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  1. SquishyZ3ro
    Supposedly we all began speaking one language. ;P But that's a religious thing, not proven fact. Buahaha.

    I think English is already becoming a universal language. It has to be the most wlel-known aside from Chinese, but that's only because China has 1/3 of the world's population...

    I read somewhere a short while ago that Chinese is the most spoken language, and English is the most internationally known. Cause remember, knowing a language doesn't necessarily mean you'll speak it at all.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. SquishyZ3ro
    The part about disproving Jesus Christ's link to God was either on the history channel or discovery channel, I don't remember which. But it was an entire hour of them talking about how they found the bones, then proceeded to explain why this disproved christianity. It sounded more like a load of gappa, but that's just me.

    And for the record, maybe we don't need oxygen to live. Maybe there's a substance that we have yet to uncover. xD Okay, now I'm just bein dumb. ;P

    I agree that this debate is pretty much wrapped up, least on here... Everything's already been said, or so it seems. >.>
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. SquishyZ3ro
    Fett's Vett is loaded with even more awesomeness. ;D
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. SquishyZ3ro

    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. SquishyZ3ro
    Ahhh, I can barely read what that guy is saying. xD But I got the gist of it. It sounds cool, though I wish someone who was more fluent in english could review it. It's hard to get a good feel due to the whole language barrier thing. Ah well, I guess I'll wait till they decide to release it in America.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  6. SquishyZ3ro
    Dual magnums, bishes.

    Also, energy pistol/magnum combo. Charge up, take out their shields, one shot to the head and they're dead. Boom! Head Shot!
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. SquishyZ3ro
    So you want a real-time rpg. O.o

    I think Dirge of Cerberus is a real-time rpg, is it not? And I heard it was pretty good.

    I also liked Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance I & II. They were pretty good.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. SquishyZ3ro
    Well, now we're getting in different religious beliefs. The one you're talking about is pre-destination, one that I personally have no faith in.

    Yes, god can see our futures, but that doesn't mean we each have one future. I believe there is many, many roads each person can take and God can see every one of them, but because he gave us free will he cannot know which one we will take. This doesn't make him imperfect(then again, the definition of perfect is not universal and changes from person to person, plus it's also a term used by man to help try and understand the power of God), it simply means he does not wish to interfere in the lives of humans, or at least do so as little as possible. Now, God doesn't have any obligation to end all suffering in the world. He left our lives to ourselves so that we could find peace and kindness within ourselves, he, I imagine, doesn't want to get in the way of our inner battles for peace. As such, he lets us live our lives, good or bad. He is loving, and that is why he allows us to suffer. Without suffering, how would we know joy? All we would have is joy, and it would be a very boring existance if all we had was joy 100% of the time. God realised humans require struggles in order to entertain ourselves, in order to have a purpose in life. Also, the struggles are tests, for when we die and are ready to be judged and prove ourselves worthy of paradise.

    I hold my faith in this believe; God is all-powerful and we are not, therefore we cannot begin to comprehend his power or his intentions. God is not human, therefore we do not understand him.

    Keep in mind, please, these are my beliefs. I'm not saying I can prove any of this or that I can talk to God. ;P Just sayin what I feel to be true.

    I just realised I'm going way off topic here. -ahems- Sorry about that...

    I personally believe that God created the Earth, or at least, God created the system for creating the Earth. Hell, the big bang theory might be right, but I'll sitll believe God created the big bang process. ;D
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. SquishyZ3ro
    How can anyone lose their belief in God due to science? If they do, they weren't really followers of God to begin with. Just because someone tells me they can prove there is no God doesn't mean I'm going to believe it. Frankly, it doesn't matter how much proof you have against religion, I'll never believe there is no God. But that's getting more into personal opinion and less into debate of ideals. Anyway...

    I agree that science and religion often intermix, but at the same time they are fighting furiously against eachother. Scientists often claim to have found the bones of Jesus Christ simply because they feel it will finally prove that he was not some savior, but I hardly like to rely on evidence that has aged for a couple thousand years, at least. Besides, how can they prove it was Jesus Christ? I don't think he ever gave blood or put a cotton swab in his mouth for saliva. But again, I'm getting on a tangent.

    I don't know if scientists are right or wrong, none of us do.. Well, okay, I lied, many of us know in ourselves that scientists are right just like many of us know in ourselves that God is real, but there will never be 100% of proof in any directin, or at least I don't thnk say. Yes, you can say that "proving" something automatically means that scientists were right, that because an apple falls to the earth it means there is gravity, but it's not 100%. Of course, I always like to leave myself open to -any- possiblity, on the off-chance there are forces out there working against us and our beliefs.

    And look, I'm not saying ALL of science is wrong. I believe in gravity and I believe that they are at least close enough to knowing what it does. But some parts of science I simply cannot believe, just as you simply cannot believe in religion (I'm not aiming this at anyone in specific, just those of you who don't believe in religion). Either way, I don't think the whole evolution vs. religion debate can ever be won. Religious people receive proof of their faith through death, and scientists never receive completely 100% factual evidence of their claims.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 19, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. SquishyZ3ro
    It was either Baldur's Gate I or Age of Empires; whichever came out first. >.>
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. SquishyZ3ro
    I love how people can take my posts however they want to see it, not how it was so blatantly meant. O.o I never said people experienced God, buddeh. And I never said scientists received their knowledge from God. I don't even know where you got that from... And yes, it is completely possible that EVERYTHING we are told to be true is a conspiracy. Perhaps genetically engineering crops to grow is false, perhaps the crops just grew that way themselves and scientists took credit for it. It's all entirely possible. To say that it isn't is ignorance, to put a limit on the universe is also ignorant. I believe in God and I believe in creation, but I also know that it's possible I'm wrong. Do I think I am? Not in the least. But I leave it open as a possibility. You should try it sometime, y'know, having an open mind? It does wonders for the soul. Or shall I say conscience for those of you who don't believe in the soul.

    Also, in debates it is proper etiquette to shake hands and to be open to the other person's belief. Use of words like "stupid" and "idiot" will often get you kicked from a debate.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. SquishyZ3ro
    Details? Links? O.o
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  13. SquishyZ3ro
    Well that's a lovely bit of information. O.o...

    just don't fall asleep. Cause then if you vomit you could choke and die!
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. SquishyZ3ro
    It's harder to learn something the older you get. Most of our parents weren't around to use internet and computers as kids, so they had to learn it the hard way...

    But I agree that if you're gonna be a professional, know more than your students!

    So your dad puts computers together.. Is that his job?
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. SquishyZ3ro
    I think feathered wings are overused. They need to start using bone wings with no flesh/feathers on them. >.>
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. SquishyZ3ro
    I doubt any of you are biologists or geologists. I doubt any of you have personally studied a fossil and identified it as some ancient creature or have studied genetics to find a link between us and some other species. You all keep saying that religious people are just using the bible to base their beliefs on, that they've never personally experienced God, but you yourselves have never personally proven any of the things you believe to be true. All it is is a belief. Just because a scientist says he proved it doesn't mean it's proven.

    Fact is, there is no evidence that is concrete or 100%. Hell, most of the evidence COULD be completely fake, some coverup or conspiracy. Possibilities are endless in this world and nothing is 100%. However, some people choose to believe as such, and that's fine. It doesn't matter if it's belief in religion or science, they've all got the same things in common with eachother. Honestly, I don't see why you guys are insulting eachother's beliefs. This is a debate, not church gathering and not a science function. Stop insulting eachother and stop saying the other people are completely wrong and there's no way it's true. Just stop, seriously.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 18, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. SquishyZ3ro


    Ya'll overcomplicate this. "Beauty" is what makes you like looking at a person. That's it. If you enjoy looking at a person simply because of their looks, they are beautiful to you. There doesn't have to be any provocation due to their muscles or large busts or anything. There doesn't have to be any sexual inclination. If ya like to just LOOK at a person, they're beautiful. Simple as that.
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. SquishyZ3ro
    Now you go on an e-honeymoon, touring to see all the lovely sites!
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. SquishyZ3ro
    "Well, what happened was, I met sasquatch on my way home yesterday and thought, hey, cool, I get to meet sasquatch. Well, turns out he's ot such a nice guy, so we ended up getting into a fight atfer I refuse to shave my head so he had some hair to replace the bald spot he'd been unfornate enough to grow on the top of his skull. So here we are, fighting in the street, and I'm doing everything in my powerful to keep my precious schoolbooks from being damaged beyond repair. So I'm fighting him, and this car comes and slams into us both and we go flying, then fall into a canister of oil. After crawling out, a passing driver throws a still-lit cigarette out the window and catches both me and sasquatch on fire. So after stopping, dropping and rolling, I ran home to get my homework done. When I opened by bag, all my books were half burnt and covered in oil. But that didn't stop me, oh no! I went down to my friend's house to see if he had his books with him, but turns out he got attacke dby sasquatch too and so he was in the hospital doing his homework, and since both of my parents are dead and I'm living alone, I couldn't drive there to get the books...

    And that's why I don't have my homework today."

    "But, Jimmy, I didn't assign any homework last night."

    "Oh, well, just remember that excuse for tomorrow then."
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. SquishyZ3ro
    On a serious note, here's a lovely quote from Martin Luther King, Jr., on love;

    "The meaning of love is not to be confused with some sentimental outpouring. Love is something much more than emotional bosh. An overflowing love which seeks nothing in return, is the love of God operating in the human heart. Love is the most durable power in the world . . . the most potent instrument available in mankind’s quest for peace and security. The great military leaders of the past have gone, and their empires have crumbled and burned to ashes. But the empire of Jesus, built solidly and majestically on the foundation of love, is still growing."
    Post by: SquishyZ3ro, May 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone