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  1. roxaslovergurl22
    Well now that I asked about the Kingdom Hearts Real in your life.
    I decide to ask that.
    If you were able to wield a Keyblade, which will it be?

    Light??? Or.... Dark???

    I choose Dark..(don't ask) im into the darkness thingy.

    Or a weapon atleast.
    What kinda of weapon would that be?
    Light. or. Dark.
    Then again i choose the Dark, i imagine my weapon to be a thingy for my fist. I call it... The Fist Hanger.
    I'm really good a punchhing people ^_^ Only when they bully me.

    So i ask you.

    Keyblade? Light or Dark?
    Weapon? Light or Dark?
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Aug 9, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. roxaslovergurl22
    I'm not quite sure if this was posted but ok.

    My question here is..What if Kingdom Hearts was real iun our life.
    Think of it. Holding a real keyblade in your hands that can actually does great moves attack , etc.
    I'd think it'd be real cool!
    New uniforms, new people and hey real Sora teehee!
    This has been going through my mind for a whole 2 months.

    Sure we'd suffer and strangle through some tough stuff during our life being in Kingdom Hearts and yeah.

    Though I'd still think it'd be cool! :D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Aug 7, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. roxaslovergurl22
    Well as you know im going 3 stories at a time, man i got to work on one.
    This was kinda short I know but please, next will be longer hopefully:D

    ~Hollow Bation~

    "Here, you go sir, one super duper camera, manual is inside box along with the camera charger and more." The worker said to Demyx in no excitement.
    "Thanks!"Demyx said smiling to the worker man.
    As Demyx walked out the store from hollow bation, he quickly turned his head from left to right to see that there was noone watching.
    "Good, no one's here." Demyx said whispering to himself.
    He then teleported back to TWTNW to work with his new digital cam recorder thing.

    ~Demyx's Room~

    He teleported into his room still holding the box.
    "Can't wait!!!"
    Demyx quickly ran over to his bed placing the box fast.
    He then opened it with a razer and then-
    "AHHH!!!"Demyx said holding his pinky up to his face.
    "My pinky!!!!My poor pinky!!!!"Demyx said still worrying and yelling.
    Then out of nowhere someone opened the door.
    "Dude what's with you?"
    Demyx turned around, seeing Xigbar witha sea-salt icecream in his hand.
    "My pinky!I cut myself and not im friggen bleeding!!"
    Xigbar walked to him and grabbed his hand looking at his pinky.
    "Ouch...dude uh, i'll be right back and bring a bandage or more, so you wait here."
    Demyx nodded taking his hand away from Xigbar.
    "Ok hurry though!I don't wanna lose ALL my blood!"

    ~5 minutes later~

    Xigbar came walking in holding a box, there he sat down beside Demyx.
    "Ok it will sting and yeah."
    Demyx closed his eyes sticking his pinky out.
    Xigbar then covered it with some kind of napkin that Vexen created and worked.
    Xigbar laughed alittle but then snapped out of it.
    "Hahaha ahem, ok.Told will sting."
    Xigbar had a grinn on his face.
    He put a bandage over his pinky, about how many?
    5 bandages, which was complete waste.
    Demyx opend his eyes.
    "Thanks Xiggy."
    Xigbar nodded and looked at the box.
    "What you got there?"
    Demyx turned around looking at the box.
    "Oh, I bought a Camera, so I can record you people hehe."
    Xigbar then took the razer cutting the box open.
    "Cool, it's small though but cool."
    Demyx nodded.
    "How much was it?"
    Demyx shrugged and when through his pocket digging for the reciet.
    "Uh lemme check."
    He took out the reciet and then looked down to the number.
    "It was about 2500 munny."
    Xigbar's eyes widened.
    "Woah thats alot."
    Demyx put his hand behind his head.
    "Hehe yeah but I was SAVING MUNNY!!!"

    To be continued.

    Short but the funny parts will come in, in next part.:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Jul 24, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. roxaslovergurl22
    I do not not know why did i choose this title!?
    But can't blame or anything.
    So enjoy.
    This story is about Larxene if you read my other story about me in the organization well yeah, im going to be in this enjoy and i'll stop talking so here it is v.

    5 Dates or more

    It was a boring day in TWTNW everyone doing the sameold, sameold.
    Wonder how Larxene is doing?

    Larxene was busy in her room looking at photo's she had taken during the night while all the 13 members were asleep.
    She was look through looking at one picture.
    She sighed and put all the photo's down.
    "Xigbar...if only i can tell you how I feel."
    She then sighed once more and layed down on her bed facing the window.

    Then the door knocked.
    "Knock knock Larxene you there?"
    Larxene sighed harshly.
    "What the hell do you want!!!?"
    "Woah jeez sorry."
    Larxene frowned.

    "Fine s-s-s-sorry..."
    The door opened and came in Xigbar along side with Roxas.
    "We were wondering...if you would like to play some soccer with us."
    Larxene wasn't usually much into sports.
    "Fine...I have nothing better to do."
    She stood up and walked out her room with Roxas and Xigbar.

    As they went outside they saw some other members standing.
    The only ones that were not there was Saix and Xemnas.
    Larxene crossed her arms and looked to all the members.
    "So...who's team am I on?"
    "Ours." Xigbar said immediantly.
    Larxene nodded.

    As the game began, all the members came rushing towards the soccer ball.
    As Demyx was kicking the ball towards the net he was fully excited.
    "I'm gonna make it,I'm gonna-"

    Demyx splashed right into a puddle losing the soccer ball.
    Demyx whined and moaned.
    "Aww man! I just washed- argh nevermind!"
    Demyx stood up and continued playing.

    After an hour of playing soccer the members were exhausted and worn out.
    "Man, i'm beat!" Axel called out as he was breathing for some air.
    Roxas nodded agreeing with Axel.
    After a few minutes everyone left.
    As Larxene was walking she felt a hand go on her shoulder.
    "You play good...Larxene."
    Larxene grinned and nodded.
    "So do you...Xigbar."
    Xigbar took his hand off her shoulder and scratcjed the back of his head.
    "'s kinda unusual but..uh...Do you...wanna go....on a"
    Larxene heated up in her boday feeling warm.
    She nodded.
    "Sure.what time?"
    Xigbar looked to his watch.
    "7:00pm sound fine?"
    Larxene nodded and portaled off.

    Xigbar stood alone outside.
    Xigbar yelled excited.
    He portaled off excited going to get ready.

    ~Mexony's room~

    I turned around and found Larxene having her face red.
    "Hey what's up!"
    Larxene grabbed the collar of my coat.
    " I NEED YOUR HELP!!!"
    I nodded while i was pulling her hand off my cloak.
    " what?"
    Larxene took a deep breath and whispered through my ear.
    "uh huh uhuh....WHAT!? WOAH!"
    Larxene nodded nervously.
    " need to look good."
    Larxene nodded.
    "TwilightTown... we have 30 minutes to get you something...proper wearing....^_^' ""

    Later that day it was 10 minutes left.
    Larxene was in a restuarant nervous fiddling with her fingers.
    She waited for Xigbar. impatiently.
    *Fist to thunder Fist to thunder! You nervous?"
    Larxene talked back.
    "Yeah.really nervous."

    I was in the restuarant hiding in a plant with leaves stuck in my hair.
    I was asked by Larxene to keep an eye.
    SOOOO...I gave her a microchip for her ear, so she can hear me, and when she get's stuck with thing.
    *Here he comes Larx!Smile don't panic act CALM!"
    Larxene nodded to herself.

    As Xigbar walked he was wearing an all darkblue suit, with a stripped blue tie.
    "Hi...L-Larxene, you look pretty and great."
    Larxene smiled and froze.
    *LARXENE...say that he looks wonderful and charming!*

    "Hi Xigbar, wow, you look wonderful and i'll mention charming."
    Xigbar smiled at her as he was taking his seat.
    "So...what you wanna order?"
    Larxene blushed and looked to the menu.
    So since i didn't know what she was gonna order.
    I had to-
    "Sorry i need this menu."
    I took a menu from a random women.
    *Take the salad, rice chicken and your drink could be nestea*
    Larxene nodded calmly.
    As the waiter came to the table.
    "I'll take the salad along with rice and chicken and my drink would be nestea,please."
    Xigbar nodded.
    "I'll take what she's taking."
    *wow he's taking what your taking!?How romantic.*

    As the waiter came back, she had the orders for the both.
    She placed them on the table and left walking.
    Larxene took her fork.
    *Larxene listen, take the salad first.*

    So Larxene took the salad and began to eat it as she usually does.
    After a few minutes, right after their meal.
    Xigbar began talking to Larxene.
    Larxene giggled and sometimes laughed.
    So did Xigbar.
    After Xigbar held Larxene's hand and looked to her straight in the eye smiling.
    *Larxene smile don't just blush!!!*
    Larxene smiled to Xigbar.
    "I think this is the best time i ever had in my nobody life hahaha."
    Larxene nodded.
    "Me too, i mean, your like-"

    As i was watching the two lovebirds holding hands and talking. Right there I saw Xemnas and Saix along with Xaldin in the restuarant.
    Larxene turned around and saw them entering.
    Larxene gasped and grinned to Xigbar and then letted go of his hands.
    "We gotta go Xig!"

    Xigbar cocked his head.
    She pointed over to the three members.
    Xigbar gasped and fell off his chair.
    "Ow...ok ok let's go now before they come see us!"
    "Dates over Larxene sorry."
    Larxene agreed with Xigbar as the exited the restuarant fast.

    As for me i was still int he plant having leaves in my hair.
    "I better get out of he-"
    "Mexony?What are you doing here?"

    Uh oh thought in my mind.

    To be Continued.

    What will happen to me!? and Xiggy and Larxene?
    We don't know until Chapter 2 comes out!

    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Jul 17, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. roxaslovergurl22
    Enjoy this chapter, may be short, yet you should enjoy this :D

    Such a hot day in the world that never was.
    Every one was boiling, sweating and burning.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    "I want the last water bottle!"
    "No I want the last water bottle!"
    Luxord said struggling over the water bottle from Vexen.
    After a hand yanked in and took the water bottle from the two hands struggling over the water bottle.
    "Yoink! My water bottle now guys, and you can't argue with that!"
    The two crossed their arms.
    "Because your the superior!"
    Luxord said all jealous, just watching Xemnas drink that cold water.
    After Xemnas finished the water in a minute and threw it into the trash can.
    "Vexen you can make ice and make an ice tub ahaha!And you Luxord you can fan yourself with those silly cards!"
    Luxord felt a little offended, and took out his cards hugging them.
    "They're not silly! There precious and they're mine!"
    He said smoothing his cards gently like a pet dog.
    Xemnas rolled his eyes and left through the corridor of darkness.

    "Mexony!Can you make me another ice cold freezie!"
    Marluxia said all exhausted.
    I turned around and had a little smirk up my face.
    "20 munny please. Then i'll make you another cold freezie."
    I said having my hand up laughing.
    Marluxia nodded digging threw his coat pocket.
    "Ok come here, so I can give you the munny."
    I nodded smiling skipping over to Marluxia who was on the couch laying there watching Discovery Channel.
    Then Marluxia handed me the munny and pointed to the kitchen door.
    "Thankyoup, and now you shall make me a cold freezie." He said smiling open wide.
    I nodded and sighed.
    "I wish I should've said more munny then this."
    I said murmering to myself.
    "What was that Mexony?"
    I stopped all shocked.
    "N-Nothing. I just said...umm..uhh....what a hot day!Y-yeah thats what I said!"
    Marluxia shrugged and continued on watching his channel.

    As Roxas and Axel were walking down the halls, they heard Demyx playing his sitar the song he wrote stars falling.
    Obviously that he’s always playing that music in his room.
    “Falling stars.. no wait…stars falling yehâ€
    Axel nodded and looked over to Roxas.
    “Should we go check and see what’s up with him?†Axel said curiously.
    Roxas nodded, and the two went on walking to Demyx’s room.
    *knock knock*
    “Come in.â€

    The two entered inside and saw Demyx sitting on his bean bag playing his Sitar.
    “Hot day isn’t it?â€
    Demyx said while he was playing the sitar.
    The two nodded agreeing with Demyx.
    “Stars falling again huh? Why do you always play that song everyday?â€
    Roxas asked.
    Demyx stopped playing and summoned away his sitar.
    “Well this song I wrote, makes me think of stars, watching each star falling…â€
    Axel sighed and walked to Demyx putting his hands on his shoulder.
    “Dude … to change the subject, you need to BUY a fan, it’s so hot in here!â€
    Demyx laughed and pulled away Axel’s hand.
    “I will … Once I get my munny back!â€
    Axel smiled a little and scratched behind his head.
    “Oh yeah..â€
    Roxas put his arms around Axel and Demyx’s shoulders.
    “Come’ on let get out of this room!â€
    The two nodded and walked out with Roxas.


    Xigbar and Zexion were upstairs on the computer playing pacman.
    “Darn I’m always losing!†Xigbar said have his fist closed tight.
    Zexion laughed.
    “It’s just a game Xigbar! Hahahaâ€
    Xigbar un closed his fist and looked over to Zexion.
    “Yeah your right … it’s just a game.â€
    Zexion nodded.
    Until then they heard Larxene yelling them to come over.
    “Man, what does she want now!?â€
    Zexion shrugged and stood up walking towards the door.
    “Not sure…but I’m sure it’s something.â€
    Xigbar nodded and stomped out the room with Zexion.

    ~ Larxene’s room ~

    “What’s all the meaning of this!?†some of the members called out all a little angry.
    After Larxene rushed in and had a smirk up her face, having her hands behind her back.
    “Larxene this better not be one of your tricks!†Xigbar called out.
    She grinned after and took one step forward.
    “I have something for all of you members, and I hope you like it, and you HAVE to promise not to call me any word once you get this.â€
    They all nodded following the serious words coming out from her mouth.(hey that rhymed!)
    She then told then to close their eyes and have their hands out.
    And so they did.
    Larxene had a little smirk and put a “pass†in their hand.
    She then stepped back to where she was standing.
    “Ok, you can open your eyes now.â€
    They all opened their eyes and looked down to their hands.
    “WONDERLAND PASSES!†they all said together and excitedly.
    Larxene nodded.
    Demyx and Xigbar ran around the room like they were playing tag, Marluxia,Xaldin and Vexen had there mouths wide opened just looking at the passes.
    Xemnas and Saix were standing beside eachother staring at the pass.
    "Wonder land?" Saix whispered over to Xemnas.
    Xemnas nodded.
    "That fun place."
    Saix nodded understanding.
    "She's up to something isn't she?"
    Xemasn shooked his head.
    "Some things she gets nice, last time she gave me a free pizza pass.And she had nothing in for it, so i guess-"
    "So..your going to Wonderland aren't you Xemnas?"
    Larxene said to Xemnas, standing right infront of him.
    He nodded.
    "Yes we'll all we going to Wonderland-"
    "Except for me."
    Larxene said in alittle rushy voice.
    "Why?"Saix said
    She shrugged.
    "Well i won some prize and then they gave me 13 passes and I didn't want to go so I thought you guys would want to go."
    And there I frowned.
    Looking straight to Larxene.
    Me and Larxene were female organization members, and were best-friends!
    Though since she didn't want to go, it be completely different without her.
    I'd be surrounded all around the guys!
    Can't argue with that -.-'.

    "Ok then you'll stay Larxene, but promise me that you wont make anything break or go out of control!" Xemnas said having his arms crossed.
    "So when do we go!?" Xigbar said excitedly.
    She looked over to Xigbar.
    Xigbar jumped up and down and ran around the room again, until Xaldin grabbed the hood and pulled him back and whispered through his ear.
    "Calm yourself Xiggy!"
    Xaldin then letted go and crossed his arms having his eyes on Xigbar, on what's his next move.
    Xigbar just stood there, all calm trying not to shake or nothing!
    Larxene then pushed every one out of the room except for me!
    "Ok now out of my room guys!shhooo!"
    The door went shutting.
    "You okay Mexony?"
    I looked up and nodded.
    "Yeah why are you asking?"
    She turned around and looked through the window,into the darkclouds.
    "Well ... when you go the pass you didn't get excited or nothing.So i thought something was up."
    I shooked my head.
    "That's just how I am.So I'd better be leaving and pack my stuff.."
    She nodded.
    "See you tomorrow!"
    I waved and left the room closing the door.

    ~ 2:00am ~
    "Please fastened you seatbelts and we shall begin the ride of the doom bat!"
    Everyone fastened their seatbelts all ready to go.
    *bing bing biingg!*
    The ride went rushing fast through the trail.
    Everyone was screaming alot from how fast it was and how it was deisgned to go.
    As for me I wasn't screaming, I was scared. It was rushing fast, butterflies went through my stomach, dizzyness from the twirls and upside downs.
    I was also afraid of hieghts.
    No one was beside me in the ride.
    I was all alone sitting alone.
    People screaming out their lungs.
    How could they ever survive that?
    So when I got off the ride i told myself hoping in my heart.
    I shall never go back to the doom of rides, height rides or nothing.
    And that was a promise.
    ~End Dream~

    "Wake up Mexony! We gotta go to Wonderland!"
    I recognize that voice. It was Demyx and his excitedly voice.
    So i streched sat up and then went of to get ready.
    "No bringing org.clothes everyone! Only original!Normal ones like the somebodies!"
    Luxord said until he tripped onto the floor bumping into Axel.
    "MY eyes!!!"Axel screamed out in pain!
    Vexen ran over with Demyx putting water on his eyes.
    "How many times Axel man!?Don't keep the sunscreen cap left on!"
    Luxord nodded.
    Until Vexen turned to Luxord.
    "And you should watch where your walking."

    An hour later after breakfast. We all headed to the exit saying good-bye and thankyou's to Larxene.
    "Bye Larxene take care!" Axel called out.
    She laughed and waved.
    Xemnas walked to Larxene.
    "I trust you, dont make a disaster here got it?"
    She nodded shoving Xemnas away.
    "Yeah yeah I got it i'll take care of our home.Pinky swear"
    She said holding out her pinky.
    Xemnas nodded and walked through the members to the door.
    "Ok let's go.To Wonderland!"
    Everyone cheered and rushed out the door excitedly.
    "Bye Larxene."
    I said walking out.
    "Bye Mexony."

    Did this excite you?(Bet not..) Well Chapter 2 will come out!Soon!
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Jun 7, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. roxaslovergurl22
    This maybe you should like..i guess?:)

    As Xigbar had his head down, just frowning.
    He have never seen Zexion so angry, this must be the anger he was hiding since he and I was little kids.
    With hearts....
    Zexion said breaking down a building.
    "Yo Zexion chill out!!!" Axel called out loud enough.
    He stopped and turn his face to Axel.
    "Chll out!?hahaha!AS if! You should be the one to chill out!"
    He ran over to Axel and punched him hard.
    As Xigbar just watched him fighting Axel in bruises.
    He then saw Zexion beating up the others, including the superior!

    Xigbar couldn't take much.
    But..B-but why wasn't I getting punched!?
    He wondered.
    Maybe because i did nothing to him when we were young. We've been best friends ever since we met.
    After that Xigbar summoned out laser guns, getting them all ready.
    "Alright gotta take a pill and chill!"
    He said murmuring to himself.
    *SHOOT (4)*
    "Arhhh!" Zexion said falling to the ground, but then getting back up.
    "Xigbar..h-how could you! I thought you were on MY side!"
    Xigbar cocked his head.
    "Your side!Since when was there a side Zexion!Since when!?Ever since that GIRL came, you act all different now and then!Also, your taking anger on all of us!We did nothing!Only little bits of something, but not something horrible! I swear Zexion-"
    "I take anger..."
    Xigbar had his laser guns set, just getting ready.
    "I take anger..because, because i was controlled over when i was little in my family, Rhavis takes over me all the time, never given a chance to just f-fight back!!My other brother and sister always were there for me..but not now..MY brother is worried about us!He doesn't know if WE actually died or are still living in this world, and now! All I know that he's safe there, but where I am, I'm not."
    Xigbar summoned away his laser guns and walked up to him.

    Zexion shooked his head, summoned away his book.
    "I should be ashamed of myself..look at what I did to half of TWTNW, I ruined it, and i'm sure all of the organization members, including our superior, would be mad at me."
    Xigbar put his arm around Zexion's shoulder.
    "I'm not mad at you Zexion.I know how it was like through the whole year with you. You were quiet, scared, sometimes happy, and inside you had a strong heart."
    Zexion nodded with a little smile.
    "Though I don't have a strong heart, I have no heart,"
    Xigbar chuckled alittle.
    "But still Zexion, you have the memories, that's right, huh?"
    Zexion nodded and looked up to Xigbar.
    "Yeah your right."
    Xigbar nodded and took his arm off around his shoulder.
    "Come'on, let's fix this up alittle before they wake up from that aching beats.Haha"
    Zexion nodded and walked along side with Xigbar.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    "Whew I'm beat, though i'm grounded..."
    Xigbar patted Zexion's back.
    "Well atleast, they forgave you and you fixed TWTNW up again."
    Zexion nodded.
    "Well..Raeyda..she must be in the dark clouds, watching me."
    After Vexen rushed into the balcony.
    "Hey Zexion I found a way how to get Raeyda back to life, just one little pour on her forehead and she's back to her nobody life!"
    Zexion shooked his head.
    "'s alright Vexen, just leave her, as it is. It's time for me to let go, and start a new story."
    Vexen shrugged and left the room throwing the bottle into the trash can.
    Xigbar said bending over.
    Zexion chuckled alittle with a little smirk up his face.
    He then digged his hand in the trash can and pulled out the bottle.
    "Help Raeyda back to her nobody life?"
    After he threw the bottle into the air, just watching it fall through the air, finding it's way to smash onto the ground.(That didn't make sense <_>)
    "You going to do a funeral?"
    Zexion got up and shooked his head.
    "I already did the funeral, by myself, while you were fixing the other half of TWTNW i buried her into the solid cement, kinda hard to put her in cement, but it was worth it, i said good-bye and had little tears-ah"
    Xigbar laughed.
    "Don't worry Zexy boy!I won't tell!"
    Zexion gave Xigbar if what's you call a nuggy.

    ~ The End ~

    Enjoy it?I didn't think so..ohwell my new story is great i think ^o):D:D:D:D:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Jun 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. roxaslovergurl22 should enjoy???:D

    "Such ridiculous sister...and she thought i'd actually let her see that dumb brother of ours.."
    After Thunder went,rain came pouring down.
    "Such remind me of the incident..that happened years ago."
    Then Rhavis continued on walking.
    Walking towards the castle, to kill his brother. Zexion.

    "Wonder how Raeyda's doing...haven't seen her in hours.."
    Zexion said looking out to thw window watching the rain come pouring down from the dark sky.
    *knock knock*
    Zexion turned his head to the door.
    "Come in.."
    The door opened and then came in Vexen holding papers.
    "I got the results. You've been stabbed by a weapon called the remarkable scissor hands."
    Zexion nodded, trying to follow Vexen's words coming out of the tip of his tongue.
    "Remarkable scissor that what made my leg so numb?"
    Vexen nodded.
    "I found some finger prints..well..i THINK i found the finger prints."
    Zexion nodded and so did Vexen.
    After he went through the papers and took on sheet out.
    "'s hard to believe but... Raeyda is the finger prints."
    "Raeyda!? B-But how did SHE stab me..she would never do that!"
    After Xigbar came walking in with crutches in his hands.
    Zexion looked at the crutches, then opened the window.
    "I think I know who did this..he's evil and doesn't care."
    After Zexion waved to the two and jumped out from the window.
    He closed his eyes until he reached the ground.
    But instead of reaching to the ground arms went under and carried him to the ground.
    "Hello brother."
    After the figure put Zexion down, just watching Zexion have trouble trying to stand up.
    "Rhavis...where's Raeyda!?"
    He laughed and had a smirk up his face.
    "You really want to know?"
    Zexion nodded fast having his fist closed.
    "Well...she's dead ok!? Since she didn't co-operate with her big brother i decided know..STAB her!"
    Zexion took a step forward and jumped onto Rhavis and began choking him tell he couldn't breath anymore.
    "You killed her!Murderrer! You were always a bad guy and always will!"
    Rhavis tried to breath for some air.
    "Let go you little-"
    "Shut-up!Just give-up Rhavis!No one cares about you! I can kill you easily!"
    Then Rhavis grabbed hold Zexion and threw him to the wall.
    "Kill me? Easily? Oh, I wouldn't be so sure if I were you!"
    After Rhavis went running until a shock of lightning strucked a metal pole.
    Zexion smiled.
    "Same thing happening again..only older way!"
    Rhavis looked up and-
    "AAAAHHHH! did this..Zexion..."
    Zexion had a smirk go up his face.
    "I didn't do this Rhavis..I simply knew that this would happen, your simply stupid enough to know what's going to happen next."
    Rhavis smiled alittle then his eyes were closing slowly.
    "To agree with you...your right..."
    He eyes shut quick.
    Zexion tried to stand but couldn't
    Until Xemnas came running.
    Zexion smiled.
    Xemnas reached his hand out, he seemed alittle worried and sad.
    "Bad news."
    Zexion's eyes widened.
    "What?Wha-What do you mean!?"
    Xemnas helped Zexion walked to the castle.

    As they were walking it was complete silence. All you could hear was the wind blowing
    in the air.
    “ So what’s the bad news?â€
    Xemnas sighed and stopped walking turned to Zexion with a worried face.
    “You really want to know?â€
    Zexion nodded as if he was ready to hear the words.
    “Okay..this is.. depressing…but…*sigh* Raeyda is dead.â€
    Zexion’s mouth opened wide.
    Xemnas turned all the way around sweating alittle.
    "H-How did this happen!"
    Xemnas shrugged.
    "I don't know!Half of us members found her on the ground laying there not breathing no heart beating..nothing."
    Zexion had a rush tear flow down to his tip of his lip.


