While I agree with most above that it would be cool. I just cant see it. Unless it was completly original storyline. In order to make a movie out of a 40ish hour game. You would easily need over 4 hours of movie. I mean, I would sit through it but it comes down to money again, and no one other then us fans would sit in the theatre that long.
Goofy those two ideas are awesome. I would definatly take that.
ahh ****.... now ill never get it.
Dear God Man! Your definatly going to have to be level 99 before you have hope of beating some of those. Jesus one hit kills..... makes me want this game even more.
Just gotta say Congrats on finally taking out Marluxa Utawarezen. By the way what keyblade are you useing for that fight?
This is already being discused over here. http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=8439 Some intresting hopes and theories.
Just so you know most people thoughts are in almost every other topic. I dont think there really is a need just to ask in a new one. Just take a look at the stickied Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ Discussion by libregkd. Though overall Consenses (sp?) is that its awesome. (otherwise why waste 70+$ importing it)
Thats actualy a good catch. I knew I saw a cut scene somewhere with that scene in english but when i watched in game clips it was totaly silent. Please Please be a hint that it is comming to American/Europe release.
People like to hope it will, most likely not. And now especialy if you just joined recently it may be confusing just because of the April fools jokes that were going around..... cruel cruel jokes. *shakes fist* Oh well. What you can do is wait it out until mid may, I believe I read something about there being an anouncement from Square Enix and the team who does Kingdom Hearts somewhere. Rumor (NOTE RUMOR) is that there will be an anouncement about final mix (people hope its about being released in Europe and North America). Personaly Im going to wait until end of May, if no anouncement is made then Im just importing and of cource in the meantime taking some japanese lessons.
Dude that was pretty cool. Im also glad to know that the counter is based on your level, cus then even if you were lvl 99 all it would take is 30 hits (acording to the first video i had seen) and you would be done.
Ohhh...yea i did notice an increase at one point, but still it looks amazingly hard to last long enough to keep getting the reaction comands.
My quick thoughts Roxas- pretty good fight. Vexen- he seemed a little two easy? were you a high level? Also ive seen in other videos that goofy has his sheild... do you get that for beating him? Larxene- Dear god dude..... she scares me. Just *applause* Lexaeus- I have to say it must be anoying that he has those garenteed hits. Whats your defence though Ive seen people fight him and those garenteed hits more or less instant kill them. Oh and the Anti-Sora..... awesome Zexion- Nice job you finaly showed him whos boss. Marluxia (Failed)- he is just tooo cheap You could have all the tactics you want, when to heal when to attack but if you get hit 30 times you loose.... hope you beat him soon.
Didnt catch me, though to be fair, this is the one day a year I can mess with people so I look foward to it. Ive already gotten more then a few pranks off today, and am warry of everyones actions lol. Funny though.... well mabye not to those who really want it to come out in Europe and US. But hey, its april fools all bets of niceities are off.
man... all these vids honestly made me finaly join and stop lurking. And I lean heavily on Importing this now. (just gotta learn japanese haha) Im totaly for this fight though, If i remember corectly this was just a cutscene before... and i was like OH COME ON! I wanna fight him.
Ok I figured instead of making a completly new topic for a simple question I would use this topic as it is "Couple of Questions" If a mod would rather I do start a new topic let me know. Ok so this summer I plan on learning some japanese (mainly so I can import this game and a few others) the base cource works mainly on Katakana and Hiranga (sp?) for the phonetics. How useful is just knowing the katakana or hiranga for playing this game? Will an entry level student be able to play this with minimal skill in the language? Thanks for your replies guys.