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  1. Shugo Yuki
    Yeah sorry about this. I'm going to drop out. To be honest. I always forget about this forum because I'm not used to it and don't get me wrong its a lovely forum and I might check in every now and again but I don't think I can handle role playing on this forum as well as the other one I am currently on. I joined this rp for Marly but I can't do it anymore. Sorry. I wont be saving a circus member. I tried to stick it out but my lack of inspiration for this is getting to me and I just don't want to rp this anymore. Loved the idea at first but..... I cant.
    So this is when I bow out.
    Feel free to message me whenever on VO Marly.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Feb 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Shugo Yuki
    The young girl made her way home where she silently kicked off her shoes and looked around the house not before placing her belongings on the kitchen counter. She glanced at the note but knew all to well what it said. Her parents had left the house again and would probably be working all night. She looked at the last of her emails and texts from her phone before climbing into the shower and rinsing off her body to get ready for bed. She would likely never return to that place. Not that she cared much. She wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for anyone or watch some dazzling lights while they went off and blew holes in the tent. Her first impression of the circus was not a good one and she would likely never return.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Feb 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Shugo Yuki
    Yeah I'm fine with it but my character is virtually useless if nobody interacts with her.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Feb 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Shugo Yuki
    Kokoro hadnt realized how long she had actually been sitting there.
    Besides the fact that she had slept through the whole show she was just now receiving the text message from her friends saying how they loved the show and how they would all be heading home. It ticked her off more than anything that she had to be dragged all the way to the show to then be ditched and left here alone under a stupid dirt hole filled circus tent.
    She looked up and realized there had actually been holes in the tent which just proved her statement even more correct then it already had been.
    She let out a sigh and stood up from the chair she had been sleeping in moments prior and walked away from a crowd bustling out now that the show was over. Kokoro figured maybe she could find another way out. She did not feel like being bumped and pushed around again such as like the way she had entered the place.

    She walked down the stairs towards the middle close to where the stage had been and left through the back without being noticed. Luckily she actually didn't care if she was noticed or not she just wanted to leave. She looked around and saw a few of the performers that weren't so amazing... The ones she actually stood partially awake for anyways. She walked by a few of them looking for the exit of this darn place.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Feb 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Shugo Yuki
    I might drop out considering I'm being left behind and I never check the site due to lack of reminders from a friend who asked me to join this rp in the first place.

    In other words I'm not responsible enough to remember to post between numerous after school activities and two different forums LOL.
    But if Marluxia cares to message me on Vocaloid Otaku to catch me up that would be great.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Feb 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shugo Yuki
    Okay... Um sorry for the absence. I had a competition to go to.
    (In which we won gold)
    Anyways. To make this easy on myself. Kokoro was sleeping. Considering that's what I would have done.
    I fall asleep at the worst times.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Shugo Yuki

    Derp Herp.

    That beautiful Nostalgic typing of my Love <3
    Reminds me of my dearest Tavros~
    Thank you kindly for the greet.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Shugo Yuki

    Derp Herp.

    Thanks for the welcome. Ill try my hardest to play nice.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Shugo Yuki

    Derp Herp.

    Indeed. I'm a big fan of yaoi. I also love to write long posts although im too lazy to actually type them if they are unnecessarily. So I tend to half a$$ things.
    It sure is a lot of fun though.
    My favorite yaoi is hard to pick but.
    Manga wise it is tied between Loveless and Gravitation.
    Anime wise it is Junjou Romantic
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Shugo Yuki
    Oh yeah. I also posted.
    And looking at your post. Maybe it would have been a good idea not to foresight on how people would be showing up at the performance.
    Just because I stated in the character skeleton that she had been "dragged by friends" Doesn't mean she was literally dragged lol.
    More like... Shes there to babysit her chicken butt friends who are scared and begged her to go.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Shugo Yuki
    As the last of the Student Council had evacuated the room after a long meeting involving who would be in charge of the disciplinary committee out of four members of the council everyone had unfortunately volunteered Kokoro to do it although she didn't like doing as much work as it looked like she did she had decided to be nice and take the job anyways. The Whole Student council had decided to skip the first few classes and go out for lunch of course asking Kokoro if she wanted to go along. After all it had been her second year in high school so why not skip morning classes and have fun? Being one of the student council members and a classroom representative and on top of all that in charge of the disciplinary committee she was sure she would be able to get away with a few things.
    Kokoro Shimizu wasn't the type to hand out punishments or detention slips to students who had a misbehavior problems which surprised her when she unthinkingly accepted the job offer but she had been the only one out of all of them including a few of the guys that was man enough to speak up for herself and call out people when they where doing something wrong. In truth Kokoro was the type of girl to speak her mind whether it was rude or not. She always had a decent sense of right and wrong and was particularly good at telling one from the other.

    On her way towards the tram station she ran into a couple friends that usually would head the same way but where stopped and had been chatting nervously.

    "Hey guys, Whats all the hush hush about hmm?"
    The small group of teenagers looked at her with bright smiles as they surrounded her withing a few minutes of her arrival.
    "Shimizu-Chan!" one of them said as another one shushed her impatiently.
    "We where all thinking about heading over to that Circus event thingy that came into town and we where totally wondering if you like, wanted to come with us!"
    "I-I dunno guys... That doesn't really sound like fun... Its just gonna be some lame even with a bunch of kids and their parents drooling over a bunch of stupid clowns."
    "No Way Shimizu! I heard there where all these creepy freaky looking people and they have these super awesome weird talents! But I guess truth is we are all scared to lead the way and where wondering since... your like super brave if maybe like... you could lead the way...?"
    "Alright I guess... I guess we can go, But I don't want to have to hold anyone's hand or babysit them you hear? I'm not your mommy..."
    As the crowd of friends excitingly made their way away from the tram station they slowly found their way into the dark forest where the event was apparently going to be held. After a while of looking around at random booths the group slowly began disolving. Each member leaving to fill their curiosity of the circus. Not before long Kokoro stood in silence watching the last of her friends waddle away like a hipnotized clone.
    Kokoro searched around over the vast groups of people and carnival folk entering the giant tent waiting for the event to start. For the most part the young girl had found the whole place to be rather lame, and on top of all the lameness sucking up what she considered her 'good mood' her friends had ditched her.
    "Lovely sight..." She said as she watched a female performer pass by in a ruffled skirt on stilts so she had been able to get a clear view up her skirt and at her panties.
    Kokoro looked around the crowd amongst the children and adults once more to see if she could spot any one of her 'friends' who had so graciously ditched her in dark woodland forest. She gripped the shoulder strap on her backpack and started walking into the large circus tent along with everyone else, on her way in she had been bumped, squished, pushed, and shoved. On top of her "good mood" the only thing Kokoro wanted to do more than anything now was start smacking people with her bag and stomp on toes like a child.
    Kokoro hadn't been the tallest of girls nor was she the thinnest, What she made up for those flaws had been a busty chest and a childhood doing martial arts with her father.
    She remembered when she wasn't such an angry person and she would actually laugh and smile. Her father and mother would spend time at home and they would all actually spend family time together.
    She desperately missed those days and wished they would come back, unfortunately she knew all to well that her parents would never get together again and she would be forced to spend every weekend at her fathers home and the week days with her mother. Not like weekends or week days particularly mattered considering they both worked all day to support her and she spent her time alone either studying or staring at the ceiling fan turn.
    Kokoro came back to the current situation at hand and looked around the inside of the tent, it had certainly been larger than she expected. It looked a lot different from the outside and had certainly been more colorful. Based on the group that had been piling in through the entry of the fun sized circus tent. She sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked around. She certainly hoped she would be able to find one of her dumbstruck friends through this crowd.
    "This is not what I signed up for..."
    She sighed once more before walking through the isles and looking around trying to spot at least one familiar face.
    By the time she sat down from exhaustion and put a finger to her temple in annoyance her phone began to chime a familiar ring. The one she had set specifically for text messages.
    She pulled her phone from her bag by the panda cell strap.
    "Hey, Where are you? Why did you leave?"
    She gave out an exasperated grunt.
    "I didn't leave you bafoon! Everyone of you wondered off. And besides like I said I'm not your damn mom. I'm not going to hold your hand all day. Meet me at the entrance later after the show."
    She closed her phone furiously biting her lip. No way in hell did she want to sit through the dang show but it didn't really matter much. What was an hour of her time anyways? It would probably just be about some freaks with paper horns glued to their foreheads to make everyone believe they had been "special". The whole concept of a freak show had been unconvincing to her. She didn't particularly enjoy the circus or carnival or any man in clown makeup coming anywhere near her.
    She felt her eyes getting baggy before long. After a while Kokoro had begun to patiently wait for the darn show to begin, In her mind the faster the show started the faster it would end and the faster she would be able to leave this dirty tarp they called a circus tent. The only thing she had been interested in about the whole endeavor was the curiosity to see if they would have elephants or the high wire people.
    She had slowly begun to doze off until she heard an anxious little boy demanding his father to make the show start. She jumped up slightly and pushed herself up in her seat lightly.
    She looked around once more gazing over all the faces before resting her head into her hand in boredom waiting for the event to start.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Shugo Yuki
    Oh just to let you know... Kokoro is a second of three years in traditional Japanese high school.
    Just because shes 16 and the youngest of all the characters doesn't label her as a first year.
    She could turn 17 in three months for all we know.
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Shugo Yuki
  14. Shugo Yuki

    Derp Herp.

    Hey.... Im Shugo Yuki. Im not telling you my real name so have at that.
    Im a roleplayer and I live Vocaloid as well as Kingdom Hearts.
    I can proudly say I beat Kingdom Hearts two within Three hours of the first day it was released.
    I am a big Square Enix fan.
    About me: I Love Homestuck. TavrosDave<3
    Im obviously an Otaku.
    I was invited to this thread by Marluxia(Insert number here) Something or other.
    Its nice to meet you guys I guess....
    Favorite KH character: Aqua. Purely for the fact she is the first useful female character that you can fight with during the plot and I love magic based attacks.
    Yaoi is a favorite.
    Bara is extremely enjoyable.

    I come here from
    Not trying to link or advertise just putting that there for clarification.

    If you have something to say about me.
    Say it to my face. (via typage pm.)

    Yup... I also like Glee and I can be a huge ***** :B
    Enjoy me while I'm kind.

    I wont hate you for no purpose though and I have no reason to hate anyone yet. But the time will come.... Oh yes...
    So for now... Its nice to meet you all.
    Thread by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 28, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Shugo Yuki
    I Came to see Dark Woods Circus
    My name is: Shimizu, Kokoro
    But you can call me: Kokoro
    I am: 16
    History?: Lives the life of a normal teenager. She excels in her classes and is the representative of her homeroom.
    I came to Dark Woods Circus cause: Friends dragged her along
    I'm a savior?!: Perhaps
    This color is my favorite: Plum
    Post by: Shugo Yuki, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home