    "Think he's alright?"
    Axel said curiously.
    A loud noise went over from the outdoors.
    "What...what was that!?"
    Larxene got up quickly and summoned out her kunai's.
    "Danger..I can sense..must be the anger.."
    They all giggled from the words she had just sentenced.
    "Dont just sit there lazy bums!"
    They all stopped and nodded running along just summoning all their weapons.

    "Zexion stopped!!!"
    Xemnas yelled out.
    Zexion was torturing the walls grounds with the magic power in his book.
    It made one of his eyes turn red. With anger and hate and sacrafice.
    As the others came in, they saw Zexion all mad and recking half of the TWTNW left side.
    Larxene ran towards Zexion and scratched him across the cheek.
    A sign for him to stop, before it got ugly.
    Zexion had non stop anger.
    Xigbar had a frown go down his face.

    you like it next chapter gets serious!!:D:D:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, Jun 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. roxaslovergurl22
    Here's the chapter enjoy:D!!!:)

    Raeyda gripped onto the scissors.
    Stab him..right on the leg? I shouldn't do this, but I should.
    Rhavis said i'd been in the oven, which means i'm dead and i'll never get to see my other brother again.
    She looked up seeing Rhavis walking towards her.
    "Feeling bad sissy?"
    He said laughing out like a jerk.
    Raeyda shooked her head.
    "Infact yeh...and if I do this, you'll lead my to Dewle?"
    He nodded and smiled , putting his arm around her shoulder.
    "Little, Little sis...I don't break promises when it's all coming to revenge."
    After he walked away just laughing.
    Raeyda put her hand on her arm, all nervous and scared.
    "Please..Ienzo..forgive me.."
    She sighed and disppeared to go to Zexion.

    It was the middle of the night, then again everyone was sound asleep.
    Raeyda walked quietly in Zexion's room tip-toeing.
    She then heard voices through her head."Scissors, Dewle, coming to revenge,Oven, Finish him off himself."
    All those words kept repeating.
    Raeyda took out the scissors and holded them.
    She flipped alittle of the blanket, seeing one of Zexion's legs.
    "Ok....Forgive me..please."
    She closed her eyes, and quickly stabbed Zexion through the leg.
    A bunch of black smoke came out of Zexion's leg.
    She opened her eyes and saw the blacksmoke.
    She had a tear run down her face, but she wiped it off before if could reach to the tip of her lip.
    "Well...I did it.."
    She walked out the room putting the scissors in her pockets.

    As she was walking she bumped into Xigbar who was having trouble walking.
    "Xigbar!" she said in a whisper.
    Xigbar fell to the ground, until Raeyda caught him in her arms.
    "Xiggy!What happened!"
    He looked to Raeyda.
    "My leg feels cold.."
    She looked over to Xigbar's leg (who was wearing shorts) looking carefully.
    Xigbar cocked his head.
    "Rha who?"
    She shooked her head.
    "Let me help you get back to your room."

    As she was walking outside she was Rhavis leaning against the wall having a cigarette in his mouth.
    "YOU stabbed xigbar in the leg!?"
    He chuckled.
    "What?If there a problem with that!?"
    She nodded and walked closer to Rhavis.
    "There was no need to STAB him through the leg!!!He did nothing."
    He took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it to the ground.
    "Listen...Xigbar's Zexy's bwest fendy!And there was a right to stab him through the leg ok!?'
    She nodded and turned around having her arms crossed, not facing her own brother.
    "Can't believe you."
    He laughed and then walked right behind Raeyda.
    "No..can't believe you..look at you...look at yourself Raey...your hating Zexion so you can go reunite with Dewle."
    She frowned and turned around.
    "That's true...But i'm worried for Dewle..we all left him..he's all alone!Who know's what will happen!Maybe he's the next to be a NOBODY!"
    Rhavis grabbed Raeyda's rist squeezing it.
    "Don't you dare say that word again!Nobody just affects the person who has no you...your affecting you nobody-some."
    She after pulled away from Rhavis.
    "I'm sleeping good bye!"
    He waved.
    "Goodnight sister!"

    Zexion sat up on his bed and felt his right leg..all cold and numb.
    He then got out of bed and took a step.
    He said falling to the ground.
    He sat up on from the floor and put his hand on his right leg.
    He then pinched his leg, but felt nothing.
    He then began to panic.
    Xemnas then came rushing into Zexion's room.
    He looked at Zexion who was on the ground having his hand on his leg.
    "I can't feel my's all cold and numb."
    Xemnas shooked his head and poofed out his red laser.
    "Ok let's see if you can feel THIS!"
    He said wapping Zexion's leg.
    He said panicing still.
    "This is serious...VEXEN!!!!"
    Vexen came walking in having a bowl of cereal.(Frosted Flakes)
    "What smo naey nt?"
    Xemnas slapped the back of Vexen's head.
    "Swallow your food!"
    Vexen nodded quickly and swallowed the frosted flakes he had in his mouth.
    "I said, what do you want!?"
    Xemnas slapped the back of his head again.
    "Ow! What was that for?"
    He chuckled.
    "For talking to your superior like that...anyways can you check on Zexion's right leg?"
    Vexen nodded.
    "Ok Zexion...stay STILL!If you move i'm gonna be wasting my breakfast!"
    Zexion nodded.

    It was hours later, and was already afternoon.
    Zexion was laying down on his bed reading a comic book that Roxas lended to him.

    Out in the hall Raeyda was walking until she saw Vexen, Saix and Xemnas all talking together.
    She then quickly hid behind the wall to listen.(eavesdropper!!!)
    "So Zexion's leg is all numb and cold...there seems to be nothing..and also it get's worst if this keeps going..his leg will be no longer use and his whole right leg well all be dead..busted."
    Vexen said to the two of them.
    Saix nodded.
    "Well i checked onto Xigbar and his left leg was all numb and cold...samething..this keeps on going..his leg is more use of it.
    Xemnas tapped his chin.
    "But...what I wanna know is did those two get their leg so numb and cold?"
    Vexen nodded.
    "Could be..i'm still working on Zexion..I'm still exaiming more of his find more information."
    Saix nodded.
    "Same here."

    While Raeyda was hiding behind the wall.
    She was biting her nail and sweating from the forehead.
    If they find out what was the thing that made their leg numb and cold..and also what if they use DNA and they all find the finger prints on it.
    She began to worry after she ran out to the outdoor.

    After she found him lying down on steps.
    "Afternoon sis."
    She laughed pathetically.
    "There gonna find out who did !"
    Rhavis laughed.
    "That's your fault. Not mines."
    She frowned and closed her fist.
    "Well can we STOP this all!!!?It's getting worse by the minute!"
    He sat up.
    "What?You mean...your quiting and you don't want to see Dewle anymore?"
    Rhavis walked towards her.
    "No thats not what i'm-"
    "Too late."
    He said standing right infront of her.
    "Your dreams of seeing Dewle is you can say bye to that and...I'll take care of Zexy alone and if dumb friend Xiggy!'
    After he stabbed her with the special scissors through her heart spot.
    "Rhavis..noo....please!I'll help you..what ever you want!"
    He laughed.
    "No way!I can do this on my own now!Your games over got it?! Now just close your eyes and you go bye-bye!Mwuahahaha!"
    He said laughed all eviley.

    Raeyda could feel nothing...she began to feel cold and her body was getting numb and her face, hands neck, all over her body was all getting pale.
    "I failed.....I can never be forgiven.."
    She then had her eyes close quickly.

    Hoped you liked it!CHapter 7 will come out soon!!!Promise!":D:D:D:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 29, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. roxaslovergurl22
    Yeh...if it's the wrong section...thats my fault.....and dont say anything...if i did it wrong....
    This is such a great video......
    and credits go to the great kh-vids clips!!!:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 26, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. roxaslovergurl22
    :DHere it is folks:D

    AS Rhavis and Raeyda were walking out in the outside.
    Rhavis chuckled.
    "Now...Zexion by now should be weak...and we should finish may take days but it'll be worth it."
    Raeyda nodded frowning.
    "What's wrong with you?"
    He said leaning down to Raeyda.
    She sighed un happily.
    "I'm gonna miss him."
    He laughed and pulled her hood toward him.
    "Listen here sis!Your a Nobody!!!You can't feel!!!Got it!?"
    She nodded all scared.
    After he letted go of her hood and handed her a bottle filled with pink liquid.
    "If Zexion ever drinks anything..put this in his drink..without him knowing."
    She nodded closing her first holding the bottle.
    "I will."
    He said smiling to her.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Zexion was in the kitchen, having crutches, that Saix got for him.
    "Hey brother."
    He turned around and gritted his teeth together.
    "You said you were leaving."
    She nodded then frowned.
    "I was but...I decided to stay and apologize....sorry"
    He nodded sighing with no other choice.
    She smiled and walked off.
    As she was walking she took out the bottle and drinked it all..sacraficing for her brother.
    She walked out dropping the bottle to little smirtherings.

    ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

    As she was walking in the outdoor, hands went around her neck, pulling her back.
    "What were YOU doing!?Screwing up my plans!"
    She shooked her head.
    "I didn't mean to!I didn't want him to get hurt!Ok!?"
    He threw Raeyda to the wall.
    "Sorry Rhavis.."
    He chuckled.
    "SORRY!?Is that all!? I can only accept if you do me another favor.."
    She got up and nodded.
    "If you screw my plans up..your in the oven sweet sis..and i'll have to deal with him myself!"
    Raeyda nodded.
    He said giving her a pair of scissors.
    "Just stab him right in his leg while he sleeps, and he'll get weaker even more!"
    She nodded.
    "I promise..I won't fail you."

    Sorry if this chapter was short...hoped you liked it:(:)?
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 25, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. roxaslovergurl22
    So...wats your decision Zexy boy!?

    Zexion took a deep breath, just getting ready to say his answer.
    "I...I'm...I'm staying here...where I am."
    He said.
    It was all over for him, his sister would leave and he would never see
    her again in his life.
    Raeyda nodded.
    "I understand.I was hoping you would say that answer, although i have been thinking alot, If you stay, i guess i'll stay here for like a week or two."
    Zexion looked up to her and smiled alittle.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Zexion was all alone in his room, laying down on his bed.Looking up at the white cieling he had.
    "Mom...if you can hear me from here, from far...I'm fine."
    He then put his hand behind his head,relaxing alittle.
    "And Dad...i'm fine...Dewle. No need to panic im fine."
    Then a scratch went on the window.
    Zexion quickly jumped up from his bed, and looked out to the window.
    As he was looking out the window, he saw a face grinning evily from behind him, a reflection from the window.
    He turned around quickly and saw no one standing behind him.
    Shivers went up Zexion's spine, and a bad feeling came to him.
    Zexion got alittle freaked out and took stepps back.
    "Brother don't be'll come in my old times...he he he."
    That voice came again echoeing.
    Zexion took another step back, then two hands rapped around his neck.
    Squeezing his neck hard.
    Zexion tried to speak out the words.
    But only little of pieces came out only...he couldn't breath, no air.
    Then the hands letted go.
    He said breathing out for some air.
    After the hand pulled the back of Zexions hand and pulled him into the air.
    The guy chuckled.
    After he threw Zexion out the window...making the window glass shatter to pieces by the force of the throw.
    Zexion flew all the way to the ground.
    Zexion landed flat on the ground.
    The guy came flying down to the surface and laughed.
    "What's wrong I-I?Crying already!!!Oh GROWUP!"
    Zexion tried to stand up, but he couldn't
    it seemed that he broke his right leg and couldn't move.
    "I'm no crying!"
    The guy grabbed Zexion by the collar of his organtization cloak.
    "WELL are YOU?I see a tear on your cheek..let me wipe that off."
    He held the collar with his one left hand.
    His other hand was closed up tight.
    Zexion fell to the ground.
    "Go away!"
    He walked to him and lended a hand out.
    "I'm sorry truly."
    Zexion thought he was sorry, so he took his hand.
    The guy laughed deviously.
    He grabbed his hand and threw him over to the fountain.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Raeyda was walking down the halls just thinking.
    "I should stay for 2 weeks..give Zexion some bro and sis time...get to know him alittle bit more then before. And-"
    A Smash went from outside.
    "Did you hear that!?"
    Xigbar said running towards Raeyda.
    "Yeh i did, and it doesn't sound pretty come on!"
    She said running to the nearest exit.
    Along side Xigbar.
    AS they were running Xaldin came in the way.
    Xigbar said yelling to him.
    Xigbar got up and kept on running.
    "I told you to MOVE!!!You Death?!!!"
    Xaldin sighed annoyed.
    "Great now I have to make another cup of coffee!"
    He got up and walked back to the kitchen.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    "There it goes again!"
    Raeyda said yelling out worried.
    As they were running around they found Zexion lying down on the ground faced down.
    Xigbar said running towards him.
    As they reached to him.
    Zexion looked up and tried to smile.
    Raeyda and Xigbar looked straight to Zexion. Examing him.
    He had bruised on his face, his forehead was bleeding, the bandage on his forehead was ripped off, he hand a ripped sleeth of his org,cloak, his chin had a giant bruise, his right eye became a black eye, one of his shoes were missing.
    "Zexion what...what happened to you!?"
    Raeyda said desperatley worried.
    "It's Rhavis....he's back!He's come to get me back!"
    Raeyda shooked her head.
    "But Rhavis is DEAD!"
    Zexion got up but fell back to the ground with him broken leg.
    Raeyda got up and got mad.
    "HE'S DEAD!"
    She punched Zexion away.
    Zexion got fed up.
    "Your JUST like Rhavis...your turning into should LEAVE i don't want to see you anymore!GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"
    Zexion said screaming his lungs out.
    Raeyda's face went alittle pale and had her eye's getting watery and pink.
    "Fine..i'll go."
    Raeyda went on walking back to the castle.
    While Xigbar and Zexion were there watching her walk away quietly.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    "Dude why'd you say that to her!?"
    Xigbar said in disbalief.
    "Because...she's turning into Rhavis..soon she'll start beating me."
    Zexion said putting ice into the icepack.
    "So...Rhavis was really beating you...or no?"
    Zexion threw the ice pack to the ground.
    "You don't believe me too!?Guess you both against me!"
    Zexion limped out the room.
    Xigbar slapped his face.
    "Why did that slip out of me!?WHY!?"

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Raeyda was walking down to the door.
    "Where are you going sissy?"
    Raeyda turned around.
    "What do you want Rhavis!?Can't you see what happened!?"
    He flew down and put his hand under her chin.
    "Listen...we stick to the plan...yeh before we were like not nice to eachother.
    But now..we agreed to the plan.."
    She took his brother's hand away from her chin.
    "Yes i know we did...but well you didn't mean to hurt Zexion THAT hard!"
    He chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder.
    "Come sis...we shall talk outside."
    She chuckled along side with him, just for no good reason.

    Like it?oh sheesh Rhavis was alive...he's a n_ _ _ _ y!!!!
    Chapter will come out sooners!!!!:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 25, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. roxaslovergurl22
    Here it is folks Chapter 3:)

    Zexion was all alone in the room, just standing, having his fists closed.
    “ What am I going to do? Should I go? Or should I stay. Raeyda could
    be hurt and she would leave, but yet if I go with her, what will the organization think? If she leaves and I stay, we may not ever meet again… for our whole lives.â€

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Meanwhile Raeyda was outside in The World That Never Was, just taking a long walk.
    “He should say yes… if it’s a no then I’ll force him to come with me. Whether he’ll like it or not.â€
    A smirk went up her face, after she pulled her hood forward to cover her face and head.
    She continued walking and then stopped, she looked up at the dark clouds.
    “Call me Xedraya…â€
    After that she kept on walking in the rain, just having that smirk upon her face.
    She then bumped into a man in a black coat.
    “Who are you!?â€
    Xedraya laughed , and then took steps back.
    “Are you with.. what you call him, Ienzo?â€
    The face went in sudde suprised.
    " know Zexion?"
    She nodded.
    After she walked towards him and put her hand on his shoulder.
    "I need you to do a favor."
    He pushed her hand away and crossed his arms.
    "What do you want?"
    She giggled, in quite an evil way.
    "Tell Zexion to give up that goofy organization and to come with me!"
    He gave her a grin and pushed her away, causing her to go to the ground.
    "You'll have to deal with me first!"
    She got up, her legs were shaking, in a kinda terrified.
    "I don't want to fight!I just want my brother back!!!YOU took him away from me!"
    He laughed.
    "Your brother eh!?Prove it!"
    She looked to the ground and thought.
    After she came up with an idea and digged through her pockets.
    "Come on..." she said hoping.
    After she laughed with her smiling, pulling out a photo, of her and his little brother.
    The youngest one in the family.
    The Nobody took the picture and looked at it carefully.
    "That's Zexion?Pathetic."
    He put his other hand on it and ripped it to little pieces.
    "What!Hey!You better fix it!That has been with me since Ienzo was little!"
    He laughed.
    "Like I said you'll have to deal with me first!"
    Xedraya's(Raeyda) teeth gritted together.
    "Fine.You'll be with sore bones once i'm finished with you!"


    Zexion was still in his room, but looking out the window, to the dark clouds.
    He sighed unhapiliy.
    "Guess i'll have to say no."
    Then he heard pain yelling and weapon shinging onto eachother
    He looked closer to the two fighting.
    He noticed that sword, the sword of Raeyda's!Also Red lasers.
    He opened the window.
    Like in old times, sneaking out to a party only there was a fight going on.
    Zexion pushed the window open and just out.
    He landed on his feet, with good balance.
    After he went running to go stop the fight.

    "Give up OLD man!"
    He laughed.
    "OLD?Your the one whos old!"
    She felt like puzzels going through her mind.
    "You'll Be sorry!"
    After a yell went on echoing, it came closer and closer by the second.
    "STOP!Stop fighting!"
    The fight stopped though Xemnas didn't he wapped one on his red laser sticks onto the cheek of Raeyda leaving a red bruised that was alittle burny.
    "XEMNAS DONT touch her!"
    He came running to Raeyda and helped her get up.
    "You ok?"
    She didn't answer put had her hand over her cheek.
    "Zexion!Do you even know who this monster is!?"
    She said yelling at him.
    "Yeh I do, that's Xemnas the Superior."
    She stood up and walked towards him, quickly gripping tight onto his shoulders.
    Her eyes went red.
    Xemnas dropped his lasers trying to struggel out.
    "STOP IT!Now!"
    He was begging for her to stop, but she kept going."
    Until a Bang went on the back of her head, causing her to past out alittle.
    She letted go, falling to the ground.
    "Finish her off Saix!"
    Saix nodded and took his claymore up in the air ready to attack her.
    As he was about to attack her.
    Zexion went jumping in the way, causing the Claymore to hit him.
    And it did
    It went right onto Zexion's forehead, leaving a damage.
    He was there lying, just seeing black covering around him.


    "Shh look he's waking up!"

    Zexion slowly opened his eyes.
    As his eyes opened.
    He saw people in black coats.
    "Who are you ?"
    A sudden silence went.
    "Dude it's Xigbar!"
    There a tangle went on in Zexions memories.
    Quickly it poped on.
    "Oh..Hey Xigbar, finished with my comic yet?"
    He shooked his head.
    "Hey..Ienzo it's me Raeyda."
    He looked over to her.
    "Hey know...I hope you weren't hurt."
    She smiled with joy, that his little brother was safe.
    "I explained what was going on."
    Raeyda said changing the subject.
    "That's Nice.."
    He then put his hand over his forehead.
    Saix came walking in.
    "If you remember it's Saix.Sorry If i attacked you liked that..witch wa by accident."
    Zexion smiled alittle and then looked at the window where there was rain.
    "Small little liquids, dropping from the sky."
    Xigbar laughed alittle.
    "That's rain Dude."
    He smiled and had alittle rain.
    After a minute, everyone waved and left, except for Raeyda.
    She sat down on the bed.
    "So...what's your choice?"

    What will the choice be?Will he go with her or will Zexion stay with the Organization? Find out on Chapter 4!:D:D:D
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 24, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. roxaslovergurl22
    Enjoy this chapter...

    Every member was asleep.
    All in their comfy beds, just..sleeping.

    *Thunder shock*
    It was pouring rain, with lightning and thunder.
    The you recall.
    Ienzo was running in the village for his sister, who was gone for
    a very...long time.
    "Raeyda!?Raeyda where are you!!!??"
    He said yelling desperatley on a search for his sister.
    After a bolt of shocking lightning stucked a metal pole.
    The pole went falling down to the ground and landed.
    Ienzo looked closely to the person who was laying there stuck.
    He ran up to him, by the closer he got, he saw...Rhavis.
    As he got to his brother, his brother looked up and pulled him down, by his shirt.
    "You....Ienzo..You did this to planned this!!!!"
    He shooked his head.
    "No!!I didn't I swear!!NO!!"
    After his brother Rhavis letted go of him , and his eyes shut fast.
    Ienzo looked closely to Rhavis and began to shake him.
    "Rhavis!!!Don't go now!!!"
    He said shaking him faster,by the minute rain was pouring down even faster and more harder.
    "They'll blame me!!!DONT GO NOW!!!"
    After he stopped shaking him and put his head on the pole and cried.
    "I didn't do anything!"
    He was all alone in the rain crying while the clouds were crying also.(rain)
    A voice came.

    ~End dream~

    "Zexion wake up!!!It's 3:00pm!!!You sleepy head!"
    Zexion opened his eyes and rolled over and saw Xigbar standing.
    Xigbar pointed to the alarm clock.
    "Look at the time dude!Your in trouble!"
    He looked closely at the clock.
    "3-3-3-3-3 o'clock."
    He still looked at the clock and then shooked his head fast.
    "3 o'clock!!!!?"
    He quickly got up and ran to his closet searching for his org.clothes.
    Then Xigbar left the room with the door shut.
    "How come your in trouble?"
    Zexion stopped and turned around.
    "Who's there!?"
    She chuckled.
    "Still don't remember me?How i thought you would.
    After the dream you just had."
    Zexion ran to the center of his room and quickly turned around.
    Searching for that voice.
    "How do you know i had a dream!?"
    She laughed alittle harder.
    "Well when you sleep you have a dream.Duh, and also the dream was
    really sad...searching for the girl who loves you with all her heart."
    Zexion opened his mouth wide opened.
    Then after the 'unknown' girl came down, from the cieling.
    She walked towards him,and gave Zexion a hug.
    She said in a whisper through his ear.
    Zexion tried to remember.
    So maybe he thought that if he hugged her he would remember.
    So he put his arms around her, by hugging

    Come on think been with her before..

    Then it came.
    She smiled and still was hugging Zexion.
    Zexion had tears running down.
    Not the thing for Zexion but, he has finally found her..since the rainstorm came in.
    "I-I've been searching for you since it was raining!Why didn't you ever return home!?"
    Zexion said crying with tears.
    She letted go of Zexion and put her hands of his shoulder.
    Zexion (Ienzo) had his head down, trying to his tears.
    "Because..i didn't like it there anymore...Rhavis was the problem."
    She said softly.
    "Sure Rhavis was the problem..but you got away with it!I still had
    the problems with him!"
    She took him to his bed holding his hand.
    "What did he do to you?"
    She said angerily.
    He sighed and then took a deep breath.
    "He did nothing...but..i did something to him...which i can't forget."
    She had a confused face for a moment.
    "What did you do?"
    Zexion took another deep breath holding his tears not to cry again.
    "The pole landed on him, by a shock of lightning..after he was all my fault."
    Raeyda stood up for a moment.
    "It's not your one's fault...Rhavis said that because he wanted to make you feel bad..he said that because he didn't care about us..Rhavis can't love or coperate with others...he had no friends....also NO life..."
    Zexion nodded trying to stay clear with his sister.
    "So it's not my fault."
    After he looked up to his sister.
    Looking into her eyes the same colour as his.
    She was wearing a blacksweater,red pants with skeletons on it, she had a medium sized sword hanging on her belt, an earring having and R and she had dark red hair that came up to her shoulders.
    "Where did you go Raeyda?Why did you leave us?"
    She laughed alittle, but the laughter faded away.
    "I told you i was running away..a big black monster had a giant sword in it's hunormous hands...he grabbed me and took his sword out, stabbing me in my heart. It was painful, so i thought this was a goodbye..but after i ended up somewhere, a place with flowers....and a dark i continued walking and walking...and i ended up here."
    Zexion nodded.
    "Well now that your here,you can stay with me."
    She shooked her head.
    "No..i need to find OUR homeland both of us can go back."
    Those words that came out..had shocked Zexion in the memory.
    "Go back?But i can't! I live here now!Though i want you to stay here."
    She shooked her head and looked straight in his eyes.
    "Come with me..or stay here and never see me again."
    She then walked out the door closing it, leaving Zexion all alone.

    Did you like my Chapter 2?
    I did...hoped u liked it.
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 24, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. roxaslovergurl22
    Well yeh forget that story of A switch in the Organization..I was kinda hyper and
    i know i didn't make anysense in the story.If you want me to keep going tell me.
    If not..o..k..well heres the new story.Base on Zexion ^_ ^

    Zexion was all alone in his room reading his book, learning some
    new spells.
    After a knock went on his door.
    He sighed annoyed.
    Why couldn't they come later!? I'm in the middle of reading!
    "Who is it!"
    There was silence.
    "No one you don't know..but i thought you would remember."
    Zexion laughed pathetically.As-if.
    "Remember!? The only people i would remember are my members!So leave!"
    Then after there was silence, and Zexion went back to reading his book.
    Hmph remember..who else could I remember.
    "You can remember me."
    Zexion put down his book gently and looked up the cieling.
    "Get out of my room, or i'll make you get out of my room."
    She frowned.
    "Guess you forgot all about us..well i'll leave."
    After the "Unknown girl left, by disappearing.
    Zexion sat back down on his book and thought for
    a moment.
    Forgot?About them? What did I forget?

    ~Flash Back~

    "What's wrong with you Ienzo!?Your always making mistakes!"
    Then the older boy punched him on the face.
    He had tears coming down his face.
    "The only reason i'm making mistakes is because of you!"
    The older boy grabbed his shirt pulling him up.
    " 'Cuz of me?Ha!Lil Bro you got alot to learn...starting now!"
    He then start beating his brother tell he started to bleed.
    "Leave him alone Rhavis!"
    A voice came yelling.
    "What do YOU want raeyda?"
    She chuckled.
    "Put him down!Or else!"
    He dropped Ienzo to the ground.
    "Your always butting in!Mind your own buisness!"
    She crossed her arms.
    "My own buisness!This is my buisness!And i say to leave him
    He walked away having his hands cruched closed.
    He then gave the eye to Ienzo.
    "I'll get you."
    He murmered as he was walking.
    Ienzo wiped his tears with his hand.
    Then raeyda came running.
    "You ok Ienzo?"
    He shooked his head.
    "He hurt me..beating me..Raeyda help me...please!"
    He then hugged her tight.
    She put her hand on his head.
    "I'll try Ienzo...I'll try."

    ~End FlashBack~

    Zexion then felt a tear running on his cheek.
    He wiped it off and looked around the room.
    "So thats what she meant..."
    He sat up and looked out the window.
    "Raeyda...where are you?"
    Then after a knock went on the door.
    "Can I come in?"
    Zexion quickly opened his book to any random page.
    "Uh..sure come in."
    The door opened.
    Xigbar walked in holding a bowl of soup.
    "Xemnas wanted to know if you were hungry, so he made me
    bring you this.Soup."
    Zexion tried to smile.
    He seemed alittle impressed.
    Xigbar took a few steps to Zexion and handed him the bowl of soup.
    Zexion took the bowl and took alittle sip.
    " you remember..when we were 6 years old."
    Xibgar put his hand on his hip.
    "Do I remember!?Of course i do and I always will...lucky Rhavis past away
    before it got any worse."
    Zexion nodded.
    "Why ask?"
    He put the soup down on the mini table.
    "Well...I had this like..flashback was about Raeyda and me also Rhavis!"
    Xigbar smiled.
    "I like Raeyda..she would always look after us when there was trouble,
    but one day she disappeared...we both couldn't understand."
    By looking at Xigbars face, from smiling he went to frowning.
    "She was gone..she couldn't look after us anymore...we were trapped
    with Rhavis."
    The two stood there in complete silence.

    Did you like it?I think it was good, but that's up to you.
    Whether you like it or not.
    Well next Chapter will come soon!:)
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 19, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. roxaslovergurl22
    This is alittle longer:Dhope you like this chapter:D

    ~Next Day~

    Larxene opened her eyes and looked around the room.
    "How come..I'm in Mexony's room?"
    She sat up and sighed.
    "Must have been sleep walking.Well better go
    dress up!"
    She got out of bed and went to the mirror (as usual).
    She was rubbing her eyes and then she looked at the mirror.

    As Axel was wide awake he layed down on the bed looking
    at his rist.
    He then noticed he was wearing Luxords wrist watch.
    "Since when did i get his watch?"
    He shrugged and got up.
    As he was walking to his washroom he put his hands over his face.
    He lowered his hands down to his chin.
    "I grew a mustache?Cool!"
    He then went to the sink and put water on his face, after he wiped
    his face with a towel.
    "All clean-"
    He stared at the mirror.

    Saix awoke and streched.
    "Don't tell me last night i pushed Lexaeus off his bed
    and slept in his bed."
    He got up.
    Saix never went to the washroom yet, until he changes to his
    org clothes.
    As he opened the closet.
    "Woahh...jumbo sized org clothes!"
    He sighed.
    "Xigbar didn't put the org clothes back where they were right!"
    As he reached for the black coat he stopped for a sudden.
    "My hands...they're like Lexaeus's hands!"
    He then quickly ran to the washroom and looked through
    the mirror.

    Xemnas rolled on the bed.
    "Ugh..I'm coming!"
    He rolled one more and fell off the bed.
    He sat up and looked at the bed.
    "My bed isn't that small.And what am I doing in Xaldin's room?
    I should be in my room sleeping on my master bed!"
    He got up rubbed his head, from the pain of falling.
    He rubbed his hair again.
    "This ain't my hair.. its silver greyish....alright!whos been messing
    with my hair last night!?"
    He looked down to his feet.
    "And who's been messing with my feet!?"
    He walked to the washroom and froze.

    As roxas was waking up he sniffed something....something like
    "Aww's not my birthday yet!!!So put the flowers away!"
    He heard no answer.
    He got up and looked around the room.
    "MY EYES!!!"
    Roxas quickly covered his eyes.
    "SO much flowers!!!!"
    He took his hands off his eyes.
    "What am I doing here in Marly's room?"
    He then got up and walked out to HIS own room.
    As he opened the door he saw himself?
    "Hey!!!Out of my room!"
    He turned around shocked.
    "Hey!!!What are you doing being me?"
    Roxas ran towards himself and jumped on him.
    "You better admit why are you looking like me!!!"
    "I'm not!!!your better explain why didn't you comb your hair!"
    Roxas stopped and let go.
    "Comb my hair?I don't comb my hair my hair is always like this!"
    The (other) roxas put his hand on his hip.
    "And who said u should not comb your hair!?"
    Roxas sighed and walked to the room.
    The other Roxas followed.
    As the other Roxas walked he stared into the mirror.

    Zexion woke up.
    "*Yawn* Ah...what a boring morning!"
    He got up and went to the washroom to do his beeswax.
    "Why am i wearing Xigbar's gun boxers?"
    He said flushing the toilet.
    He walked out and saw himself.
    "Hey..who ever member you better stop using the spells
    from my book!"
    He shrugged.
    "No..first of all... you explain why are you borrowing my boxers!?"
    Zexion shrugged.
    "Give me your hand"
    He took his hand out and also his own.
    "Oh.....I'm not me.. and your not you."
    He cocked his head.
    He pointed at his arm.
    "You have no tatoo."
    He went shocked.
    "No tatoo!?But this tatoo is un-washable!"
    They both walked to the mirror.
    Zexion stared in the mirror deeply.
    "Dude...Xigbar....your me..and i'm you.."

    As everyone was in the kitchen having breakfast.
    They all saw Demyx walking in.
    All the members stared at him.
    "Dude don't tell me your not you."
    Demyx cocked his head and scratch his forehead.
    "Not myself?What are you talking about Luxord?"
    Axel as Luxord banged the table.
    "Thats Axel!!!"
    Demyx was still confused.
    Xemnas sighed.
    "Did you wake up in your own room?"
    Demyx stopped for a minute.
    "Yeh i woke up in my own bed....why are you asking all
    these questions?"
    Xaldin sighed.
    "Well about...Mexony,Larxene,Me,Xemnas,Saix,Axel,Roxas,Marluxia,Xigbar Zexion and Lexaeus are not ourselves."
    Roxas hitted Marluxia as Roxas.
    "Don't comb MY hair!!!Just leave it as it is!"
    He frowned.
    "Unless you comb your hair.. because I LOOK Like a roxas."
    Roxas slapped his own face.
    "Your ARE a roxas."
    Demyx got into more confusion.
    After Vexen walked in.
    "Morning all."
    They all stared at him.
    Xaldin crossed his arms.
    "You...You did this with your..your stupid expierements!"
    Vexen felt offended by that.
    stupid expierements.
    "They're not stupid! And besides I did this for all of
    you to learn your lesson!"
    Xemnas walked to Vexen.
    "When will this come off!?"
    Vexen put his finger on his chin.
    "In about a week."
    After Axel walked to Vexen and slapped in on his face.
    "You made me look like card boy here!!!And what do you mean learn our
    Luxord ran up to Axel and smacked him.
    He slapped Vexen on his head.
    "There.."Luxord said fairly.
    Vexen put his hand on his cheek.
    "You all made fun of me science geek, genius freak also dumb blonde sciencetest!"
    They all went to silence.
    "I did this to you because you always call me names.Im tired of it!"
    Larxene laughed pathetically.
    "Then why did't you do the thing to DEMYX?"
    Vexen laughed.
    "That's an easy question, because he's doesn't call me names 'nor complain
    so I didn't do it to him!"
    Xemnas(as Xaldin)
    pointed to the door.
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. roxaslovergurl22
    Although it's short by each Chapter it will get longer:D
    *Pinky swears*

    ~Vexen's Lab~

    Vexen was in his lab working on and expierement.
    (Not sure what expierement?)
    "Time for the water to go in the red water..hehe"
    Vexen quickly poured the water in the red water.
    All of a sudden he hears bubbling sounds...
    "Uh-oh..that doesn't sound good.."
    Then Vexen was on the ground just lying there.
    "Vexen you ok!?"
    Xemnas called out as he said running in the lab with the other 13 members.
    Vexen nodded.
    Zexion flapped his right hand, pushing the smoke away.
    " too smokey."
    Axel nodded.
    Larxene went walking around the table..looking at all glasses and different
    "Seriously Vexen you gotta stop with the flippin' expierements!"
    Luxord yelled out annoyed.
    Vexen got up.
    He looked at all of them.
    They were all yelling out comments on how Vexen always screw up
    his projects and also how he should stop doing them.
    Vexen frowned.

