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  1. sora_keyblade master
    This is just a little idea I've had in my head after playing both KH and KH2. Sora's character has always interested me, so thus my story was born! I hope you enjoy it!
    Darkness of the Heart


    Into darkness…

    Sora jerked awake, panting and sweating. “Just another dream…†He whispered to himself. Thinking he saw a shadow move, he sat up in bed and threw back the covers. Looking around his messy room, he realized it had been his imagination. Rubbing the back of his neck, he sighed. Feeling a little warm, he threw open his window. Leaning out, he let the cool night breeze caress his face. Suddenly, he felt stifled and knew he needed to get out of his room. Heaving himself onto the windowsill, Sora jumped down onto the ground below. He began to run toward the beach; not noticing a figure in the window of the house next to his.

    Sora tied his little rowboat to the dock on the island. He made his way across the beach, heading toward the usual hang out spot. Climbing over the trunk of the tree, he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, listening to the waves crash against the beach.

    Why were these dreams still happening? It had been such a long time since the events of Hollow Bastion when he had become a heartless to save Kairi. Even though everyone thought him to be this wonderful hero of light, he still had his own issues with the darkness. Just because he had come back from being a heartless, that didn’t mean he didn’t have some sort of reaction to what had happened. Now that there was no more danger around him and he didn’t have to fight all the time, he had more and more time to dwell on his past.
    Back when he and Riku were in the darkness together after defeating Xemnas, he had mentioned to Riku that the darkness might be getting to him. However, all thoughts of that had been driven from his head when he had to help Riku up after he had fallen. Now that they were back in the realm of light, the full memory of his journey through the darkness came back to him.

    Sora shook his head, trying to eradicate the memories for the present at least. There was no way he would be able to permanently erase these memories. He just wished they would stay out of his dreams. Just as he was think he should start to head back and go to bed, he heard some almost inaudible footsteps coming up behind him. Out of habit, Sora’s muscles tensed up and he prepared himself to summon his Keyblade.

    Thread by: sora_keyblade master, Jul 5, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. sora_keyblade master

    Hi there!

    I'm sora_keyblade master and I'm new to the forums. I just started playing Kingdom Hearts a few months ago when a friend told me to play. Right away, I knew I was missing out on something really awesome all these years. My favorite game is Kingdom Hearts 2 for sure! I played Chain of Memories on the gameboy, but I didn't like it, so I'm going to buy the PS2 version hahaha. My favorite character is Sora for sure! Not because he is the main character, but because I just love his character. He may seem young at times, but he really has a deep character. Maybe I should write a story about that!!

    So there we go! There's my KH experience right there.

    I shall end with another HI!!!!!!!!!!! :D
    Thread by: sora_keyblade master, Jun 30, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures