes." The guard responded shortly "Okay, I have a theory, if I could have everyone's attention!" Jebediah didn't look to check if anyone stopped to watch him as he pulled his gun from his holster and unloaded his 6 bullets and pocketed them before swinging the revolver shut and pulling back the pin "She used an issued revolver..." Jebediah raised his arm and pulled the trigger twice in quick succession at where the guards stood "Bang... Bang... two guards dead" he turned to the fallen ministers noticing there wasn't a clean shot "She then walked-..." Jebediah spoke his words keeping pace with his careful steps as he lunged up onto the table suddenly having a clearer shot "...-then shot 3 times towards the exit..." He pulled the trigger 3 times "Bang... Bang... Bang... she didn't miss." Jebediah paused as he looked at his receiver, 1 shot left... he pulled the gun to his chin then pulled the trigger one last time "Bang." He said simply enjoying the echo of his voice in the empty hall before slowly pulling away from the end of the barrel and moving himself holding his gun in place to look down the sight of his revolver; and sure enough as he theorised a small bullet hole had pierced into the ceiling; "She wasn't supposed to tell us anything." Jebediah grinned before pulling out a notepad and began to write quickly "I believe sergeant; your men stopped a murder suicide instead settling just for murder... well less paper work I suppose!" Jebediah announced loudly as he ripped the page from his notebook and passed it to Mirabella "What do you think Ma'am?" Jebediah winked toward her; Jebediah just had just been reminded of 2 things, 1. Why he has his Job and title; and 2. That Eredan was truly under threat from something truly evil... And he'd be damned if he was going to side idle while it took over! He made eye contact with Mira after she looked up from the notes he had passed as he whispered in a hushed voice as to not alert the guard "You can't always tell if someone is lying, but I know this! She didn't want to die."
    Post by: British Historian, Sep 20, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. British Historian
    All to familiar to Jebediah, the squawks of a Noblewoman had his attention, she seemed defensive of her status but Jebediah had heard enough of this story "My apologies Lady Autumnfield, I was under the impression he was one of your associates given how the royal guard said there were 2 of you." Jebediah stated with a bland tone of voice; he didn't appreciate pretending to be stupid as he took a step over to Dylan as Mirabelle talked to the royal guard "So are you going to tell her she can drop this or..?" Dylan didn't seem to be listening as he read the notes. After hearing Dylan's synopsis Jebediah nodded agreeing as he turned his attention back to Mira "Dylan seems distracted with one of his operatives, here's the notes if you wish to go over them but you heard what he had to say" Jebediah past the notes as he paused to have a brief sarcastic thought "Say... Lord Gallahow will need question, don't suppose your status could give us an in could it?"
    View attachment 47737

    Despite everything today nothing was going to keep Ludwick down, despite having a minor fire, scaring an employee and loosing an Owl his workforce was in full swing! The pages were being printed; reporters returning with stories and type writer clatter flooded the halls! It was a good day... and nothing else would suddenly pop up to ruin it! "Sir?" a voice echoed from across Ludwicks office from behind a neatly stacked house of cards "What is it Alice? As you can see I'm very busy." Ludwick whispered down his nose "Sorry Mr. Gallows, you have a family member visiting" Alice said softly as if to avoid tipping the cards with her voice "AH!" Ludwick bellowed echoing out the silence "Bring him in it's been a while since I've seen Arthur" "Well it's not exactly A-" Alice tried to save the situation but before she knew the door swung open behind her "Don't worry yourself Alice! I heard let him in and stopped listening and like a good ease-dropper... HERE I AM!" Osmund Zaunus stood filling the door way with a dark green duster over his shoulders and special goggles over his eyes; as the door slammed open everyone turned to the house of cards, shaken but standing. "Osmund..." Ludwick muttered "What brings you to my office today." Osmunds face lit up as he lifted and slammed a suitcase on the boardroom desk, quick glance to the cards... still fine. "Well Ludwick sir! Kaylie refused to fund my latest invention and I thought you would be smarter then her and would hear out a pitch from yours truly!" He twisted the lock in the case as it popped open, "I see..." Ludwick stated as he turned to Alice seeing her already noting down to hire more janitors "Alice could you be a dear and fetch me and Osmund fresh coffee please?" Alice smiled and winked before darting out the room and swiftly as an angle. "Alright Gallow-boy, BEHOLD!" Osmund declared placing a small metal canister no larger then a food can on a desk, it looked like one too just with an antenna and glass sides "What is it?" Ludwick asked with some slight intrigue "Well I'm glad you asked it's a battery that charges with lighting bolts!" Osmund rushed around the desk opening a window letting in a gust of wind Ludwick dashed between it and his cards... Still standing! "If I've calculated this right, at this altitude it should pull the dormant energy from the clouds allowing it to charge without waiting for a storm!" Ludwick paused and stared at Osmund "Wait you don't mean..." He said as his eyes widened, he reached into his shirt pocket and put some small spectacles on as if to at least feel he compared to Osmunds goggles in a way of protection as suddenly a lightning bolt was pulled from the sky like a rod into the battery on his desk in a moment shaking the room! In that instant it was over, on the now scorched boardroom table was a can now flickering with Blue energy "So? What do you think Ludick- I er... Ludwick? Genius? I know!" Ludwick removed his glasses that has slightly fogged up and glanced back to his deck of cards still standing proud "Well... it was truly something." At this moment Alice swung in and passed a booklet to Ludwick "Ah my chequebook, thank you Alice." "Anytime sir." The two spoke too one another with a sarcastic voice as he flicked through the pages "Shall I make a check for 20,000?" Osmund recoiled "Oh I just knew you'd love it!" as the cheque was signed it was ripped out and passed to Osmund "I won't let you down! Thanks cuz!" Osmund packed up his case and ran out the door slamming it! The cards shook... but remained standing; "Fresh Coffee was the best idea you've ever had Alice." Ludwick said thankfully to Alice "Told you you'd need an expired chequebook every once and a while." She giggled and began to walk back to her office "Oh!" Ludwick jumped to say before she could escape the room "Order more of this glue, it's honestly amazing." He lifted the house of cards and placed it on the mantle behind him, Alice paused for a moment in disbelief but she soon remembered who she worked for and nodded in agreement; "Of course sir." She replied.
    Post by: British Historian, Sep 11, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. British Historian
    Well this should be good... Dylan had one quality that gleamed off his poker face, he wasn't a fan of the constabulary and his statement though subtle hammered it home. He was right of course, as a detective should be, most people are sub par when dealing with mages whether it was equipment or understanding; However Jebediah was not most people. Jebediah nodded to the royal guard and allowed himself to be led the crime scene standing in-between Dylan and Mirabella, pulling out his notepad he copies his interview notes and passes the copy back too Dylan "I don't think this is an open and shut case, she wasn't lying... and I've read about this kind of thing before, what do you think detective?" Jebediah kept a relaxed tone as he spoke. Jebediah was annoyed Dylan was here seeing as he must of snuck in and for all he knew Mirabelle wasn't likely who she said she was either but that didn't mean he was angry, infact he was grateful! If they would help him this case could be solved quickly but he knew he would atleast need to meet them half way, passing the note was the first step to what Jebediah saw as a safer Eredan, in exchange for their help he could get them into the places they needed officially, but would Dylan look past the badge to accept that?

    Post by: British Historian, Sep 6, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. British Historian
    Jebediah looked over this new comer with intrigue and frustration, another group wanting in on this case, well there wasn't a moment to complain! He took a few steps forward and looked down to Mirabella and smiled softly outreaching his right hand to shake, to show respect, and also stop that insulting tapping "A Pleasure Lady Autumnfield, Sergeant Crowne though feel free to call me Jebediah." He held his hand out as the Guard spoke up about a second agent and Jebediahs face quickly turned too a frown, in the time it took Mirabella to pass her cane to her left hand he looked over his shoulders around him and saw lent up against the side of the carriage an all too familiar investigator, he turned back to Mirabella with a more stern expression as the two locked grips, "How about we discuss details with your Partner?".
    Post by: British Historian, Sep 3, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. British Historian
    Jebediah was thrilled, a lead! A nobleman no less... No poxy royal guards would keep him from this case now, the plot had just thickened "Than-...!" Jebediah's eyes widened as he fell threw the back of the carriage as it was opened behind him, after a brief stumble he held his arms out until he finally found his footing, he glared at the royal guard who had opened it who looked incredibly dim, "Excuse me sergeant, these are agents from The Tower, they want to have a look at the suspect. Also your interrogation time is up" Jebediah composed himself "...Really? So who are these agents?".
    Post by: British Historian, Aug 31, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. British Historian
    Jebediah leaned smiled towards Lilian as he lent back against the wall pulling a small yellow notepad from his pocket and began to write down the conversation that just took place, either due to some personal training or dormant family gene he had no issue continuing the interrogation "Okay Lilian, I believe you, though its going to be a hard sell. I'll pull some strings and do my best to keep you comfortable during your hopeful short time detained" She nodded as he finally over took the conversation on his paper with a follow-up question "But I have to ask? Hirokiri is quite distinctive... come into contact with anyone new in the past week that you may have interacted with?" He slid his pupils up to the tip of his notepad and looked over too her eager to hear her response.
    Post by: British Historian, Aug 31, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. British Historian
    It finally happened, she snapped, Jebediah halted Lucian "Alright that's enough!" Jebediah instructed to Lucian "This poor woman's been through enough..." As Jebediah began to turn back to face her he began to think, his eyes shifting as if reading invisible notes hanging on the walls... A Voice? In her head... Insanity? That wasn't impossible, He was half way through his rotation now, Could refer to a recording, threatening order? but that would be her working for someone which she denied and she wasn't lying. A complete turn; Jebediah now was facing Lilian, He'd read something like this before, one of the old books on his shelf at home "Chronicles of..." It wasn't important right now. He breathed in, Mind control? Hypnosis? It couldn't be, its been outlawed for centuries and unobserved for generations in Eradan, now wasn't the time to jump to conclusions, Jebediah contained this thought within a single exhale as he relaxed and looked over the now weeping Lilian, he'd seen people lying to him with crocodile tears before but this wasn't that, it was time to close off this chat with one final question "Lilian. I don't believe you wanted any of this, and I'm going to keep you safe, but this voice? Where did it come from? Do you know who or what it was? ... Can you still hear it?".
    Post by: British Historian, Aug 20, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. British Historian
    The two men listened to what Lilian had to say, she seemed clearly distraught after everything that had happened however it didn't change the fact that she was still to be held accountable, Lucian was the first to speak up "Sounds close enough to a confession for me." he Puts his thumb between the hilt and scabbard as he pushes his sword up just enough so that Lilian can see the steel, before he can act however Jebediah raised his hand to halt Lucian "We need the full Story. What happened in there? Why did you do it? Who are you working for?" He paused lowering his hand allowing Lucian forward as he looks towards Lilian with judgemental eyes.
    Lucian let his sword fall back into place for the moment but glares at Lilian. "He talks too much. It would be much easier to just be done with it now... unless you have something else to say, but I am getting bored of his voice and would rather like to know if I should shed some blood or take my energy out somewhere else." that threat was enough to make anyone's blood curdle, Jebediah remained relaxed as he analysed Lilian, a quick moment she falters, as she glances at Lucian she shakes, her eyes narrow and a sweat drop almost forms on her forehead; when she turns back to Jebediah as he gains a look of sympathy "This isn't your world Lilian, help me get you out... Tell us why you did it?"
    Post by: British Historian, Aug 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. British Historian
    Lucian was clearly not amused with Jebediahs old school tactics but it was fine, maybe if he squinted? No, even then he couldn't ignore it, but it was something he could assure himself on, after all if the old-... No, Classic! Policing methods didn't work then Jebediah wouldn't have made several arrests before lunch already, he took Lucian words at face value and turned to lead them to the captive "After we're done here you can take lunch, go find a pub" Jebediah commented towards Lucian, he seemed oddly more sober then normal "I won't tell Lynda if we get answers." The two men went on to stride up to the carriage and confront the guard, Jebediah composed to the best of his ability "Hello constable, I'm Sargent Crowne and this is my deputy Constable Thistle, is the subject fit for questioning?"
    Ludwick lent back in his chair and spun around 4 times, paused, a cup of tea had magically appeared on his desk with a pool of brown liquid atop his desk, he stopped himself and sipped the single third of tea still left in the mug and burnt his lips, not on the tea, but the mug "ARGH!" he exclaimed before throwing the mug into the fireplace that upon shattering just caused the fire to grow and roar from the fireplace "ALICE!" He exclaimed as he removed his waistcoat and threw that back onto the growing fire before pulling out his draw and brushing down an identical one as his secretary Alice slams open his door "Did it happen again sir?" She exclaims already holding a towel "I told you we couldn't get your grandfathers transporting rune to work! even he couldn't really." as she mopped the tea Ludwick straightened on his new waistcoat "I know; but who thought adding-" Ludwick uttered as he grabbed a pencil off his desk and threw it into the fireplace that was now almost out of control, as the eraser end caught the flames they turned partially blue and blasted the pencil like a missile just missing Ludwicks knee and crashing into a flower pot shattering it and destroying the pencil completely "- Fireworks... was the answer should be fired!" Alice opened a shoot on the floor that led to a duct, not sure where it went but figured someone would complain eventually after enough rubbish was forced down its gullet. Ludwick beat Alice to grabbing the broom from the small supply cupboard "Don't worry yourself Alice I can do this." Alice smiled "Thanks sir." She turned to leave but stopped as a man in a trench-coat filled the door way, after getting an eye full of her the man came to his senses and stepped aside allowing Alice to part, she had a habit of making men speechless "He'll see you now!" She said nudging the man in by his bottom and shutting the door behind him.

    The young man wanted to speak but he found himself quickly having a broom forced upon him "You can handle that" Ludwick exclaimed pointing at the broken flower pot "Right... sir I have some things we can start work on there's been a-" as the reporter rambled Ludwick sat back in his chair and the fire behind him roared out and set the curtain behind Ludwick alight! "-FIRE!" the reporter exclaimed as he brushed the final bit of soil out of the carpet and down the vent "Let me stop you right there!" Ludwick exclaimed oblivious to the raging inferno just feet behind him on his left "We have arson stories every 5 minutes here in Eradan give me something new and exciting" The mans eyes widen as the fire engulfs the whole curtain; is this how he dies? "There's been a shooting in at the ministry, a politician attempted to shoot the Grand-minister!" The reporter proclaimed as tears welled in his eyes but Ludwick stood up sharply "This is brilliant!" He exclaimed as he turns to his right still missing the fire and strides to a speaking tube that leads down to the writing hall "Go get your notes to the boys downstairs! I can; theoretically of course, smell the holes we're going to burn into the peoples wallets!" He gestured the young reporter to the door who let out a sigh of relief and he turned and bolted out the door, Ludwick took a stance by the round window from his office overlooking the writing hall "Good morning authors! This morning the Grand Minister survived an assassination attempt at the hands of one of her co-workers you'll receive notes shortly with details but for now you boffins need to get a catchy headline! 'Granny standing after scuffle' Not that; but that. Good luck team!"

    Ludwick shut the pipe and let out a breath feeling happy with himself he walked out of his office and turning to Alice
    "You know he cried on his way out right?" She asked as Ludwick began writing a note frantically "No Alice don't be daft" Ludwick assured as he turned to an owl cage in the corner and strapped his note to its leg "Now, Bulletin, You are my most loyal owl, I need you to go and inform the reporters at dragon-quest plaza that they must get some details from what the local enforcement have found out or have done" Ludwick opened the window and thrusted Bulletin out, after the brief shock the owl found its self getting a grip and entering a glide away from savour spire "I didn't know you trained Bulletin to deliver mail..." Alice wondered allowed "Well of course I didn't! You-..." Ludwick paused "****. Write down what I just said and send someone to inform the reporters" Alice nodded as she quickly jotted up a letter with instructions and slid it down the mail chute Ludwick turned back into his office and was greeted with a calm fireplace with a scorched black curtain among beautiful burgundy ones in the corner "Oh... " He Muttered leaning back out the door "And order me a new curtain will you?".
    Post by: British Historian, Jul 22, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. British Historian
    "Certainly." Jebediah affirmed to his orders turning towards and walking towards Lucian, he knew what Lynda meant when she asked to keep an eye on Lucian and to keep him out of trouble but Jebediah always thought of him as more of a loose cannon, risky certainly, but if pointed in the right direction he gets results, there are many ways to skin a cat and the same could be said for conducting police work and right now Lucian's attitude was just what Jebediah needed. "Perhaps I should go into town and see what people are saying about this, stop too many rumours and misinformation from going around too much. Don't want anyone thinking the government is failing or anything." Lucian asked Jebediah on his approach, it seemed a rational request but a quick turn to the crowd of people onlooking from the market behind Royal Guard showed many brown hatted reporters, regardless even Lucian couldn't stop this level publicity, the only thing they could do is get to work on the scene. "Actually I have a more fun idea if you feel up to it..." Jebediah announced slipping to Lucian's side and gesturing towards the carriage holding the chief suspect Lilian Harbrook seemingly dazed "I think we could get an interrogation in; assuming she comes back from the fairies... and I'm gonna need my bad cop for the routine" Jebediah turned back to face him "What d'ya say Constable?".
    Post by: British Historian, Jul 17, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. British Historian
    Jebediah took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, the city air, the hustle and bustle, and a crime scene: Perfection. As he strode up to Lynda and hearing his rank being called out correctly for once by an adult today was refreshing after everyone he had met, truly a colourful bunch, but now he was back with the people he knew and was ready to get to work! Sadly, it was clear it wasn't going well, After Ulrich's question it was clear things weren't going smoothly here, the royal guard have always been none compliant with the constabulary whether it was through restricting paperwork or down their noses in person, not an easy group to get past. Jebediah took in everything around him Royal Guards everywhere, they own the situation... Bugger, it would take a smarter man then him to get around this. "That's a good idea Ulrich." Jebediah assured before turning to Lynda "Sorry I'm late chief; anyway I can make myself useful?".
    Post by: British Historian, Jul 12, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. British Historian
    Not many things made Jebediah smile with genuine Joy, the main times he would was often to keep someone calm however bolting down the streets of Eredan still brought him joy even if he was adamant to hide the smile. His Augments didn't enhance his ability to run by much, mostly just allowing him to loosen his joints but the main point was to nullify the pain of pushing himself to the limits of his stamina, allowing him to sprint when the settings were calibrated almost as fast as a speeding automobile. Ah he bolted the streets seemed mostly void compared to before the closer he got to the Plaza, confirming his prior suspicion that whatever the Royal Guard were up too was still in effect, as he crossed the bridge finding himself between the House of Ink and the House of Music he lept, turning 90 degrees to face the bridge to the Plaza however as his body hit the floor he felt it jerk against him, the amount of force he was running at made turning hard when at top speeds, luckily he wasn't too fast! A brief swerve in the courtyard had him back on track heading into the Plaza and he could at last see Lynda and the constables in the distance; he slowed himself down gradually and by the time he was about 6 meters away from Lynda he had gotten back to walking pace he tightened his gears as he walked up to her.
    Post by: British Historian, Jul 7, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. British Historian

    In a moment; Jebediah was for the first time today baffled and yet not at all surprised, Dylan turned his back on him and didn't even have the decency to close the door behind him, as it slowly slid shut he turned to Zephyr to read his opinion, it seemed to be loyalty to Dylan. Jebediah let out a sigh of contentment as he turned his back to walk away glancing over his shoulder in some vein hope someone would invite him in, no such luck it seemed, yet he felt his eye twitch, was that... purple hair? He turned back to get a better look through the crack, It was her, the woman from before at the Market! And suddenly it all fell into place! He quickly pulled out the file and read Kara's description "Purple hair... Injured arm..." He thought "Purple hair, Clockwork arm... Works at Haythems." he couldn't feel more stupid, how small was this City!? He knew he wasn't welcome, his time would come later but for now he made a note to nod towards her with his arms held half up, maybe she'd notice? Hopefully then figure out she's off the hook for now? He turned on his heels and began to walk back the ally way he came before he was disturbed by a small figure landing in-front of him "TA DA!" It exclaimed before standing upright revealing it to be Edward from this morning; Jebediah eased his hand from his pistol and relaxed his stance "Edward-" He began to spoke before the adrenaline fueled boy rabbled on "Did you see that?! Was that good? I think it was pretty good-"
    "EDWARD!" Jebediah exclaimed before breathing out "Yes it was very good actually, but you know you're not supposed to come during the day"
    "I know that sarge." Edward said composing himself "It's just... The Plaza! The royal guards are still there and Miss Lynda has arrived with constables and it wasn't going well last I was there so I came to find you!"
    "Great... Who were the constables if you know?" Asked Jebediah as he began to loosen the gears on his knees, Edward grinned knowing what this meant "I think one of them had some Axes and looked pretty cool while the other one had Red Hair and swords, seemed to cause some trouble."
    "Oh..." Jebediah scoffed As he got into a running position "Good to know Lucian still has his Job." Jebediah waved his hand at a trash can left in the ally for Edward to move out the way, as he did so Edward rushed back to stand by Jebediah "Are you gonna do the thing?"
    Jebediah Grinned as he lifted his heels and bolted forwards leaving a trail of dust in his wake as he bolted towards the Plaza.
    Post by: British Historian, Jun 30, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. British Historian
    Jebediah never broke eye contact with Dylan as they both analysed one another, Dylan seemingly doing a much better job then him as Jebediah failed to get a single emotion from the investigator. Didn't take long before a young man walked in behind Dylan to join in the conversation “Usually random people don’t come up and ask about those kinds of things and even then it’s still pretty personal.” The boy enquired, for a moment Jebediah looked at the boy, raised his eyebrow, looked down at his badge then back to Dylan "But this is not just a random stranger, Zephyr. This is a policeman" Dylan confirmed... "Policeman"... The nerve! Well atleast he had a name for the other one, Jebediah bit his tongue and allowed Dylan to continue "Kara does work here, but I don't think she's in right now. Enjoy your walk" As he began to close the door, In a moment Jebediah ran through the conversation that just took place in his head, Dylan just withheld information from him, implied she wasn't in despite revealing his hand and had the audacity to talk down to him about his rank and there was absolutely no way that wasn't an intentional dig into his pride, sparing a final thought to what happened to the last person who withheld information from his literally 15 minutes ago, Jebediah out let a sigh on content and put his foot forward to block the closing of the door letting out a loud metal twang "Mr Haythem, Please." Jebediah said with remorse "I'm not going to beat down your door I'm just trying to help somebody get closure, you have no reason not too let me see her beyond your own bias, so please, be the bigger man here and let me in" Jebediah slowly took his foot away and composed himself before looking back at Dylan and Zephyr "I'm here to help, honestly." He said sternly as he made it clear from his face he was genuine and he waited to respect if the door would open or be closed.
    Post by: British Historian, Jun 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home