    ~Night 11:47pm~

    Vexen was lying down on his bed, just thinking
    about all the horrible comments.
    "I learned my they should learn there lesson."
    Vexen grinned..with that evil smile.
    "Hehe i know what to do."

    Vexen walked in everyones room and pulled their mouths open slowly
    and poured the chemicals in them.
    As he was finished the last one doing.
    He grinned.
    "Demyx doesn't complain about my work and im not doing
    "All other 12'll be a whole new you!Haha!"
    "Quiet science freak!I'm sleeping!"
    Xaldin yelled out.
    Vexen covered his mouth putting his hand over his mouth.
    He was still laughing, only silently.

    How'd you like it?
    12 members going to be a whole new them.. wonder what he meant?
    Find out next Chapter which is coming out soon!:D:D:D:)
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. roxaslovergurl22
    Which Organization Member is your favourite??














    So which is it?:)
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 6, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. roxaslovergurl22
    Well this is the first Chapter.And it's short so enjoy.

    I was in the island...just standing there..clueless for a moment.
    Then a mad in a black coat comes up to me.
    "You are a Nobody."
    I didn't say a word but just stood there,with my
    mind a complete blank.
    He puts his name in my face and adds and x.
    Then he scrambles it,until it stops.
    "Mexony..will be your name."
    He hands me a black coat.
    "Put it on when we are the new member of organization
    13 now changed to 14."
    I slowly nodded.
    Trying to catch the mans words.
    "Xemnas is my name."
    He nodds.
    "Come..follow me."
    He then opens a big black tunnel.
    "Through the Corridor of Darkness we shall
    go through."
    He puts his hand behind my back pushing it to walk.
    Boy i was slow.
    I couldn't feel anything.
    My legs felt miserable.
    As we walked in.
    It was pitched black.
    I didn't mind..even though
    i was scared of the dark.

    So quickly we arrived inside a humongous castle.
    All white and grey also black.
    I felt like...weird.
    He then leads me to a door.
    "Go in..put the black coat on...and your new life..will begin."
    I nodded and went it the door.
    After the door shut behind me.

    Thats the first chapter like my name?lol
    Mexony:Dso proud next chapter will come out when i ever have time.:)
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 6, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. roxaslovergurl22
    The last chapter:)


    Roxas and Axel were walking until they bumped into Larxene.
    "Pathetic fools..."
    Roxas and Axel looked at eachother smiling.
    As the two were running,
    Larxene ran after them.
    "Come back here and say your sorry!"
    Roxas said laughing.

    After the two went around pool.
    And Larxene jumped over.
    When Larxene landed on the grass,she stepped in the rope.
    The rope tightened Larxene's foot and pulled her up into the air,
    to the middle of the pool.
    "Get me out of this!"
    Axel and Roxas smiled.
    Roxas summoned out his
    oathkeeper and threw it at the rope to cut.
    The two laughed.
    Larxene then reached up floating spitting,
    out the water,from her mouth.
    Then she looked at Axel and Roxas laughing.
    She then grinned.
    "Oh i wouldn't be laughing now would I?"
    The two stopped laughing looking at Larxene, clueless.
    Roxas then didn't relize that his keyblade wasn't there.
    The keyblade smashed right onto Roxas and Axel's back causing
    them to fall into the pool.
    Larxene laughed non-stop.
    " your face!"
    Roxas and Axel looked at Larxene seeing her eyes giving them
    the -better-start-running-before-your-toast-look.
    The two started to swim through the water trying to get out.
    "Swim me Swim!"
    Larxene was paddeling through the water fast,like she was
    a shark.
    "Don't get your hopes up boys!"

    ~Living Room~

    Roxas and Axel were running to the living room.
    Cachting their breath.
    "Why are you guys running?"
    Then the whole organization (except for Larxene)
    heard a yell through the halls.
    Roxas helped Axel get up.
    The two went running around the castle to keep away from
    When Larxene was running in the living room.
    Xigbar laughed.
    "Hehe..silly Larxene."
    Larxene stopped running and turned around to Xigbar.
    She then started to walk up to him.
    "You mean silly Xigbar,because once i'm finished with you
    you'll be the silly one!"
    Xigbar paniced and struggled from thinking...
    "Uh..ok...oh yeah that reminds me i have to go take
    my pills?"
    Larxene smiled in evil way.
    "No pills....hehe"
    Xigbar began to run.

    ~Garbage Can~

    "Think she's finished chasing us?"
    "Don't count on it."
    Roxas covered his nose and so did AXel.
    "Man it stinks in here!"
    "i think im gonna stinks to much."
    Then after Marluxia came walking and poor garbage into the large garbage
    can,without noticing that Roxas and Axel were in there.
    "Oh gonna hurl!"
    Roxas then looked at the magazine, and grabbed it.
    "Hey they threw out my comics!"
    Then they heard the Marluxia locking the Garbage Can.
    The footsteps faded.
    "Welp least theres an air condintioner sprayer in here."
    Axle said grabbed the can.
    "My eyes!!!Stinging!"

    That's the end of the last chapter
    hoped you liked it:D:D:D:D:)
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. roxaslovergurl22
    We are sooo close to the end...well yeap..enjoy

    It was an hour later Roxas was playing some video games he
    had bought for himself.
    Then Axel came walking in.
    Roxas looked at Axel and then ignored him.
    "Hi.." Roxas said mumbling.
    Axel sat down on the floor beside Roxas .
    Roxas stopped playing and got up.
    "I wanted to play by myself."
    Axel looked down at his hands,never to use again.
    Those words roxas had he really using them?
    Axel got up and walked out.

    Afterwards, Roxas just relized..was he really meant
    to say that?
    Or was it just-
    Then Larxene came behind Roxas.
    "Hello small one."
    Roxas's eye widened.
    Roxas began to walk away.
    Until Larxene pulled Roxas back.
    "And where do you think your going?And also
    you didn'y say anything!"
    " can i go?"
    Larxene letted go of Roxas and pushed him.
    He then turned around and looked at Larxene laughing.
    "That evil girl..."
    Larxene stopped laughing and walked towards Roxas.
    "What were you saying tiny frie?"
    Roxas began to choke up,he couldn't say a word.
    "He's saying thankyou."
    The two turned around and saw Axel walking towards Roxas.
    "Um...Roxas can we room?"
    Roxas looked at Larxene.
    He didn't want to be stranded with Larxene getting beats.
    But if he was with Axel nothing bad would happen.
    Just alittle talk.
    Axel nodded and opened the corridor of darkness.
    The two both walked in,then the corridor closed behind them.
    "Hmph and i was starting to have fun.."
    Larxene said laughing...

    ~Axel's Room~

    As they entered Axel's Room, Roxas stood right by the door
    getting ready to leave whenever.
    Axel sat down on his bed looking at Roxas.
    "Roxas..i'm sorry."
    Roxas's teeth were getting tighter.
    "SORRY!? shouldn't you have said that
    a LONG TIME AGO!?"
    Axel nodded and put his head down.
    "Your..right..i shoulde have said sorry sooner..but
    i know...something's up with you...all i want to
    know is..what's going on with you?"
    Roxas put his hood on and walked towards Axel.
    "Well...sorry what i said just now Axel..forgive me.
    And i was thinking the whole time that you and me
    weren't friends..and were using me the whole
    Axel looked up.
    "Pretending we're friends?But Roxas
    i was your friend the whole time. A Friend
    never uses their friend..that be just
    plain wrong.."
    Roxas nodded as he was listening to Axel.
    "Your right...I've been acting like a fool the whole time."
    Axel shook his head.
    "You mean both of us has been acting like total fools."
    Roxas smiled and so did Axel.
    Axel then put his hand on his chin.
    "Ya'know..mean while Larxene's been acting like a total
    jerk to us."
    Roxas smiled and took his hand out.
    "Shall we?"
    Axel laughed.
    "Yeah...lets plan.."

    That was short i think
    i hoped you like it and yeah.
    Thread by: roxaslovergurl22, May 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives