Search Results

  1. Axel12
    Well, it's back to school, so i'm hosting a contest to see who can draw the best school-based Kingdom Hearts drawing. Me, and two other judges will decide two months from now which one is the best.
    Thread by: Axel12, Aug 18, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Axel12
    Take the quiz below and post your answers, and I'll get back to you with your results.

    What weapon would you prefer?
    Dark evilness will do fine...
    I don't want/need a weapon, thanks
    My homemade weapon. It's quite powerful, you know
    My magical wand
    My defensive shield
    My trusty blade.

    Where did you come from?
    Destiny Islands
    Disney Castle
    I didn't come from anywhere... I was made

    What role would you like to play in this game?
    The lead character/ knight in shining armor
    The captain of the royal knights/ the defense man
    The magical wizard/ healer
    The rogue/ one seeking to fulfill my curiousity
    The princess in distress/ extra luggage
    The bad guy

    There's a monster... how will you defeat it?
    *poof* Use magic and potions. I do more of the healing rather than the defeating
    Charge it! *trips*
    Bust out my blade and slash the monster away
    I would first see if it's a threat or not; then go on from there
    I wouldn't be in this fight in the first place
    I am the monster...

    What would you like to do in your lifetime?
    Spread darkness to every world
    To live happily ever after with the ones I love
    To satisfy my curiousty with the truth
    To be the court wizard and loyal servant
    To be the best captain of the best knights
    To save the good from the bad and live in peace

    Describe yourself (Choose from 2 to 6)
    Needs justice
    Calm/ Collected
    Mentally strong
    Mindless drone
    Thread by: Axel12, Sep 17, 2007, 113 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Axel12
  4. Axel12
    This is basically a huge trivia that only #1 fans will know. I will ask one question every weekday for 10 weeks at 5:00 PM Pacific Time, 6:00 PM Mountain Time, 7:00 PM Central Time, and 8:00 PM Eastern Time. 6:00 PM Pacific Time, 7:00 PM Mountain Time, 8:00 PM Central Time, and 9:00 PM Eastern Time at the latest, starting August 20th, and ending October 26th. Who ever gets the most questions right, will be declared Kingdom Hearts Fan #1!!!!!


    NO using books, websites, or anything but your brain.
    You will have to be the first one to answer the question.
    You will have to get the exact answer mentioned in the game.
    If you get the answer right, you gain a point.
    You can't make your own questions. They have to be from me.

    This is supposed to be fun, so please don't ruin it for the others.

    VideoGameNerd246: 1
    Goimez: 1
    axel6123: 4
    eastercat: 1
    Xemnas7355: 3
    hitna3510: 12
    Xigbar: 1
    tummer73: 13:THE WINNER!!!
    Nymph of Destiny: 1
    Thebazilly: 8
    Wabba: 1
    Thread by: Axel12, Aug 19, 2007, 418 replies, in forum: The Playground