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  1. Danilson
    Hi, its nice to see a forum full of active people! Before I go rambling on, i'll tell you all a small bit about me.
    My name is Dan and i'm from England. I'm 16 and am just about to leave secondary school and have luckily earnt myself a college placement. I enjoy watching and playing Football, this is partly why I have the username I have picked for this forum "Danilson". Its a nickname I have in real life as one of my favourite football players was "Denilson", as my names Dan my friends called me Danilson whilst playing football and its just stuck :) I'll also add that I support the recently relegated Wolves :(( .

    Just thought I would add that I go to school with somebody called Charlotte that is also on this forum, she goes by the name "Shy". :)
    Thread by: Danilson, Jun 12, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures